Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1411: Kick the marble (one more)

   Chapter 1411 Smashing marble with one kick (one more)

   may be too shocked, Shen Wenqian's voice shouted splits.

   Ruan Qi's hand holding the phone was numb from the shock.

   She put her phone on the coffee table and smiled at the video, "Brother Shen, calm down, calm down."

"...I can't calm down." Shen Wenqian's voice was trembling, "That's more than 30% of Fengyu's shares! I've never seen so much money in my dreams! Ruan Xiaoqi, how on earth did you do it? ?"

   Ruan Qi: "It's very simple. People have weaknesses, especially Dong's family. Everyone has a black history. As long as they grasp this evidence, they will naturally hand over the shares obediently."

   "It's as simple as that? No one symbolically resists?"

   Ruan Qi: "Yes. Dong Qicheng's uncle wants the bodyguard to beat me."

   "Hit you?!" Shen Wenqian's voice rose instantly, "Then how are you? Are you injured? Do you want to call the police?"

   "No need, Brother Shen, I'm not injured. Those bodyguards were all taken care of by me."

"Solved?" Shen Wenqian was stunned for a moment, suddenly remembering the little girl's perverted force value, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart, "Ruan won't maim them, will you? You are a public figure, in case they Expose you..."

   "Oh, Brother Shen, where did you think? I'm not that violent. I didn't even start with them."

  Shen Wenqian: "No action? Then how did you solve it?"

   "It's very simple." The little girl smiled sweetly, "I smashed Dong Qicheng's uncle's marble coffee table in front of all of them."

  Shen Wenqian: "..."

"Then the coffee table costs hundreds of thousands," the little girl continued with an innocent face, "I want to compensate Dong Qicheng to his uncle, but the other party doesn't want money. But I'm a public figure, how can I leave such a handle? ? So I used my mobile phone to hack into Dong Qicheng's uncle's bank account and transfer the reparations to him."

   Shen Wenqian: "... After you transferred the money, what was Dong Qicheng's uncle's reaction?"

   "I'm very happy," the little girl smiled innocently, "Just kneel down for me when you're happy."

  Shen Wenqian: "..."

  You smashed the marble coffee table with one foot, and then hacked into their bank account in front of others, and you came and went freely as if the account system was your own back garden.

  ... Ruan Xiaoqi, are you sure that Dong Qicheng's uncle knelt down for you because he was happy?

   His own artist is too sturdy, and the manager surnamed Shen has a very complicated mood.

He rubbed his face hard, and tried to delete the image of Ruan Xiaoqi kicking the marble coffee table from his mind, and then he said, "Now you have 33% of the shares in your hands, plus Jinhua's previous acquisition. , a total of fifty-one percent. We are now Fengyu's largest shareholder."

   "That's not enough." Ruan Qi slowly shook his head, "If you want to merge Fengyu, you must be 100% controlled."

  However, 100% holding is very difficult.

   Because the remaining forty-nine percent of the shares are all in the hands of Dong Wei and Dong Qicheng and his son.

"Dong Qicheng is stupid, it shouldn't be difficult to get the shares out of his hands. But Xiao Qi," Shen Wenqian frowned, "Dong Wei has a very deep mind. Although he has been arrested now, people outside will definitely Send him a message. I guess Dong Wei should already know that you did what the Dong family did."

   "I know, I didn't want to hide it from him."

   (end of this chapter)

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