Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1437: She has support, and so do I!

   Chapter 1437 She has someone to support her, and so do I!

  Aisha Hawke?

   Ruan Qi didn't know much about the music scene abroad, she thought about it, took out her mobile phone and dummy the name.

  Aisha Hawke, from the Hawke family in Country Y, is the third granddaughter of the patriarch Joseph Hawke. Three years ago, she became popular in Europe and the United States with the song "rocky". Since then, she has won numerous awards and started her music career.

   And this Miss Aisha of the Hawke family is not only famous for her background and musical works, but also for her temperament.

  Aisha Hawke is notoriously bad tempered, insulting staff, beating fellow singers, and even flipping the table in front of the live camera, all kinds of weird things are not uncommon. Many foreign netizens have also condemned her, but the Hawke family is very important in country Y, and these denunciations have no effect on Aisha.

   On the contrary, her defiant temper has attracted a large number of fans with extreme thoughts. And these fans are not honest, they are crazy about Aisha's opponents on the Internet, and they have nothing to do.

   All in all, Aisha Hawke is a tyrant in the European and American music scene, and no one dares to mess with it.

   "No wonder he's so arrogant." Ruan Qi whispered after reading Aisha Hawke's profile, "It turned out that someone was supporting him."

   Marshmallow who was standing beside her nodded worriedly, "Soft treasure, why don't we just forget it."

  Although racial discrimination is disgusting, but everyone is ordinary people, there is really no way to fight against the huge Hawke family.

   Especially Ruan Qi is still in the entertainment industry. Everyone is really worried that she will make Aisha Hawke hate her because of impulsiveness, and finally ruin her entire career.

The    marshmallow proposal may be cowardly, but it has to be said that it is the reality.

  Can Ruan Qi succumb to reality?

   That must not be possible.

   She glanced at the marshmallow with soothing eyes, and whispered, "Don't be afraid. She has someone to support her, and so do I!"

   After saying that, Ruan Qi raised his head and looked at the arrogant Aisha Hawke lightly.

  Aisha Hawke was inexplicably cold when she saw her, and was about to have a seizure when she heard Ruan Qi speak slowly: "Why is your makeup so different from wearing makeup?"

  Everyone: ? ? ?

  Aisha Hawke: ! ! ! ! !

  Aisha Hawke didn't react at first, and then an unbelievable look slowly appeared on her face.

   Then, disbelief gradually turned into anger, "Damn! What did you say!"

   "I said, your makeup without makeup is much worse than the photos on the Internet. What about the Miss Hawke family, doesn't your family have money to do skin care for you?"

   The little girl spoke slowly, but every word she said made her angry brain crack.

  Aisha Hawke is going crazy.

   "You yellow-skinned monkey! Damn China! Get out of country Y, you are not welcome here!!!"

  If the yellowbanana that Aisha Hawke scolded before was still subtle, then the words 'yellow monkey' and 'Chinese' completely tore off her ugly mask of racial discrimination.

  The fans present, whether they were Chinese or people from other countries, were all angry.

   "As a descendant of a veteran aristocrat in country Y, I didn't expect the quality to be so low. I really feel sorry for an aristocrat like you in country Y!"

   "That's right! How old is this, and what about skin color discrimination? Please take a mirror and look at yourself. Your skin color is yellower than a banana, right?"

   "Don't insult bananas, what did bananas do wrong? Bananas can still be eaten, how about her? Besides scolding and beating people, what else can you contribute?"

  Everyone, you said a word to me, the taunting skills are fully activated, and all of them are in English.

  Aisha Hawke heard these sarcasms clearly, she was so angry that she was completely irrational, and all kinds of ugly words were madly cursed out of her mouth.

   Ruan Qi looked at her lightly, and when she finished cursing, she turned her head and asked Mo Lan, "Have you recorded it all?"

  Mo Lan: "Recorded."

   "The part where she attacked the yellow race was also recorded?" Ruan Qi asked again.

  Mo Lan nodded, "It's all recorded."

"very good."

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows in satisfaction, then opened the backpack and rummaged inside, and finally found a work name tag, and shook it in the direction of Aisha Hawke.

"Ms. Aisha Hawke, my name is Ruan Qi, I am a special consultant of the Huaguo Cyber ​​Security Center. I have recorded all the verbal attacks you made on me just now on my mobile phone, and I will transfer the video to the embassy later. Since you refuse to apologize for your words and deeds, we will leave this matter to the state to resolve."

   Aisha Hawke: Damn it!



   (end of this chapter)

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