Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1418: I'm Xi Jiu's girlfriend

   Chapter 1418 I am Xi Jiu's girlfriend

  Ruan Qi's question directly hit Dong Wei's sore spot.

   Dong Wei's expression changed slightly.

   Ruan Qi laughed softly when he saw his reaction, "It seems that the family leader Dong already knows what the Xi family is talking about."

   Dong Wei naturally knew.

   Although he was in the detention center, the news from outside did not stop.

   Just a day ago, the Xi family, the first family in the imperial capital, suddenly made a statement to the entire family circle, not allowing everyone to manage the affairs of the Dong family.

   As soon as the news was released, the whole circle was amazed.

   You must know that although the Dong family is also a century-old wealthy family, compared to the Xi family at the top of the pyramid, it is completely different.

  Because of the huge disparity in strength, the Dong family didn't even have a chance to curry favor with the Xi family, let alone offend the Xi family.

  Since the Dong family and the Xi family have no grudges, why did the Xi family suddenly call on the entire family circle not to get involved in the Dong family's affairs? He even bluntly said that helping the Dong family is an enemy of the Xi family?

   Isn't this a proper way to send the Dong family to die?

   Everyone was puzzled, and Dong Wei, who received this news, was like a bolt from the blue, and the whole person was stunned by the bad news.

   For the Dong family, the Xi family is an insurmountable mountain. Now that the mountain is about to be crushed, the Dong family ants don't even know why they died.

   Dong Wei didn't understand. He wanted to break his head and couldn't understand why the Xi family suddenly targeted the Dong family.

   Could it be that Dong Qicheng offended the Xi family unintentionally?

  Dong Wei spent a whole night in the detention center thinking about it, but couldn't come up with an answer. But he knew that no matter what the reason was for the Xi family to deal with the Dong family, the Dong family was completely over.

   And the shares in his hands are indeed as Ruan Qi said, he dares to sell them, but no one dares to buy them.

  No one would offend the Xi family for such a petty profit.

   Therefore, these shares of his, either smashed in his hands, or... can only be sold to Ruan Qi.

   Wanting to understand this, Dong Wei's face turned gloomy again.

He looked at Ruan Qi who was sitting across from him, squinted his eyes, and said unwillingly: "Others are afraid of offending the Xi family and dare not buy my shares. What about you? Aren't you afraid that the Xi family will deal with you? The Xi family is external. Let it go, no one is allowed to meddle in the Dong family's affairs!"

   Dong Wei's original intention of asking this question was to scare Ruan Qi. After all, the Xi family is too powerful. Ruan Qi, a 20-year-old girl, would definitely be afraid.

   However, Ruan Qi's reaction disappointed him.

   Not only was the little girl not afraid, but she suddenly smiled with her eyebrows curved.

  Dong Wei was bewildered by her laugh, "What are you laughing at?"

"Because I'm happy." Ruan Xiaoqi's smile seemed to be covered with honey, sweet and soft, "Patriarch Dong, you don't have to worry so much about me. The Xi family will deal with everyone, but only me. ~”

   The little girl's tone was so arrogant that Shen Wenqian, who was sitting beside him, felt his teeth sour.

   But Dong Wei didn't understand what she meant.

   He sneered indifferently, and sneered: "Why won't the Xi family deal with you? Because you are good-looking? Or because you have many fans?"

   "Neither." Ruan Qi shook his head.

   Then, in Dong Wei's sarcastic smile, she slowly added the next sentence: "Because I'm Xi Jiu's girlfriend!"

   Xijiu's girlfriend!



  The air suddenly solidified.


  Dong Wei was suddenly stunned.


   Dong Wei was suddenly surprised.


   Dong Wei's expression crumbled crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   The degree of ferociousness is like seeing a ghost.

  Shen Wenqian: "..."

  It is a pity not to join the entertainment circle with this emotionally charged acting.

   Dong Wei: Cognition is gradually collapsing.



   (end of this chapter)

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