Chapter 1458 Someone is watching me

staff member:"……"

  Simon Austin: "..."

   I am most afraid of the sudden quietness of the air.

  Ruan Qi stiffened his neck, turned his head little by little, and looked at the fallen door panel.

   "...It was an accident, I didn't exert myself." She struggled hard.

staff member:"……"

   "Really, I really have no strength, your door work is not very good." Ruan Qi continued to struggle.

staff member:"……"

   The little girl who struggled for a long time saw that he didn't speak, and lowered her head shyly, "Okay, I broke it. I will pay for how much it costs."

The staff saw her aggrieved look, the corners of her mouth twitched, and before she could speak, Simon Austin suddenly said, "Although my friend damaged the door panel, she saved people for this arms show and exhibition. The center avoided a negative impact. I don't think she should compensate. What do you think, gentleman?"

  Simon Austin looked at the staff expressionlessly, the staff inexplicably felt the pressure, and nodded with a twitching mouth.

   "Mr. Austin is right. This dear lady helped us and we will not ask her for compensation."

   When Ruan Qi heard that he didn't want to pay for it himself, his sluggish little head immediately lifted up.

   "I really don't have to pay?" Her eyes were bright.

   The staff was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied: "We thank you that it is too late, how can we ask for your compensation. Dear lady, thank you again for saving the old man."

   The staff bowed again and thanked them.

   Ruan Qi waved his hand, said politely, and followed Simon out of the bathroom.

   At the same time, in the monitoring room on the fourth floor, Xi Jiu stared at the monitor screen covering the entire wall.

  Bo Ye's voice sounded in the Bluetooth headset, "Ninth brother, is there any trace of Pan Feng?"

   "No. He probably hasn't come yet." Xi Jiu said, quickly scanning dozens of monitors. Suddenly, his eyes stopped, "There is a change at the door of the bathroom on the first floor, you go and see."

   Thin also moves quickly. Before long, his voice rang again through the Bluetooth headset.

   "Someone in the bathroom fainted and is in the first aid."

   Xijiu: "Identity of the patient?"

  Bo Ye: "The identity is clear, nothing suspicious."

   When Xi Jiu heard the words, she stopped staring at the monitor in the bathroom area, and turned her head to look elsewhere.

   "Why didn't you leave?" Outside the bathroom, Simon looked at Ruan Qi.

   Ruan Qi stopped on the spot, his slightly picked peach eyes swept around, and finally landed on the monitor diagonally opposite the bathroom door.

   She squinted: "It seemed like someone was looking at us just now."

  Simon followed her line of sight and glanced at the monitor, and said in a low voice, "Every armory exhibition will have a situation, the most serious one killed a lot of people. The organizers are afraid of accidents, and it is normal to have strict monitoring."

   Ruan Qi slowly retracted his gaze after hearing the words.

   "Anything else today?"

  Simon shook his head: "No more. Today is the first exhibition, and the exhibits are all ordinary products, and there are no activities. What? Do you want to go?"

   Ruan Qi muttered.

   "The exhibits are too ordinary and a little boring. I want to go back to the hotel. And tomorrow is the Lemy Awards, so I have to prepare."

  Simon took out his phone, glanced at the time, and nodded.

   "Okay, I'll take you back."


   After returning to the hotel, Ruan Qi took a nap. After four o'clock in the afternoon, she was dug out of the bed by Shen Wenqian and began to try on the dress she was going to wear on the red carpet tomorrow.

   At this time, there are still twenty-six hours before the Lemmy Awards ceremony, and related topics are rapidly becoming popular in major forums at home and abroad.

   (end of this chapter)

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