Chapter 1435 Abuse

   The smugness on the faces of the manager and assistant who followed Elsa also froze.

   Their eyes slowly moved up, and finally landed on the light sign raised by the fans.

   - Ruan Qi.

   These two words are written in different languages ​​on the light sign.

  So...these fans didn't come to pick up Elsa at all? But to pick up what Ruan Qi?

   They got the wrong fans!

   Wanting to understand this, Elsa's team is caught in a mysterious embarrassment.

   All the staff looked at Aisha carefully, Aisha's face had turned from pride to darkness.

   She pursed her lips and looked gloomily at the well-ordered fans outside the airport. A fragrant wind suddenly drifted past her.

   She turned her head subconsciously, and saw a girl with a plain face but a very beautiful appearance, jogging towards the airport with a smile.

   And those fans also burst into more enthusiastic screams at the same time.

   "Soft Treasure! Ah ah ah Ruan Bao is running towards me!!!"

   "Ruanbao without makeup is so beautiful! Huaguo fans really didn't lie, Ruanbao's looks are yyds!"

   "Soft treasure is so cute! Ouch! I'm going to die! I'm going to die!"

  Although the support club has repeatedly warned against screaming, when the fresh little girl appeared in front of them, everyone still couldn't control their emotions.

   Ruan Qi trotted to the airport, raised his index finger to his mouth, and made a silent gesture.

   "Shh! Everyone be quiet, don't disturb other people."

   The over-excited marshmallows quickly covered their mouths, trying hard not to scream.

   Ruan Qi saw everyone being so obedient, a sweet smile immediately appeared on his little face.

   She walked out of the airport under the protection of Mo Lan and several others, and stopped in front of the fans.

   "It's the first time I saw you all, thank you for coming to pick me up~"

  The little girl said, bent down and bowed to everyone, then straightened up and stretched out her hand with a smile, "Refill!~"

   A careful heart flew out of the fingertips, and the Marshmallows wanted to scream again.

   But fortunately, everyone is still a little sensible, trying to keep their mouths shut to prove that they are good cotton candy with obedience and quality.

   "Soft treasure, welcome to Lun City."

  The senior lady of the support club who was standing in front handed Ruan Qi the bouquet in her arms.

   Ruan Qi took it with a smile, "Thank you, everyone is attentive. How long have you been waiting at the airport?"

   "It won't be long, more than an hour. As long as we can see you, everyone will not be tired of waiting for a long time!"

  The words of the senior lady made Ruan Qi feel sour and soft. Holding the flower, she bowed to everyone again.

   "Thank you, I will continue to work hard. Although Y country is far away from China, I will always remember you. Please stay with me all the time!~"

   The little girl's voice was soft and sweet, her tone was sincere and sincere, and all the marshmallows present couldn't help but red-eyed.

   "Soft treasure, don't worry, we will always be with you."

   "Yes, yes. There were so many people on the Internet who smeared you before, but I didn't take off your fans. I will never take off fans in my life. My cub is the best!"

   "Soft Treasure can fly with confidence, Marshmallow keeps chasing! Whoever takes off the powder first is a dog, and Marshmallow will never be a dog!"

   Feeling the enthusiasm and sincerity of the fans, Ruan Qi couldn't help but smile.

   She straightened up, handed the flower in her arms to Shen Wenqian, and took out the signed pen that had been prepared long ago from her pocket.

   "Anyone of you want to sign? I have plenty of time today, so I can sign a lot for everyone!"

  The marshmallows didn't expect to have such good benefits, and immediately took out all the peripherals that were already prepared.

   Ruan Qi took a postcard, took off the cap of the pen and was about to start writing, when a mocking laugh suddenly entered his ears.


   (end of this chapter)

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