Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1442: Most Popular Singer Award

   Chapter 1442 Most Popular Singer Award

   Shen Wenqian shook hands with Wan Teng with great enthusiasm.

Wan Teng greeted him politely, then turned his head and said to everyone, "I prepared a reception banquet at the hotel, you have worked hard all the way. Xiao Zhao, help you pack everyone's suitcases, we are here. Just go to the hotel."

  The assistant who called Xiao Zhao immediately took the drivers of several other Bentleys and helped everyone put the suitcases into the trunk.

   Everyone in the team was a little flattered when they looked at the black Bentleys with their luggage. In the entertainment industry, they are also a little knowledgeable and have seen many luxury cars. But driving seven or eight Bentleys to pick up people is so rich!

  What is the origin of this uncle Ruan Qi?

  The stunned crowd got into the car full of doubts.

   After everyone had arranged, Wan Teng patted Ruan Qi on the shoulder, "Girl, get in the car and leave."

   Ruan Qi responded and suddenly turned to look at Aisha Hawke not far away.

   "Ms. Aisha," she raised her lips with a smile, "your car broke down, do you want me to take you for a ride?"

  Aisha Hawke's face turned black, and was about to speak when Ruan Qi suddenly lengthened her voice and said "Oh~".

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I almost forgot that Ms. Aisha was born so noble, how can she get into the car of ordinary people? Tsk, Ms. Aisha, you should wait patiently for your driver to fix the car, I'll go first, Bye~"

   After saying that, the little girl waved her hand, got into the car and closed the door with a 'bang'.

  The Bentley drove out of the parking lot quickly, leaving only flying dust and car exhaust.

   Elsa was sprayed by the car exhaust, and the anger in her heart rose.

   "Damn yellow monkey! Bitch!"

   She was furious and wanted to throw something at the Bentley.

   Agent Galen quickly stopped her, "Aisha, calm down!"

   "I can't calm down! Didn't you see? That **** gave me the **** just now! She provoked me!"

   Galen: "I know, I know it! But Elsa, you have to be calm! Didn't you notice those badges on the back of the Bentley?"


   Elsa's gaze subconsciously looked at the Bentley that was gradually receding.

  The black Bentley has smooth lines, reflecting a low-key and dazzling light in the sun. As the body kept moving, the light reflected from the sun slid backwards from the front of the car, and finally emitted a dazzling silver light at the rear of the car.

  Aisha squinted her eyes at the silver light, and after her eyes got used to the light, she could clearly see the things that reflected the silver light——

   A silver badge.

   Every Bentley has a silver badge on the rear.

   And the shape of the badge is the outline of a sunflower.

   Aisha felt that the sunflower was a little familiar. She went through it in her head, her eyes widened suddenly.

   "That badge is..."

   "Yes, that's the company." Agent Galen's face was solemn, "Aisha, this woman named Ruan Qi is unusual. We must investigate her background carefully."


   Ruan Qi didn't know about the conversation between Elsa and her agent Galen.

  The Bentley was on the road. She sat beside Wan Teng and chatted with Wan Teng about her situation for nearly half a year.

"My parents lived very well in the imperial capital, but they were busy and often went out early and returned late. Grandpa and grandma also adapted to the life in the imperial capital and fell in love with square dancing. Everything is fine in the imperial capital, but I miss Qingyun Village a little bit. One year I didn't go back, I miss you so much."

   "Everyone misses you too." Wan Teng patted the little girl's head lovingly, "When you go on vacation, ask your brother to accompany you back."

   Ruan Qi nodded obediently.

  Wanteng: "By the way, why does the woman in the parking lot look familiar to me?"

   "She is from the Hawke family." Ruan Qi replied, "Old Hawke is her grandfather, Uncle Wan, you should have seen her when you attended the banquet before."

  Wanteng tried hard to think about it, but he still couldn't think of it.

   But he didn't care, shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's not an important person. Girl, were you quarreling with her just now? Did you have a holiday?"

   Ruan Qi didn't want Wan Teng to worry, and he wanted to lie as soon as his eyes rolled. But before she could speak, Shen Wenqian, who was sitting beside him, suddenly let out an exclamation.

   "What?! Elsa Hawk is also nominated for the most popular singer at the Rammy Awards?!"

   (end of this chapter)

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