Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1447: Did you break up with Xi Jiu?

   Chapter 1447 You and Xi Jiu broke up?

  Comrade A, a just passer-by, after replying to Qin Qingdi's WeChat, he turned off his mobile phone and hid his merits and fame.

   From today, the Dong family in the imperial capital has completely collapsed.

   Those who were caught were caught, those who were checked were checked, and none of the rooms in the Dong family's main house could escape.

  In the circle, seeing the fate of Dong's family, they couldn't help but tremble at Ruan Qi's means.

  Although there is no evidence to prove that Ruan Qi sent them in from the Dong family, but as long as you have a brain, you can guess something.

too terrifying.

   This little girl is only twenty years old, but her ruthlessness makes everyone tremble.

   What makes people even more frightened is Ruan Qi's strength.

   She was able to dig out the criminal evidence of all the Dong family members.

   No wonder Ruan Qi can make the National Cyber ​​Security Center attach so much importance. This girl is really not an ordinary person, and she must not offend her in the future.

  The aristocratic family circle silently labeled Ruan Qi as 'not easy to bully'. The person who originally mocked her for being a little star was trembling even more, and she didn't dare to say nonsense.

   At this time, as the central figure of the whole topic, Ruan Xiaoqi puffed out her cheeks, like a puffer fish.

   "Why did you block me?" Simon Austin in a dark gray suit asked her expressionlessly.

  Because you disturbed me to sleep yesterday and hung up my phone, Ruan Qi rolled her eyes in her heart.

  Simon Austin: "Get me off the blacklist."

   What are you doing? Waiting for you to call again to disturb my dream?

   Ruan Qi rolled his eyes again in his heart.

  Simon Austin frowned when she saw her ignoring him, and said hesitantly, "Have you broken up with Xi Jiu?"


   Ruan Qi suddenly looked like a rabbit whose tail had been stepped on, her eyes were full of anger, "What did you say? You just broke up! Jiu Jiu and I are on good terms!"

  Simon Austin: "I didn't break up, why are you so grumpy?"

   Ruan Qi couldn't help rolling his third eyes.

"Why am I so irritable, don't you have an ac count in your heart? Who called me yesterday, didn't even say hello, and hung up just after saying a word? That's how you treat designers who are silently dedicated to the company? "

  Simon Austin was struck by the words 'silent dedication'.

   He was silent for a moment, and said with a blank face, "I remember that I gave you a dividend for your shares, and every new product is divided into five or five points. Strictly speaking, you are not giving silently, but gaining fame and fortune."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   Ruan Qi felt that Simon Austin might have been a steel bar in his last life, otherwise how could he be straight and straight in this life.

   It's the same for partners, no wonder I can't find a partner at the age of 30.

   You deserve to be a bachelor!

   The little girl puffed her cheeks angrily. She didn't want to reason with the straight man, she wisely changed the subject and said, "Has the process of the Arms Show come out? How many people are we going to this time?"

  Simon Austin handed her the prepared exhibition schedule.

   "The exhibition will last for seven days. The first four days are exhibitions of works, and the last three days are exchange meetings."

  Global Arms Show is not just for showcasing the latest ordnance works. It is also a trading platform. Everyone evaluates the prospect and strength of the company based on the exhibited ordnance works, and then negotiates at the exchange meeting, and finally reaches a cooperation.

   Ruan Qi glanced at the schedule and asked Simon, "How many people will Solomon go to this time?"

   "Counting us, there are ten in total."

   Ruan Qi raised his head in surprise, "Why are so many people here this time? I remember the last time at the Arms Show, you only brought three people with you."

When Simon Austin heard this, he glanced at her expressionlessly, and said coldly, "Have you forgotten who you are? The genius designer Seven Kills, and every work he designs is unmatched. . As many people in this circle want to dig you, as many people want to kill you. I won't bring a few bodyguards, do you want a corpse exhibition?"

   (end of this chapter)

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