Chapter 1443 Ruan's company

   Ruan Qi heard the sound and looked at Shen Wenqian.

Shen Wenqian stared at the phone, his eyes widened and said, "I just said why the name Aisha Hawke is so familiar, I have seen her in the nomination list before. Xiao Qi, this time the two of you are probably going to get on each other completely. "

   Ruan Qi heard the words, took Shen Wenqian's mobile phone and glanced at it.

  Aisha Hawke is indeed on the list of nominees for the most popular singer at the Rammy Awards. Not only that, but she was nominated for Best Rock Performance.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, will this woman use the rights of the Hawke family to let the judges operate behind the scenes?"

   The day after tomorrow is the Lemy Awards ceremony, and the final list of winners should have already been drawn up.

   However, there is always a case in point.

  The Hawke family has a high status in country Y, and Shen Wenqian was very worried that Aisha Hawke would let the family put pressure on the judges group and hide behind Ruan Qi.

   He was a little worried, but Ruan Qi was not so worried.

"Brother Shen, if Aisha Hawke had that ability, she would have been consecrated in the European and American music circles long ago. The Hawke family is very powerful, but she is only one of the several grandchildren of old Hawke, so there should be no such big words. Right. Otherwise, she wouldn't be forced by me to apologize today. Besides, the judges of the Lemy Awards are not ordinary people, so don't worry too much."

   Ruan Qi's analysis made some sense, Shen Wenqian thought about it, and his tense nerves relaxed a little.

   But he was still a little worried. At first glance, that woman is arrogant and domineering, who knows what will happen.

  Shen Wenqian: "I still let the company keep an eye on the Internet cafes. Unfortunately, we don't have a public relations team here, so it's inconvenient to do anything."

  Wanteng, who had been listening, heard this and immediately sat up straight, "I have the PR team."

  Shen Wenqian: "?"

  Wanteng: "Our company has a public relations department dedicated to online public opinion, with a team of 200 people, is that enough?"

   Two hundred people... Shen Wenqian gasped.

   Is Ruan Xiaoqi's uncle's company so big? 200 employees in the network public relations alone?

  Shen Wenqian felt a little dizzy, he tried his best to remain calm, and asked as calmly as possible, "May I ask Mr. Wan's company..."

   "Huh?" Wan Teng raised his eyebrows and asked Ruan Qi in surprise, "Girl, didn't you tell your agent that I work for your parents?"

   Shen Wenqian: ? ? ?

   "...Working for Xiaoqi's parents?" He was confused, "Xiaoqi's parents' company is overseas? They, aren't they from Qingyun Village?"

  Although Ruan Qi's parents had long known that they were not ordinary people, Shen Wenqian never thought that the Ruan family had business abroad.

   He turned to look at Ruan Qi, his expression blank and pitiful.

   Ruan Qi felt a little guilty when he was seen by his agent.

She coughed lightly, touched the tip of her nose, and said, "Because of some historical problems, my parents can't open a company in China, so most of the industries are abroad. Uncle Wan is the COO of the head office and also serves as the vice president. ."

   When Shen Wenqian heard the words 'COO, vice president, head office', he vaguely felt that the scale of Ruan Qi's parents' company should not be small.

   He tentatively said, "Your parents' company is..."

  Wanteng looked at Ruan Qi, Ruan Qi nodded, "Brother Shen is his own, you can tell him."

  Wanteng heard the words and immediately took out a business card and handed it to Shen Wenqian.

   Shen Wenqian took the business card with gold trim and looked down.



   The manager surnamed Shen rolled his eyes wildly, and was suspected of going into shock.

   Ruan Qi made an 'ehhh' twice, grabbed his head quickly, and pressed it hard against the person.

   "Brother Shen, Brother Shen, are you okay? Brother Shen?"

   Shen Wenqian, who almost bid farewell to the world, was slapped back by the little girl.

   He tried his best to roll his eyes to the front, and he took a deep breath as if he had been struck by evil.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi..."

   "Ah? Brother Shen, what did you say?"

   Shen Wenqian pursed his lips tremblingly, exhausted his remaining strength, and asked a soulful question, "Isn't your family farming?"

   "My family is farming." Ruan Qi pointed to the company name on the business card, "Develop agricultural products and sell them all over the world."

  Shen Wenqian: "..."

   There is nothing wrong with this explanation.

   But I still want to curse.

   The agent surnamed Shen suffered a major stimulus, and he looked like a young boy who had just been devastated, with a dazed look all over his body.

   Ruan Qi glanced at his hair and made sure it didn't fall out, so he raised his hand and patted his head.

   "Brother Shen, I didn't tell you before because my family's situation is more complicated, and knowing too much is not good for you."

  Shen Wenqian: "...Then why are you telling me now?"

"Because my parents have returned to the imperial capital." Ruan Qi replied with a smile, "they have returned to the imperial capital, and there are grudges for revenge, revenge for revenge, those who are not good to my family will soon be cool. But Shen Brother, before my family's problems are resolved, you have to keep it a secret for me, and don't tell anyone about my parents' company, okay?"

   What can Shen Wenqian say?

   His own cub trusted him so much, and even told him such important things. As an old mother (?), of course he must be worthy of the cub's trust!

   "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, even if my hair is bald, I won't tell anyone."

   As a bald person, this commitment is too heavy.

   Ruan Qi was so moved that he immediately assured Shen Wenqian that when he returned to China, he would refine the 4.0 version of Super Super Super Enhanced Heavenly King Hair Growth Pill!

Shen Wenqian's frightened heart was instantly healed, he touched his hairline, and brought the topic back to the right track, saying, "Now the public opinion on the Internet is relatively stable, and for the time being, there is no need for so many people to do public relations, and find a few professional followers. Just follow the news on the Internet. Also, Mr. Wan, can I trouble you with one thing?"

  Wanteng: "You said."

  Shen Wenqian: "This time, the Lemy Awards are very important to Xiao Qi. Whether she wins or not, I hope the whole process will be fair and fair. But that Aisha Hawke, I'm worried that she will play tricks in secret."

  Wanteng immediately understood what he meant.

   He nodded and said calmly, "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I will find someone to keep an eye on the Lemy Awards jury. Xiaoqi is my child, and I won't let anyone bully her."

   With Wan Teng's words, Shen Wenqian's heart finally fell back into his stomach.

   After that, there was nothing to say, and after more than an hour, everyone finally arrived at the destination - the Hill Hotel in Lun City.

"The reception banquet is on the 88th floor. It will start in forty minutes. You can go back to your room to rest. Girl, your room is on the top floor. You have the room card. I still have some business to deal with. I'll go first and come back later. "

  Wanteng handed the room card to Ruan Qi, and left in a hurry with his assistant.

   Ruan Qi took the room card and led the team into the elevator under the guidance of the waiter.

   The elevator door closed with a 'ding'.

  The air was quiet for a moment, and then, everyone erupted into wolf howls like a dance of demons.

   "Ow! Sister Seven, your uncle is too embarrassed! The Hill Hotel! And it's all senior suites!"

   "I live in a luxury suite for the first time in my life! More than 10,000 a night! The pinnacle of my life! The pinnacle of my life!"

   "Little Seventh Sister, does your uncle still lack a son? The kind that went to college!"

   Today is a long chapter.

   Shenyang issued a notice, and the city was silent for seven days. Tonight my mother took me out to buy vegetables, and the market was sold out.

   The epidemic is serious, everyone pay attention to protection.



   (end of this chapter)

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