Chapter 1460 Nothing but money

   But these are just speculations, Shen Wenqian did not tell Ruan Qi.


   After trying on the dress, it was already six o'clock in the evening. Shen Wenqian told Ruan Qi to go to bed early, and left the suite with the team's staff.

   The room suddenly fell silent.

  Ruan Qi put on comfortable pajamas, lay lazily on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat.

The chat history between    and Xi Jiu is still in the morning, and Xi Jiu has not replied yet.

   Ruan Qi couldn't help but be a little worried.

   Xijiu told her in the morning that he was catching someone, and she was worried that he would be in danger.

   But worried that Xi Jiu might be inconvenient now, Ruan Qi hesitated for a while, but still did not call Xi Jiu.

   She logged out of WeChat and was about to pick up water for a bath when a video call suddenly rang.

   Ruan Qi glanced at the name displayed on the phone, and a smile crossed Peach Blossom's eyes.

   She pressed the switch button and looked at the boy at the other end of the video with a smile, "Abeid, good evening!"

   "Dear Ruan, good evening!" Abeid's cheerful and clear voice came from the other end of the video.

   As the young master of the first noble family in the Middle East, Abeid, Abed has inherited the excellent genes of his parents. He is blond, blue-eyed and white-skinned.

   Of course, if he hadn't bared his big white teeth and smirked at the camera.

  Abeid laughed so stupidly, Ruan Qi was unconsciously infected, and also became happy.

   She hadn't seen Abed for a long time.

   Ruan Qi went to YL country to film a few months ago, and happened to encounter a shootout at the airport. By chance, he saved the boy. Since then, the young master of the Arfate family has become Ruan Qi's die-hard fan.

   Later, when Ruan Qi returned to China, Abed became the president of her overseas support club, taking over all of Ruan Qi's publicity work abroad.

   In the past few months, Ruan Qi and Abed have been in touch on WeChat, but because the Arfate family is in the Middle East and is too far from China, the two have not seen each other since the last time they parted.

   At this time, Ruan Qi looked at the young man with big white teeth in the video, and couldn't help thinking of Nie Heng who was far away in the imperial capital.

   She used to think that Abed and Nie Heng were a bit similar, they were both like silly dogs, which made people feel kind and loving.

   Ruan Qi looked at Abeide lovingly, and asked with a smile, "Why did you remember to send me a video? Weren't you busy a while ago?"

"I'm done!" The blond boy was full of energy. "My father is a devil. He even gave me three companies to manage. But I'm very smart. I paid for eight professional managers. I gave them all the company. Now, Ruan, guess what I'm doing now?"

   Ruan Qi glanced at the background behind him and raised his eyebrows, "Are you on the plane?"

   "You're so smart! My plane is about to take off, and it will arrive in City Y at 7:00 tomorrow morning! Dear Ruan, I'm going to see you at the Ramy Awards!"

Abed said, holding up a stack of blue tickets, "Look, the tickets to the Ramy Awards! I called all the support club executives, and I paid for all the air tickets and hotels. Nguyen, tomorrow night we will give you the history. The most luxurious support!"

  Abeid's fans' hearts were burning, and Ruan Qi looked at him with ecstatic looks, and his eyes filled with a smile.

   "Abeid, thank you for coming to support me. But everyone is here for me, there is no reason for you to pay. I will pay for everyone's room and board."

   When Abeid heard this, his head suddenly turned into a rattle.

"nonono! Dear Ruan, you are my benefactor. You rescued me from the hail of bullets. I am willing to spend any money for you. My dear, let me spend it. I have nothing but money in my life. Nothing."

   (end of this chapter)

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