Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1419: Don't be dizzy, bookmark the transfer

   Chapter 1419 Don't get dizzy, bookmark the assignment

   Dong Wei couldn't believe what he heard.

  What did Ruan Qi just say?

   Whose girlfriend is she? !

   Xijiu's? !

  Dong Wei's first reaction was that he didn't believe it, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered the news that had been spreading wildly in the circle——

  Some people say that the person at the helm of the Xi family has a girlfriend, and that girl is an entertainer in the entertainment industry.

  Some people said that the helm of the Xi family loved his girlfriend so much that he was afraid of falling when he held it in his hand.

   Dong Wei sneered when he heard these rumors.

   The Xi family is the first family. As the helm of the Xi family, what kind of woman has you never seen before?

   In love with a female artist? What an international joke!

  Dong Wei didn't believe that the powerful Xi Jiu would engage in love affairs, so he didn't take those rumors seriously.

  But now, looking at Ruan Qi who was sitting opposite, a terrible guess suddenly appeared in his mind——

   Xijiu's girlfriend is a female artist, and Ruan Qi is also a female artist.


  ...The rumor in the circle is true.

   Xijiu's girlfriend is really Ruan Qi!

   This is the only way to explain why the Xi family, who has never been in contact with the Dong family, suddenly spoke out, not allowing everyone to help the Dong family.

  Because that was Xi Jiu venting his anger for his girlfriend!

  Dong Wei finally understood everything.

   He looked at Ruan Qi in disbelief, his head buzzing as if struck by lightning.

   "You..." His lips trembled a few times, "Are you really Xi Jiu's girlfriend?"

   Ruan Qi nodded with a smile: "If it's a fake replacement~"

   Dong Wei's face instantly paled.

   He struggled to support his shaky body, and then asked: "The plan and funds for the acquisition of Fengyu were also provided by the Xi family?"

  Until now, Dong Wei still believes that Ruan Qi is only twenty years old, without background and no backing, it is impossible to leverage the entire Dong family by himself.

   He felt that, in all likelihood, Xi Jiu was behind the scenes.

   However, Ruan Qi's answer greatly exceeded his expectations.

"No." The little girl shook her head with a smile, "It's me who dealt with the Dong family, and the Xi family has never been involved. Dong family master, don't deceive yourself. Although your Dong family is a wealthy family, in my eyes, It's nothing, and it's not worth letting Jiujiu do it, I can do it with just one little finger."

   The little girl's taunting skills are fully activated, and every word is poking at Dong Wei's heart.

  Dong Wei's blood pressure soared when he was ridiculed, and his eyes went black, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

   "You, you... You are so young, your tone is so big!"

   When the little girl heard the words, her brows could not help wrinkling, "Have a big tone?"

   She opened her mouth and sighed into her palm. After smelling it, she puffed out angrily.

"Patriarch Dong, you are so old, how can you talk nonsense?" The little girl's tone was full of accusations, "I brush my teeth every day, and my mouth is well protected, and there is no breath at all! It's Patriarch Dong, haven't you been for several days? Have you brushed your teeth? Even in the detention center, you should pay attention to personal hygiene! I can smell it from sitting so far away!"

  Dong Wei: "..."

  Dong Wei's blood pressure really soared this time.

   He grabbed his chest with one hand, and pointed at Ruan Qi with the other hand trembling, "You, you, you" for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

   Ruan Qi was a little worried that Dong Wei would faint when he saw Dong Wei being so angry.

   She pushed the equity transfer book in front of him, "Patriarch Dong, don't get dizzy yet. Bookmark this transfer. After signing it, I'll give you two injections to lower your blood pressure, and treat your breath by the way."

   (end of this chapter)

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