Chapter 1434 The stupidity of fans

  Aisha put on her sunglasses, raised her chin slightly, and led the team to the airport with proud strides.

   And at the same time, behind them, another group of a dozen people appeared in the landing hall.

   "There are a lot of fans picking up the plane, do you want to wear a mask?"

   "No need, Brother Shen."

   "But you're not wearing makeup..."

   "When did I see a pick-up fan wearing makeup? Brother Shen, you have to believe in everyone's love for me. Even if I have acne on my face, the marshmallows will treat me like a baby! They love my soul!"

  Shen Wenqian: "..."

   Shen Wenqian was shocked by Ruan Qi's fallacy.

He twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, and sighed resignedly, "Okay, you are good-looking, you are right. By the way, you can't get too excited when you meet the fans later, don't rush up to chat with them, and also You are not allowed to die and refuse to leave. Ruan Xiaoqi, if you dare to let yourself go, I will commit suicide on the spot!"

   Ruan Qi: "...Brother Shen, life is precious."

   "I don't care!" Shen Wenqian lowered his voice and said, "You are now a popular actress who has gone abroad, and you must keep the force for me. Will you listen to me? If you don't listen, I will kill myself immediately!"


   Ruan Qi was shocked by the unreasonable behavior of his agent.

   In order to avoid bloodshed at Lun City Airport, she had to agree to Shen Wenqian's request and work hard to be a compelling female star.

   A group of people pushed their suitcases and went out.

   In front of them, Elsa and her group also walked quickly to the airport.

  Because Elsa's team had more people, Ruan Qi's small team was strictly blocked behind. It was not until they approached the airport pick-up port that the fans standing outside saw Ruan Qi, who was facing the sky.

   The marshmallows who saw idols for the first time hummed in their heads, and they were all stunned.

They looked at the girl who came towards them, with her small face the size of a slap, her calm but stunning facial features, and peach blossom eyes with warmth and smiles. There seemed to be an electric current in everyone's heart, and they rushed towards The top of the head, the whole body was numb.

  Because they were too surprised, all the fans lost their voices for a while and looked at Ruan Qi dumbfounded.

   "Haha, Elsa, did you see how stupid those fans are? They look at you stupid!"

   "Elsa, go say hi to them and make them go crazy for you!"

  Instigated by the agent and assistant, Elsa raised her chin proudly, raised her hand, and waved her hand arrogantly at the airport.

   At the same time, Ruan Qi, who was closely behind her, also waved enthusiastically in the same direction.

   Marshmallow received the enthusiasm of her idol, and her sanity finally returned to the cage.

  The airport was quiet for a second, and then a deafening scream exploded.

   Elsa's lips curled in satisfaction when she heard this warm scream. She raised her hand and was about to say hello again when the fans outside the pick-up port suddenly called out a name collectively——

   "Ruan Qi!!!"

   "Soft treasure ah ah ah! I saw the live soft treasure!!"

   "Seven! omg! myqueen! myqueen!"

   Countless shouts and screams were mixed together, and finally, gradually, they all turned into the word 'Ruan Qi'.

   "Ruan Qi! Ruan Qi! Ruan Qi!"

   Whether it is a fan of China or a foreign country, at this moment, they all shouted this name.

   A unified and powerful cry shook the entire airport.

   Ruan Qi smiled slowly when he saw this scene.

   And Elsa, who was still raising her arms to say hello, the smile on her face slowly solidified.

   (end of this chapter)

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