Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1436: Ruan Qi changed his face on the spot

   Chapter 1436 Ruan Qi changed his face on the spot

The person who spoke    probably knew that the word was full of humiliation, so he didn't speak loudly. In addition, it was very noisy in the airport, and the fans around did not hear it.

   But Ruan Qi, whose ears were different from ordinary people, could hear clearly.

   Her hand that was about to sign the autograph stopped, and the smile on her face also cooled.

  The marshmallows were taken aback by Ruan Qi's sudden change. Before everyone could react, Ruan Qi suddenly turned his head and looked coldly at the tall blond woman not far away.

   "What did you just say? Have the guts to say it again."

  The woman was taken aback by Ruan Qi's sudden question.

   She just scolded her a little, but she didn't expect that the client would listen to her, much less that the client would ask questions in front of so many people.

   The woman's expression was a little unbearable, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes.

   Shen Wenqian and others also reacted at this time.

   "Xiao Qi, what's going on?" Shen Wenqian frowned, "What did she say?"

   Ruan Qi did not reply.

   She looked at the blonde woman coldly, her tone was flat but stubborn, "You, apologize! I apologize for what you just said and your inferior quality!"

   Ruan Qi has always been a sweet and cheerful image in front of the camera since his debut. At this time, it suddenly became tough and fierce, and the Marshmallows were all frightened.

   Everyone held their breaths, not understanding what was going on right now.

   Ruan Qi didn't care so much, just stared at the woman with cold eyes.

  The woman felt guilty when Ruan Qi looked at her, but when she heard Ruan Qi ask her to apologize, the eldest lady immediately wiped out the guilt.

   "Let me apologize? Ha!" Her tone was full of sarcasm, "Do you know who I am? Why do you say I am inferior! You yellowbananas are inferior!"

  The woman's voice is so loud that all fans can hear it clearly.

   So, everyone heard the phrase 'yellowbanana' clearly.

   Suddenly, the expressions of all the fans present changed.

  yellowbanana, the word literally means yellow banana, is actually an insult to people of the yellow race. Just like words like 'yellow monkey' and 'Chinese pig', they are full of racial discrimination and racial insults.

   Many Chinese fans showed anger, and Marshmallows from other nationalities also showed anger in their eyes.

   Shen Wenqian also understood at this time, Ruan Qi 80% heard the sentence yellowbanana, and suddenly changed his face.

   Taking into account that Ruan Qi was a public figure, he took the initiative to stand up.

Shen Wenqian stood in front of Ruan Qi, looked at the woman coldly, and said solemnly in English, "Ma'am, your words have caused a serious insult to our character. You must be responsible for your words and deeds, for your Apologize for words and deeds! Otherwise, I will sue you!"

   When the woman heard these words, she laughed mockingly as if she had heard a joke.

   "You, a yellow race, dare to sue me in country Y? Do you know me? Are you sure you can sue me?" The woman smiled arrogantly, and raised her hand to take off the sunglasses and mask on her face.

   Everyone immediately exclaimed in disbelief when they saw her face.

   Shen Wenqian also changed slightly in shock.

  Only Ruan Qi glanced at the woman blankly and asked with a puzzled face, "Who is she?"

"She, she, she is Aisha Hawke, a very popular female singer in Europe and the United States in recent years! And she is also the third young lady of the Hawke family in country Y!" She didn't understand the marshmallow that she explained to Ruan Qi, Immediately added, "The Hawke family is an old aristocrat in country Y with a high status. This Aisha is very favored in the clan. With her background, she can really walk sideways in country Y!"

   Ruan Xiaoqi: Oh, it doesn't matter, I can walk sideways all over the world.



   (end of this chapter)

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