Chapter 1454 Plagiarism

   Ruan Qi was startled when he heard the words.

   "What does the Thor fighter I designed have to do with him? What's going on?"

  Simon took a glass of champagne from the waiter, shook it, took a sip, and asked, "Do you remember BC Manufacturing?"

   Ruan Qi's peach eyes immediately widened when he heard 'made by BC'.

   "Of course I remember! BC made is a little spicy chicken that copied my work!"

  BC Manufacturing is one of the best established companies in the field of ordnance. Before the rise of Solomon, it has always been the leader in the industry, and it can even be said that it exists at the monopoly level.

   However, after Solomon appeared, the supremacy made by BC was taken away.

  Solomon relied on the blueprints of the genius designer Seven Kills and the iron-blooded wrist of Simon Austin, he just smashed a **** path in the field of ordnance where the demons were dancing. The works designed by Seven Kills are amazing, and Simon Austin's business acumen is unparalleled. The two of them combined their swords and took Solomon to kick BC Manufacturing off the top of the pyramid.

   Since then, BC Manufacturing has become a rival to Solomon.

   In the past few years, the two companies competed for each other, and the **** wind of fighting in the industry. Today you release a new product, and tomorrow I will release a new product. Solomon and BC Manufacturing went back and forth like a cockfight, until last year, a shameless act by BC Manufacturing upset the balance in the industry.

  ——BC has launched a new type of fighter, which is 80% similar to the Thor fighter designed by Seven Kills in terms of parameters and appearance.

   In short, it is plagiarism.

  BC manufactures plagiarized works of Seven Kills, and shamelessly listed it.

   This incident caused a great sensation in the industry at that time. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the plagiarism of BC manufacturing, but considering the dominance of BC manufacturing in the field of ordnance, no one dares to speak out.

   But Solomon was not afraid of it.

  Simon Austin ignored the coercion and inducement created by BC, took it directly to court, and won the case.

  BC Manufacturing was judged to be plagiarizing, and Solomon was compensated with a huge amount of compensation.

   This incident happened when Ruan Qi first came to the Imperial Capital. At that time, she was still a nominal graduate student of Imperial Capital University. The huge compensation made by BC was received by Cao Zhixing, the Dean of Ordnance Engineering College.

   Ruan Qi has a fresh memory of this incident, especially the hundreds of millions of compensation, which made her happy for several days.

   "That triangular eye was made by BC?"

"No." Simon Austin shook his head, "Ron Smith was a partner of BC's manufacturing and invested more than four billion in that plagiarized work. Later, the court ruled that BC plagiarized, and all the plagiarized works were removed from the shelves. , Ron Smith lost his forty billion dollars."

   Ruan Qi widened his eyes in shock.

   "Did he not know that the fighter was copied when he invested?"

  Simon: "He knows."

   "Then he still..."

   "Wealth and wealth are at risk." Simon sneered in his cold eyes, "He thought that the ability to make BC would suppress plagiarism. But he didn't expect that I would fight to the end."

  It is unimaginable how much financial and energy it takes to fight a lawsuit between companies. Neither BC Manufacturing nor Ron Smith thought that Simon would fight with them for a whole year for a fighter plane, spending countless contacts and money, and just won the lawsuit.

   And BC Manufacturing and Ron Smith almost lost their crotch pants.

   "Deserved!" Ruan Qi snorted happily, "Those who plagiarize other people's works should be cut out!"

   BC manufacturing plagiarism is written in the first volume.



   (end of this chapter)

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