Chapter 1457 Trouble

  The ambulance came quickly, but within 20 minutes, several medical staff rushed into the bathroom with stretchers.

   The doctor in charge of first aid carried the medical equipment and glanced at everyone. When he saw the old lady lying on the ground, his eyes suddenly widened.

   "What happened to the needle on her body? Who pierced it?!"

"I did it." Ruan Qi patted his pants and stood up from the ground, then took out the doctor's qualification certificate he carried with him, "I am a doctor from Huaguo, and I gave first aid to the patient just now. The patient suffers from severe heart disease and asthma. , but the condition is now stable…”

  Ruan Qi said a bunch of medical terminology and follow-up treatment plans. The emergency doctor was stunned for a while, and the suspicion in his eyes gradually turned into exclamation.

   "Asthma caused by heart disease is very dangerous, and you saved people with a few silver needles! It's amazing!"

   While sighing, the doctor did not forget to check the old lady's physical condition. The emergency medical equipment was attached to the old man's body, and soon, various data indicators appeared on the equipment display.

"The indicators are normal, and the current condition is stable. Put on an oxygen mask and inject intravenously. The patient is older and moves slower." After the doctor quickly gave the order, he turned to look at Ruan Qi, "Dear lady, thank you for saving this man. patient. You are amazing!"

   After the doctor finished speaking, he followed the stretcher and left quickly. The old man who had been guarding his wife gave Ruan Qi a grateful glance, and hurriedly followed.


   The noisy bathroom was quiet again.

  The staff responsible for the aftermath thanked Ruan Qi repeatedly for saving the old lady and freeing the Convention and Exhibition Center from responsibility.

   Ruan Qi waved his hand indifferently and said, "This is what I should do as a doctor, you don't need to thank you."

  The staff of the convention and exhibition center heard this and felt a little more grateful.

   He was about to say a few more polite words, but Ruan Qi suddenly thought of something.

   "That's right," she said, her tone a little guilty, "I was in a hurry to save people and broke the door of the compartment just now."


   The staff was stunned for a moment.

   Just now everyone's attention was on the unconscious old lady, and no one was in the mood to pay attention to a door. At this time, Ruan Qiyi reminded him that the staff and Simon Austin all looked at the door panel of the compartment.

   The white door panel was crumbling against the wall, and there was a head-sized hole on the top of the door panel!

   The staff looked at the hole, and his head was a little dazed, "This hole is..."

   "I hammered it out." Ruan Qi answered with a guilty conscience.

   The staff was even more confused.

   He felt that he couldn't understand Ruan Qi's words, and repeated it uncertainly: "Hammered?"

   Ruan Qi: "Yes. I was in a hurry just now, so I hammered it a few times with my hand."

  "???" Staff, "Hammer with hand?! How to hammer with hand?!"

   That door panel is solid!

   "Just hammer it like this." As a Chinese who has traveled across the ocean, Ruan Qi was afraid that he would leave the impression of inferior quality on foreign friends. In order to prove that she did not deliberately destroy public property, she honestly raised her fist and repeated the previous action of hammering the door.


   A small fist landed on the door panel.

  Ruan Qi only used 50% of his strength this time, the door panel was not hammered out of a big hole, but only shook tremblingly.


   bang bang!

   The entire door panel fell off the door frame.

   (end of this chapter)

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