Chapter 1439 My idol is the best!

   Anyone who knows Ruan Qi knows that she has such abilities.

  Although Aisha Hawke didn't know Ruan Qi, but the series of identities on the encyclopedia made her fearful.

   However, asking her to apologize to Ruan Qi in front of so many people, Aisha Hawke couldn't do it.

   Resisting the panic in her heart, she snorted arrogantly, put on her sunglasses and turned to leave.

   Ruan Qi immediately waved his hand, "Uncle He Ma, stop her!"

  He Ma, who received the order, moved his footsteps and blocked Elsa's path at a very fast speed.

  Aisha did not stop the car, slammed her head into Ho Ma's hard chest, and then fell backwards under the interaction of the force, almost falling to the ground.

   Agent Galen and his assistant hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

   "Damn it! What are you doing!" Elsa yelled at Ho Ma in a dazed manner, "This is country Y, a country ruled by law, do you want to restrict my personal freedom!"

"No one restricts your personal freedom." Ruan Qi, standing behind her, said coldly, "However, before you enjoy personal freedom, please apologize for your excessive freedom of words and deeds. Aisha Hawke, do you think Was what I just said to scare you?"

  Aisha of course knew that Ruan Qi was not trying to scare her.

   But, let the third lady of her dignified Hawke family apologize to a yellow race...

Aisha pursed her lips in shame, and the agent Galen on the side couldn't help but leaned into her ear and whispered, "Aisha, you apologize first and let this matter be perfunctory, we will have a chance to take revenge in the future. Y The country is your territory, and it is very simple to want someone to be tricked without knowing it."

   With the status of the Hawke family in country Y, it is not difficult to get a person to disappear without a sound.

   Garen's persuasion worked, Elsa hesitated for a while, and finally turned around reluctantly.

   She glared at Ruan Qi viciously, gritted her teeth and said, "I apologize for what I just said! I shouldn't be racist! I shouldn't insult the yellow race! I'm done, are you satisfied!"

   Ruan Qi looked at her grim expression, did not reply, but turned to look at all the marshmallows.

   "Her apology, are you satisfied?"

  "..." The marshmallows have long been fooled.

   They knew that their idols were tough, but they didn't expect it to be so tough.

   This is Aisha Hawke, the most stinking and arrogant tyrant in the European and American music circles. Soft treasure can even handle her!

  The marshmallows were stunned, and when they heard Ruan Qi's question, everyone nodded frantically subconsciously.

satisfy! satisfy! There is nothing more satisfying than hearing the apology from the music industry leader in my lifetime!

  Ruan Qi saw the fans nodding, and his tight little face finally relaxed a bit.

She turned her head to look at Aisha Hawke, raised her little eyebrows slightly, and said casually to her in a tone of an emperor sending a beggar, "Although your apology is not very sincere, I reluctantly accept it. Okay, It's none of your business here, let's go."

  Aisha Hawke: "…"

   Elsa almost ran wild again.

  Fortunately, the agent Galen covered her mouth quickly, and the team of more than 20 people left the airport in embarrassment.


   As soon as Aisha's group left, the air in the airport hall was a little fresher.

   The marshmallows watched the backs of the group of people leaving in embarrassment, and were silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly burst into excited screams.

   "Ah, ah, Ruanbao is amazing! Awesome!"

   "My mother is studying abroad and has had enough of racial discrimination. Softbao has made a bad breath for all the yellow people today!"

   "It can even make the big Mac in the European and American music circles apologize. My fan idol is really the most dangling!"

   (end of this chapter)

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