Chapter 1446 The Righteous Passerby A

   "Deserved! The Dong family and son deserve it, and Yao Xue also deserves it!"

  Ruan Qi's team is mostly old employees of Jinhua Entertainment. They all know how Yao Xue and Dong Wei framed Shen Wenqian a year ago.

   Now that the Dong family father and son and Yao Xue have all received their retribution, everyone just felt a bad breath.

   "Dong's father and son have committed so many things, at least they have to start in ten years, right?"

"Ten years are too few. Dong Wei is okay, he committed all commercial crimes, and he should be able to get out after ten years in prison. But Dong Qicheng is drunk driving and killing people, and he is also in the **** industry chain. If you want me to give an estimate Sentenced indefinitely."

   "What about Yao Xue? If you don't report it, it's a cover-up crime, right?"

   "Almost. Depending on the severity of the circumstances, if it is mild, it may be suspended."

   Everyone's chatter, Ruan Qi listened to it for a long time, took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message.

   Less than a second after the message was sent, Shen Wenqian's cell phone rang while sitting on the sofa.

   He looked down at his phone and opened WeChat.

  【Ruan Xiaoqi: Brother Shen, the rest of the Dong family can close the Internet. I will send the evidence to the relevant departments. You are ready to guide public opinion. 】

  Shen Wenqian looked up at Ruan Qi, lowered his eyes and typed out a line of information.

   [Didn't you promise the Dong family that they would not be exposed as long as they hand over their equity? 】

  【Ruan Xiaoqi: I didn’t expose it. 】

  【Ruan Xiaoqi: It was a passerby who exposed it. 】

  【Ruan Xiaoqi: [Tutu innocent.jpg]]

   "..." Shen Wenqian was speechless.

   He twitched the corners of his mouth and sent a message to ask: [I hand in the evidence of the Dong family's crime, they will definitely guess that you are playing a ghost. 】

  【Ruan Xiaoqi: Guess what you can guess. They'll be in jail by then, guess what? 】

   [Ruan Xiaoqi: The premise of keeping promises is that the other party must be a human being. They've done so many disgusting things, they're unworthy, so I don't have to keep my promise. 】

  【Ruan Xiaoqi: Besides, I really didn't expose them. I just accidentally lost their evidence and someone happened to pick it up and hand it over to law enforcement. [Innocent wink.jpg]]

  Shen Wenqian: "..."

   His cubs are indeed the most immoral.

   But Shen Wenqian agreed with what Ruan Qi said. The Dong family members of the Fengyu Group's **** industry chain are basically involved, and their crimes are innumerable and disgusting.

   Dong's family is not worthy of being human, so they don't have to keep their promise to keep secrets for them.

  Only when they go to jail, can the victims who were destroyed by the **** industry chain see the light of day and get justice.

   Shen Wenqian made a phone call to Manager Tang of the domestic public relations department and began to arrange public opinion guidance. On the other hand, Ruan Qi packed up all the criminal evidence of the Dong family and sent them anonymously to various relevant departments.

   After doing this, she no longer pays attention to the Dong family's affairs. Until the next morning, the small group of Qin Qingdi, Bai Yuchen and others started to go crazy with Aite Ruan Qi.

  【Qin Rtian: The police took away all the rooms of the Dong family master! ! ! 】

  【Qin Rtian: @is Xiaoqi @is Xiaoqi@is Xiaoqi, Ruanbao, did you do it? ! huh? ! 】

   Ruan Qi, who just got out of bed early in the morning, opened his eyes with difficulty and sent a [sleepy.jpg] to the group.

  【Ruan Xiaoqi: ...Sister Di, I remember it should be early morning in China. don't you sleep? 】

  【Qin R Tian: What are you sleeping for? The Dong family was arrested in the middle of the night! All the emperors can't sleep! Everyone is eating melons! Baby, tell me, did you do it? It must be you, right? There is no way anyone else can do such an awesome method! 】

  Ruan Qi did not answer directly, but sent a meaningful smile.

  【Ruan Xiaoqi: It’s not me, it’s a just passerby. [Smile]】

   (end of this chapter)

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