Chapter 1455 Shock

   The little girl was annoyed. Simon Austin glanced at her and said softly: "Ron Smith is an arms dealer with black hands. If he knows your identity, he won't give up."

   Ruan Qi didn't care.

   "I'm not afraid of him. If he bothers me again, I'll beat him into a pig's head!"

  The little girl is fierce, Simon Austin looked at her, raised his eyebrows and hummed.

  The two walked around the exhibition hall for a while, and the opening ceremony of the Armory Show began.

   The person in charge of the organizer came to the stage to speak, and Ruan Qi began to feel bored after listening to it for a while.

   She touched Simon Austin's arm and whispered, "I'm going to the bathroom."

  Simon Austin nodded and waved a few bodyguards to follow.

   Ruan Qi left the exhibition hall quietly with his bodyguards. Just as she turned into the bathroom, two black Humvees stopped at the back door of the convention center.

   Xi Jiu pushed the door and got out of the car, landing on his long legs wearing black boots.

   "Don't show your face in the exhibition hall, to avoid stunning snakes." He issued an order to a few of his subordinates in a low voice, "You guys spread out and guard the entrances of each exhibition hall. Bo Ye went to guard the gate and saw Pan Feng press it directly."

   "What about you, Brother Jiu?" Bo Ye asked.

   "I'll go to the monitoring room to watch," Xi Jiu put on a Bluetooth headset, "If you have any news, please call and be safe."

   The group quietly sneaked into the exhibition center. Several members of the Q base brought by Xi Jiu scattered and hid in a low-key manner at the entrance of each exhibition hall.

  Xi Jiu raised his head, glanced coldly at the monitor in the corner, and walked quickly to the monitoring room on the fourth floor.

   The black boots clacked on the smooth floor tiles of the corridor. The sound swayed in the quiet corridor and into the bathroom next door.

   Ruan Qi sat on the toilet in the bathroom, took out her mobile phone and opened WeChat, and saw Xi Jiu's reply to her message twenty minutes ago.

  【Jiujiu: I'm catching people outside. 】

   Ruan Qi: ?


  Ruan Qi blinked suspiciously and sent a question mark to Xi Jiu.

   Xijiu should be busy and didn't reply right away. Ruan Qi didn't rush her, she turned off WeChat and swiped Weibo for a while, and walked out of the cubicle when she had enough rest.

   She walked to the washstand, bent down and washed her hands.


   A sound suddenly sounded in the quiet bathroom.

   Ruan Qi raised his head cautiously and looked behind him through the mirror.

   There was no one behind him, only the door of one compartment was tightly closed.

   Ruan Qi turned around, his eyes fixed on the door of that compartment.


  The door panel suddenly trembled.

   Immediately afterwards, a faint moan came from the door panel.

   Ruan Qi, who had watched the live broadcast several times, suddenly became numb. She thought she had encountered something with hot eyes again, and turned around to leave, but at this moment, a hoarse and weak cry for help came from the compartment.

"help me……"

   Ruan Qi's footsteps stopped immediately.

   She turned and stared at the compartment for two seconds, then raised her feet and walked over gently.

   "Is there anyone in there?" she asked softly.

   No one answered in the cubicle, but there was a faint sound of heavy and rapid breathing.

   Ruan Qi's face changed suddenly when he heard the frequency of the gasping sound.

  As a healer, she is very familiar with the various breathing sounds of people in different states. The people in the compartment should have some kind of disease, and it is very dangerous!

   Ruan Qi immediately patted the door panel hard.

   "Lady inside, can you speak?"

   There was no answer from the door panel, but the gasp was getting faster and faster.

   Ruan Qi said with a bad heart.

   He couldn't even speak, the people inside were afraid that they might be in a coma.

   Ruan Qi was a little anxious.

   She looked up at the compartment door. The door panel opens inwards, and if you rashly kick with your feet, it is very likely to injure the people inside.

   Ruan Qi thought for a while, turned around and rushed to the washstand, pulling out the toilet paper and slamming it.

   She wrapped all the toilet paper she had pulled out on her hands, and after making sure that her hands would not be injured, she rushed back to the compartment, clenched her fists and slammed the door against the door!


   (end of this chapter)

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