Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1423: Ruan Qi took the civil servant exam

   Chapter 1423 Ruan Qi Examination of Civil Servants

   Dong Qicheng's expression froze when he heard the words Miao Mengmeng.

   His eyes flickered a few times, then looked away and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

   Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows noncommittally as he looked at his guilty conscience.

"I don't know, I don't know, anyway, the kk Xiaotiantian who smeared me and Cheng Jinyan's relationship with Feng Qin has been arrested. By the way, Dong Ershao, after you are sentenced, say you will be with him. Prison? If we meet, it should be considered a rush?"

  This idea is very fresh and refined, and Dong Qicheng's face turns green decisively.

   Ruan Qi smiled happily, and stopped talking about kk Xiaotiantian and Miao Mengmeng, took out a blank equity transfer contract and put it on the table.

"Er Young Master Dong," she ordered the contract and looked condescendingly at Dong Qicheng, who was pinned to the ground by the police, "I'm very busy, and I don't have much time for you to waste. From now until the end of the visit, there are still ten minutes. I hope you You can think about it in these ten minutes, whether you want money or death."

   After she finished speaking, she turned on her phone to count down and set a ten-minute time limit.

  The visiting room was quiet.

   Dong Qicheng was pressed to the ground by the police, and his right face was stuck on the dirty ground.

   From his angle, he could just see the little white shoes on Ruan Qi's feet, as well as the pair of evenly slender calves.

   Dong Qicheng looked at the legs, and somehow suddenly remembered the first time he and Ruan Qi met in a restaurant a year ago.

   What did Ruan Xuanhua say at that time?

   She said that Ruan Qi was a beautiful niece, but her background was not good. Although he was admitted to Imperial College, his parents were both farmers, and he would have no future prospects. After graduating, the best you can do is to take the exam as a civil servant, or to join a company as an employee. Instead of this, it is better to follow him, Dong Ershao, at least not to waste the young capital and that face.

   Dong Qicheng remembered that after he heard these words, he felt that Ruan Chunhua was very aware of current affairs, and also felt that Ruan Qi was indeed with his ancestral grave.

   However, he never dreamed that Ruan Qi, who Ruan Chunhua said "has no future, his parents are farmers, and at best is a civil servant", would bring him and Dong Jiaken to this point.

   Thinking about the glory of the Dong family, and thinking about what happened in the past few days, Dong Qicheng just felt like a dream.

   "Let go of me, I have something to say." He said suddenly.

   The policeman who pressed him saw that he was in a stable mood, so he got up and let go.

   Dong Qicheng climbed up from the ground with difficulty, took two staggering steps, and fell down on the chair.

  He looked at Ruan Qi who was sitting opposite him, his face sank, and he asked the first question in a hoarse voice.

   "What's your relationship with the Xi family?"

   Ruan Qi didn't expect that his first question would ask this, he was surprised, and then replied with a smile, "Xi Jiu is my fiancé."

   Dong Qicheng's complexion changed dramatically.

   Lawyer Zhang told him that Xi Jiu had a girlfriend, but he just thought it was an ordinary lover relationship.

   But he didn't think that Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu had already talked about getting married!

   No wonder the Xi family would speak out and not allow everyone to help the Dong family. It turned out to be because Ruan Qi was the future Mistress of the Xi family!

   Dong Qicheng's head buzzed.

   He remembered what Ruan Chunhua had said.

  What no background, what ordinary girl, what parents are farming, all the shit!

   At best, consider a civil servant?

   Civil servants of Kaunima!

   Ruan Xuanhua I see you as a civil servant!

   of the underworld!

   (end of this chapter)

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