Chapter 1444 Major giants play

  The team members are wildly blowing rainbow farts.

   Ruan Qi smiled and let them joke, and Shen Wenqian, who was standing beside her, suddenly touched her.

"What's up?"

  Shen Wenqian: "The matter between you and Aisha Hawke is hotly searched in China."


   At this time, on Huaguo Weibo, # Ruanqi Airport Dispute# has been high on the top search list.

  Someone released the entire video of Ruan Qi and Aisha Hawke clashing at Lun Airport. As soon as the video came out, it immediately caused a sensation on the Internet.

  Racism has always been an abhorrent topic. Because of differences in regions and cultures, positions and systems, and differences in patterns and personal qualities, Chinese people of the yellow race often suffer from low-quality slander and contempt abroad.

   Everyone hates this kind of behavior and denounces this kind of thinking, and Aisha Hawke's arrogant abuse of yellowbanana in the video has stepped on the bottom line of all Chinese people.

  Everyone got angry after watching the video.

  [As a public figure, he actually said such unqualified words in public, wouldn't you block it and keep it for the New Year! 】

   [Aisha Hawke was born in a noble of country Y and is very powerful, who would dare to block her? 】

  【What about power and power? Still a decadent feudal product! Ruan Qi did a great job! This kind of person should teach her a lesson! 】

  【A few years ago I went to school abroad and suffered severe racial discrimination. I was angry, but there was nothing I could do. Ruan Qi was very courageous and thanked her for being able to speak for the yellow race. 】

  【In terms of toughness, the entertainment industry still needs Ruan Qi. Racial discrimination will not be tolerated! 】

  【Boycott Aisha Hawke, what products did she endorse? Class representatives pull an order, all boycott! 】

   Soon someone had a list of all the brands Aisha Hawke endorsed.

  Aisha Hawke has been very popular in the European and American music circles in recent years, and she has countless endorsements. Everyone carefully studied these endorsements and found that several brands actually came from China.

   Everyone was speechless.

   Look down on the yellow race, and still come to make money from the Chinese?

  How big is your face?

   Netizens complained one after another, and at this moment, Huaguo clothing brand 'Show' posted a Weibo.

   [Show V: Do not accept any form of racial discrimination, the show brand has officially terminated the partnership with Aisha Hawke. Race interests are above all else, national interests are above all! 】

  'Show' belongs to Huaguo Bai's Group, which is the only luxury clothing brand in the world famous for its ancient oriental charm. Although it has only been established for ten years, its international status is not lost to other top luxury brands.

   And Aisha Hawke became the European and American spokesperson of the 'Show' brand half a year ago.

  No one expected that the 'Show' brand would cancel the contract so quickly. Before everyone could react, it settled the contract termination.

   This positive coping attitude has been well received by netizens.

  Everyone ran to the 'Show' brand's Weibo comment area and double-clicked 666, and at this moment, several topics appeared one after another on Weibo's hot search.

  #Fengshi Group terminates the contract#

  #Cheng announced the cancellation of cooperation with Aisha Hawke#

  #Shen Shi supports Ruan Qi#

  #New Jinhua Group publicly supports the boss#

  #Gu Feiyang's Weibo mocking Aisha Hawke#

  #Xi Jiu likes Gu Feiyang Weibo#

   One topic after another, like a monkey, swish to the hot search list.

   In less than a few minutes, the Weibo hot search list was captured by major giants.

  Aisha Hawke, who was popular in the European and American music circles, finally became popular all over China in an embarrassing way.

   Aisha Hawke: Refuse to form small groups! ! !

   Ruan Xiaoqi: a little bit~



   (end of this chapter)

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