Chapter 1456 Oriental Magic


   A loud bang.

   The door panel trembled twice, and a fist-sized hole was slammed open.

   The bodyguard who was standing outside the bathroom heard the movement and immediately pushed the door and broke in.

   "Miss Ruan, you..."

   Before he could finish speaking, several bodyguards saw the big hole in the door of the compartment.

   They were stunned for a moment, and then their stupor gradually turned into panic.

  The hole in this door panel was hammered by this Miss Ruan? !

   Several bodyguards looked at Ruan Qi's small body in disbelief, only to feel that the three views had been subverted.

   Ruan Qi didn't have time to pay attention to them.

   She measured the hole in the door panel with her hand, frowned, and threw her fist with another slamming hammer.

   Only heard a few loud bangs, and the hole in the door panel became the size of a head.

   Ruan Qi ripped off the toilet paper wrapped in his hands, and then put his arm through the hole.

   She scratched the door twice, and finally found the door lock and pressed it lightly.

   The locked compartment door swung open.

In the    compartment, an old lady with gray hair in a dark dress fell to the ground with her eyes closed.

   Ruan Qi quickly walked to her side and squatted down, reached out and touched her neck.

   Weak pulse.

   is still alive.

   Ruan Qi breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed the old lady's wrist and put her fingertips on her pulse.

   After a moment, her little eyebrows furrowed.

   "This old man is in poor health. He has heart disease and asthma. No wonder he is in a coma."

   While muttering, the little girl pulled out the silver needle from her sleeve.

   She quickly stabbed the silver needle into several acupoints of the old man, then turned her head to the bodyguards outside the door and said, "Little brothers, please call an ambulance, and then call the staff of the exhibition center."

   Several bodyguards, who had been dumbfounded, hurried into action.

   Soon, the staff of the Convention and Exhibition Center arrived, and Simon Austin, who was notified by the bodyguard, also rushed over.

   When the staff saw the old lady who fainted in the compartment, her face changed immediately. But when he saw Ruan Qi who was putting needles on the old lady, his face became even more serious.

   "What are you doing! My God! With such a long needle, are you going to kill her!"

   As a native of Y country, this staff member has never heard of acupuncture. When he saw Ruan Qi stabbed the old lady with a long needle, for fear that the old lady would be stabbed, he screamed and wanted to grab Ruan Qi's hand.

   But Simon Austin took a step faster than him, and his long arm stretched out to stop him.

   "Don't bark." Simon Austin said blankly.

The staff was frightened by his cold face, but soon, he screamed again: "Why did you stop me! She was stabbing the old man with a needle! What if she died? Can you be responsible? "

   Anyone who can come to the Arms Show is either rich or expensive. If the old lady really had an accident at the Convention and Exhibition Center, both the organizer and the Convention and Exhibition Center have to take responsibility.

  The staff was afraid that the responsibility would fall on them, and shouted for Ruan Qi to stop.

   Ruan Qi is concentrating on acupuncture and can't hear the outside world. But Simon Austin was annoyed by the ghostly yelling of the staff.

   He grabbed the staff member's collar with a cold face: "Shut up!"

   The staff was shocked by his cold and stern tone, and actually shut up.

  Simon Austin looked at him and said blankly: "What you should do now is to find out the identity of this lady and contact her family, instead of making noise here."

   The staff was trembling, "But, but she's stabbing her with a needle..."

   "That's called acupuncture, idiot!" Simon Austin looked contemptuous, "Have you never heard of the mysterious oriental medicine?"

   The ignorant staff have really never heard of it.

   He looked at Ruan Qi suspiciously, just in time to see Ruan Qi holding a needle of more than ten centimeters into the old lady's abdominal cavity.

  Suddenly, the staff's faces turned pale.

   "Then, is there really nothing wrong with such a long needle? In case something happens..."

   "I'll take charge." Simon Austin said impatiently.

   That's what the staff were waiting for.

   He doesn't care if something happens to the old lady, as long as he doesn't need to be responsible.

  With Simon Austin's promise, the staff's hanging hearts fell back.

   He graciously smiled at Simon Austin and said, "I'll contact her family."

  The staff turned and left the bathroom.

  Simon Austin asked the bodyguards to guard outside the bathroom, walked to Ruan Qi's side, bent over and squatted down.

"how is she?"

   "He had a heart attack, which caused asthma." Ruan Qi replied while giving needles.

  Simon Austin swept the old lady's gray hair and frowned, "Can you save it?"

   "Of course I can." The little girl's tone was extremely confident, "I can save it no matter how serious it is, you have to trust my medical skills!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the bathroom was violently slammed open.

   An old man who was about the same age as the old lady and dressed in a black gentleman's dress rushed in hurriedly.

   "Jennifer! Jennifer, what happened to you?!"

  The old man hurried to the door of the compartment and glanced at the old lady. After seeing the silver needles all over her body, she almost fainted from fright.

   "My God! What are these needles! What sorcery!"

   The old man who was dizzy rushed over to pull the needle, but was stopped by Simon Austin.

   "Don't disturb my friend, she's saving people."

  Simon Austin's tone was cold and ruthless, not being polite at all because the other party was an old man.

   The old man was stunned by his tone, and his brain regained a bit of sanity.

   He raised his head, only to notice that the person blocking him was Simon Austin.

The    old man couldn't help but startled, "Mr. Simon of Solomon?"

   "It's me." Simon Austin nodded slightly and said in a light tone, "My friend is a very good doctor, she can save this lady."

  The old man followed his line of sight to look at Ruan Qi.

  Because he was too anxious just now, the old man only saw the unconscious old lady. Now that he calmed down, he realized what Ruan Qi was doing.

   He was stunned, and hesitantly said: "This is... Huaguo's acupuncture?"

   "Yes." Simon Austin replied, "My friend's acupuncture is great."

  The old man is well-informed, and of course he knows acupuncture in China.

   But to a foreigner, acupuncture and moxibustion are as illusory as cultivating immortals. Just a few long needles, how could he cure his wife's old disease?

   The old man felt a little unreliable, but when he thought of Simon Austin's identity... Solomon's big boss, there should be no reason to lie to him.

  The old man was full of uncertainty, and his eyes full of suspicion fell on Ruan Qi.

   Ruan Qi, who was concentrating on saving people, did not hear the conversation between the two. She quickly pierced the silver needle, then took out two first aid medicines from her bag and stuffed it into the old lady's mouth.

   After finishing all this, Ruan Qi let out a long breath.

   "The situation has stabilized." She wiped the sweat from her forehead and sat on the ground, "Wait for the ambulance."

   (end of this chapter)

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