Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1440: How do you want to kill me?

   Chapter 1440 How do you want to kill me?

  The fans became more and more excited. Ruan Qi was afraid of making noise from passers-by at the airport, so he quickly raised his small hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

   "Calm down, calm down, these are just small scenes, don't panic~"

   The excited marshmallows immediately quieted down obediently.

   The senior lady in charge of this airport pick-up event is a company executive and thinks more than others. She looked at Ruan Qi worriedly and asked, "Soft treasure, will that Elsa trouble you in the future?"

  Y country is the territory of the Hawke family. Ruan Qi has to stay here recently. The senior lady is worried that Aisha Hawke will take the opportunity to retaliate.

   Ruan Qi shook his head with a smile.

   "Don't worry, she can't bully me, I'm also someone with a background~"

  The senior lady thought that Ruan Qi was talking about the background of the special consultant of the Cyber ​​Security Center. She thought about the status of Huaguo in the world, and her heart dropped a little.

   "Soft treasure, if you run into trouble, be sure to tell us. Although we don't have much ability, we will definitely find a way to help you solve the problem."

   Ruan Qi nodded with emotion.

   She pulled out the signature pen again, "Don't talk about the spoiler, I'll sign it for everyone!"


   Ruan Qi spent half an hour signing autographs for all the fans who came to pick up the plane.

After    signed her name, she took another group photo with everyone, and then left the airport lobby with Shen Wenqian and others.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, are you sure your uncle will come to pick us up?"

"Of course, Uncle Wan has even booked a hotel for us." After speaking, Ruan Qi looked down at her phone and said with a smile, "He just sent me a message, and he will be there in five minutes. Let's go to the parking lot. Wait for him."

   A group of people pushed their suitcases and entered the parking lot mightily.

   There are not many vehicles in the parking lot, and several private cars come and go from time to time. Ruan Qi looked around, then found an inconspicuous corner where everyone could rest for a while.

   On the other hand, she put down the suitcase and sat on it without any scruples.

   Shen Wenqian's temples jumped straight from her seated posture.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, do you remember that you are a female artist? Sit up straight for me! Don't be paralyzed!"

   Ruan Xiaoqi, who had been on the plane for more than ten hours and signed for half an hour, didn't want to listen to his agent at all.

   She slumped lazily on the suitcase, leaned her back against the wall, and yawned in a very unimpressive manner.

   "Brother Shen, this is a foreign country, no one knows me."

   "That doesn't work either!" Shen Wenqian stared, "Get up for me..."

   "shit!!!" An exasperated **** suddenly floated over.

   Shen Wenqian's voice paused, and before he could react, another string of unpleasant swear words rang out in the parking lot.

   "Damn it! Herman, did your brain get sucked out by the woman along with the jerky when you were having sex?! Why did the car break down?! What the **** are you doing!"

   "Aisha, don't be angry. The car broke down was just an accident, and Herman didn't want to..."

   "Why am I not angry! I'm not only bullied by those garbage, but also bullied by a driver! Heck, is the world crazy? Herman, I'm going to fire you! You don't want to get any salary from me!"

   Familiar scolding came from not far away, Ruan Qi, who was languidly paralyzed on the suitcase, sat upright in an instant.

   She pulled away Shen Wenqian in front of her, stuck her head out, and looked at the sound with cool eyes.

   Not far away, a luxury car was parked crookedly in the middle of the parking lot, and Aisha Hawk, with a furious expression, kicked the door wildly and pointed at a man's nose.

   Her manager named Galen kept comforting her.

   "Aisha, don't be angry, Herman has always been serious at work, you can't fire him. Herman, go and fix the car. Aisha, you go and sit in the car for a while."

   "I don't ride! The car smells disgusting gasoline, why would I ride this kind of car! Damn, it's all because of that oriental woman! I'm going to kill her!"

  Aisha Hawke scolded and squirted, and when she finished venting, a raging whistle floated down the wind.

   Elsa turned her head when she heard the sound.

   Not far away, a beautiful girl was sitting on the suitcase, looking at her with a pair of bright peach eyes.

   "Miss Elsa, how do you want to kill me?"

   Aisha Hawke: ...Gee!



   (end of this chapter)

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