Chapter 1433 Give fans a chance

   This is the first time Ruan Qi has come to Y country since her debut, and it is also the first time she has come into contact with foreign fans. Naturally, she wants to meet everyone.

  So, under the protection of Mo Lan and Hema and Xi Xi, Ruan Qi took the team and left the ordinary passage.


   At this time, in the lobby outside the airport pick-up port, more than 200 marshmallows stood quietly and neatly on both sides of the passage.

   They have different eye colors and different languages, but the same name is written on the support cards in their hands.

   "Ruanbao's flight has already landed. If she comes out of it in a while, please don't make any noise or make trouble. You must obey the order and don't embarrass Ruanbao, you know?!"

  The senior lady of the Lun City Support Association warned everyone in Chinese and English. After she finished speaking, she felt uneasy and translated it in other languages.

  The passers-by who passed by heard multiple languages ​​and looked over in shock.

   Are the current groupies so awesome?

   Can speak the languages ​​of so many countries.

   This cultural level is too high, right? Whose fans are you?

  Everyone followed the light signs raised by fans. On the colorful light signs, various names of Ruan Qi were written in various languages, and her photos were also posted.

   Ruan Qi?

   The name sounds familiar.

  Passers-by thought for a while, and finally remembered who Ruan Qi was.

what! It's the Chinese singer who sang "One Thought"!

   Has she come to London?

   The song "One Thought" is really good, and there are really good singers and fans!

  The Marshmallows had no idea that their performance had given Ruan Qi a wave of fans. Everyone stood quietly outside the airport, with excitement and anticipation in their eyes.

  In the landing hall, passengers who just got off the plane began to push their luggage out.

  The marshmallows stretched their necks, looking for Ruan Qi in the crowd with burning eyes.

   At this moment, a small team of about 20 people, wearing masks and sunglasses, walked out of the corner full of aura.

  Because the pick-up port is far away from the group of people, they are wearing masks and cannot see their faces. Seeing that their aura was so powerful, many Marshmallows subconsciously thought it was Ruan Qi's team, and wanted to shout when they opened their mouths.

  The senior lady of the support club who was standing at the front felt that something was wrong, and quickly raised her hand to stop everyone from screaming.

   "Wait a minute, that doesn't seem to be a soft treasure!"

Everyone:? ? ?

   "Isn't it Ruan Ruan?" Another senior executive of the support club turned on the camera of his mobile phone and zoomed in on the wave of people, " doesn't seem to be Ruan Ruanbao."

   The marshmallows whose screams had already rolled to the tip of their tongues immediately swallowed their tongues and voices back.

   At the same time, someone in the small team of 20 people that everyone mistakenly thought was Ruan Qi let out a chuckle.

   "Aisha is really popular. Our itinerary to Lun City is kept secret, and there are even fans picking up the plane. Aisha, have you seen your loyal subjects?"

   The tall blond woman walking in the center of the team put down her phone, raised her head and glanced at the pick-up port, frowning indistinctly.

   "I'm not wearing makeup."

"What does it matter? Wear a mask and glasses, no one will see your plain face. Dear Miss Aisha, those fans have been humbled and waited for a long time just to see you. You should give them a chance ."

   The tall blond woman hesitated for a moment when she heard the agent's words, and finally nodded reluctantly.

   "Okay, I give them this honor."

Marshmallow:? ? ?



   (end of this chapter)

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