Chapter 1453 Enemies are everywhere

  The reason why Solomon can become a giant in the ordnance manufacturing industry in just a few years is half of the credit for the Seven Kills.

  The genius designer Seven Kills, every weapon designed is amazing, attracting countless people to **** it first.

  If Simon Austin was Solomon's general who charged into battle, then Seven Kills was the strategist who strategized. If Solomon were without him, he would be broken.

   Therefore, there are countless people who want to kill seven kills.

   But the true identity and whereabouts of Seven Kills have always been a mystery, and even if these people wanted to kill him, they couldn't find anyone.

  But this time is different. The Seven Kills, whose identity and whereabouts are a mystery, will be shown in the armor this time.

   wants to kill him, this is the only chance.

  The blond man shivered and spat out all the news he knew.

   Xijiu and Bo also listened, and their expressions gradually became solemn.

   They came to Country Y this time for the R7, the latest design of Seven Kills. If Qi killed, who would they go with to cooperate?

   "Who is the one who wants to kill Seven Kills?" Bo Ye asked the blond man.

The blond man shook his head tremblingly, "No, I don't know, I also heard about this, everyone is spreading it. Pan Feng also heard the news, so he made up Solomon's idea. He thinks that only seven kills are needed. Solomon will no longer be able to design good drawings, and then he will have a chance."

   Xi Jiu's face darkened slightly.

  He asked Bo Ye to tie up the blond man, stuffed a rag in his mouth and threw it into the next room. He himself took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat.

In the chat interface on the top of   , Ruan Qi sent a message at some point.

  【Jiujiu, where are you? 】

  Xi Jiu saw the little girl's message, Shen Ning's expression softened slightly.

   He clicked into the input box and was about to reply when Bo Ye pushed the door open.

   "Ninth Brother, what shall we do next? Do you want to tell Simon Austin about the Seven Kills?"

   "No." Xi Jiu chose an emoji package to send to Ruan Qi, and said without raising her head, "Simon Austin is not a fool. Since he dares to show the Seven Kills, he must be fully prepared."

  Bo Ye: "Then we now..."

   "Go to the Arms Show." Xi Jiu turned off her phone and stood up, "Stay on the sidelines and catch Pan Feng."


   In the lobby on the first floor of the Convention and Exhibition Center, various new weapons are displayed in high-tech showcases, attracting the attention of countless people.

  Ruan Qi walked around the exhibition hall, and his expression gradually changed from full of interest to dull.

   "No favorites?" Simon Austin asked as he approached her.

   Ruan Qi gave a somewhat disappointed "um".

  Since she has seen the high-tech weapon information that Bai Li collected from various planes, these ordinary ordnance in the exhibition hall can no longer enter her eyes.

   She yawned boredly, and asked while looking at the exhibition menu, "Isn't the one on display today a boutique?"

  Simon Austin nodded.

   "Today is only the first exhibition, and the fine ordnance will be exhibited on the third or fourth day. The R7 you designed is on the fourth day."

   Ruan Qi heard the words, closed the exhibit menu, and suddenly remembered the triangular-eyed man whose hands she had beaten into pig hooves just now.

   She couldn't help but ask: "Simon, did that triangular-eyed fat man have a grudge against you just now?"

  Simon: "Have a grudge. But to be precise, he and you have a bigger grudge."

   Ruan Qi: "?"

   She looked blank, "I don't know him."

   "You really don't know him, but he knows Seven Kills." Simon's tone was light, "The Thor fighter you designed last year cost him nearly five billion."

   Ruan Xiaoqi: Although I am not in Jianghu, I offend people everywhere.



   (end of this chapter)

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