Chapter 1422 Divided

   Dong Qicheng felt that he must have been in the detention center for too long and had hallucinations.

  Otherwise, how could he hear such fantastic news?

  Wind Entertainment Group is now Ruan Qi's?

   What are you kidding?

   Ruan Qi is just a little star, her aunt Ruan Chunhua used to work in Fengyu. How could such a civilian girl with no family background and no background be able to grab the wind and entertainment?

   Maybe it was out of self-deception, or because he really didn't believe it, Dong Qicheng laughed sarcastically.

   He smiled and looked at the equity transfer contract on the table, "Hahaha! Is Fengyu yours? You..."

   Before he finished speaking, he saw the signature on the top contract.

  ——Dong Wei.

   Dong Qicheng's voice suddenly stopped.

   He stared blankly at Dong Wei's handwritten signature, as if he was stupid, not even blinking his eyes.

   "It looks like Dong Ershao recognizes your father's autograph?" Ruan Qi smiled and picked up the contract, unfolded all the signature pages, and pushed it to Dong Qicheng's side.

   Dong Qicheng's gaze was fixed on the signature page.

"This is impossible……"

   He shook his head in disbelief, and the blood on his face disappeared little by little.

  Suddenly, he pushed the policeman who was holding him away, flew forward, threw his upper body on the table, and grabbed the contract with both hands.

   "...43% of the shares...transferred to Party B with compensation...Dong Wei..."

   Dong Qicheng read out the contents of the contract word by word in a hoarse voice. Every time he uttered a word, his body trembled violently.

   After reading the last word 'Dong Wei', Dong Qicheng's face was completely bloodless.

   "It's impossible... How could my dad give the equity to others? I don't believe it! It's impossible!!!"

   Dong Qicheng's spirit began to collapse.

   He held the contract incoherently for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Ruan Qi with split eyes.

"What means did you use?! Lawyer Zhang said you were Xi Jiu's girlfriend, and you must have let the Xi family put pressure on my dad! It must be you! You bitch, I'm going to kill you! !!"

   Dong Wei lost his shares, and Dong Qicheng, his son, also lost his right of inheritance.

   This bad news is tantamount to the end of the world for Dong Qicheng, who relies on his father for food, and completely defeated his reason.

   He rushed towards Ruan Qi like crazy, but before he could get close, the police forcefully pressed him to the ground.

   "Let go of me! Ruan Qi! You bitch! How dare you take Fengyu's power! Fengyu belongs to the Dong family! It's mine!!!"

  Dong Qicheng struggled frantically on the ground, all kinds of unpleasant swear words spewed out of his mouth.

   Shen Wenqian didn't want the little girl to hear these unpleasant words, and reached out to block Dong Qicheng's mouth.

   Ruan Qi raised his hand to stop him.

   "Brother Shen, let him scold him." She looked at Dong Qicheng with a smile, "Dong Ershao's appearance should be the 'incompetent fury' that is said on the Internet?"

   Dong Qicheng's voice paused, followed by a series of even more unpleasant scolding.

   Ruan Qi, who was scolded, was not angry at all.

She pulled the chair over and sat down, and then slowly said in Dong Qicheng's scolding: "Twenty percent of Fengyu Group's shares were successfully acquired by Jinhua, and the rest of the shares are all in my hands. Dong Ershao, I'm here this time because I want you to sell your shares to me."

   "You are dreaming!" Dong Qicheng, who was scolding, immediately counterattacked, "I will never sell my shares to you!"

   Ruan Qi laughed when he heard what he said.

"Er Shao Dong really has a lot of strength," she said with her elbows on the armrest of the chair, her cheeks and eyebrows raised, "As for me, I always pay attention to your love and my wishes in business. Dong Er Shao doesn't want to sell shares, I can't force it either. If that's the case, then..."

   "Let's split up."

   Dong Qicheng's scolding stopped, "Separate?!"

   "That's right." Ruan Qi looked at him with a smile, "Have you heard of Dong Ershao, the branch of the company? Since you don't want to give me the equity, then I'll just split you out and set up a new branch!"

   Dong Qicheng's face suddenly turned green.

   As we all know, if a company wants to split up, it needs the consent of more than two-thirds of the shareholders.

   Now, Fengyu Group has a total of three shareholders - Ruan Qi, Dong Qicheng, and Jinhua Entertainment.

   Ruan Qi and Jinhua Entertainment are in the same group. If Ruan Qi wants to split up, Jinhua Entertainment must vote for it.

   Two-thirds of the shareholders passed the proposal, so Dong Qicheng, whether he was happy or not, had to separate from Fengyu and set up a separate portal.

   And Dong Qicheng only has 6% of Fengyu's shares.

   Even the current market price of this 6% share is a huge sum of money, but Dong Qi is a dude who depends on his father for food, and he can't do anything, and the Dong family has collapsed again. He went out today to set up a new portal, and tomorrow he would have to be eaten alive by major families.

   Until then, let alone money, Dong Qicheng may not even be able to save his life.

   I have to say that Ruan Qi's move directly hit Dong Qicheng's seven inches.

  Dong Qicheng's face turned blue and then white, he held it back for a long time, and gritted his teeth, "Despicable!"

   Ruan Qi accepted his 'compliment' with a smile.

   "Overwhelmed." She looked at Dong Qicheng with crooked eyebrows, "Compared to Dong Ershao's smearing and framing in the Miao Mengmeng incident, I was taken care of, I am so despicable, sprinkle water~"

   (end of this chapter)

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