Chapter 1461 Catch all at once


   Ruan Qi was flashed by Abed's unexpected wealth.

   But thinking about it carefully, what this kid said was not an exaggeration at all.

  As the richest aristocrat in the Middle East, Arfate has oil in his hands all over the place, which is really rich and flowing oil. As the youngest son of the patriarch of the Arfat family, isn't Abed just poor and only having money?

   Ruan Qi suddenly thought of Cha Lemon.

   She scolded the evil capitalism in her heart, and then thought of the balance in her bank card, which gave her some comfort.

Although    can't compare to Abed, at least she is not the poorest.

   The little girl comforted herself, and then said to the boy on the other end of the video: "How many days are you going to stay in L City this time? After the awards ceremony is over tomorrow, will you have a meal together?"

  As the number one overseas Ruan Bhui, Abed naturally readily agreed.

   "By the way, Ruan, my father is coming over in a few days. He said he has something to tell you."

  The smile on Ruan Qi's face solidified slightly.

  Abeid mentioned the old Alphard, which reminded her of the cooperation with the old Alphard when she was in the YL country.

   Twenty years ago, Ruan Fengmian and Yangliu were hunted and killed. If Grandpa Ruan and Grandma Ruan had not taken them in, Ruan Fengmian and Yangliu would have already become a handful of loess.

   Ruan Qi heard Ruan Fengmian say that those who chased them had totems in the shape of X and flames on their bodies.

   And the younger brother of the old Arfate died mysteriously at the hands of these people ten years ago.

   Ruan Qi and the old Arfate have a common enemy. So they reached a cooperation and provided clues to each other, and those people had to be wiped out.

   When he was in YL before, the old Arfate once said that those people would participate in this year's Armory Show. They need a lot of weapons, but also the most talented ordnance designers.

   Ruan Qi also decided to appear as Seven Kills at this Armory Show because of this.

   She will use herself as bait to capture these people alive to seek justice for Ruan Fengmian and Yangliu's 20 years of incognito.

   Ruan Qi's eyes gradually oozes coolness.

   She clenched her fists on her legs and asked Abed softly, "When will old Mr. Arfate come over?"

"It should be the day after tomorrow." Abed didn't know the secret between Ruan Qi and his father, scratched his head, and said, "My father brought a lot of people to L City this time, and even hired two teams of mercenaries. I don't know what he wants to do."

   What does Old Arfate want to do?

   Of course, he wanted to kill those people at the Armory Show.

   But Abeid didn't know about it, and Ruan Qi didn't tell him, just instructed: "After your father arrives in L city, you should call me immediately. If my phone is not answered, you can contact Brother Shen."

  Abeid felt that there was something wrong with the little girl's tone.

   But he didn't ask more, just nodded dumbly and agreed.


   Ruan Qi was in a bad mood because she thought about what happened 20 years ago, so she turned off the lights early and fell asleep.

   Therefore, she also didn't see the mobile phone on the bedside table, and it lit up several times one after another.

  Eagle Department, branch base of L city in country Y.

   It was after one o'clock in the morning, and the base was brightly lit.

   On the second basement floor, a large iron door slowly opened, and several men with **** aura came out.

   "Those little spicy chickens are really strict. Fortunately, Jiu Ge and Feiyang have a lot of tricks to force out their truth."

   "As long as you're not dumb, you'll tell the truth." Gu Feiyang wiped the blood from his hands and said lazily to everyone in the base, "Okay, go back to sleep. The rest will be dealt with tomorrow."

  Everyone is very tired after a busy day. Hearing Gu Feiyang say this, he was not polite, and they all scattered in a swarm.

  On the second basement floor, only Xi Jiubo and Gu Feiyang were left.

  Gu Feiyang and Bo also washed their hands, and when they turned their heads, they found that Xi Jiu was leaning against the wall, holding the phone in both hands and was busy.

  Bo Ye: "Ninth Brother, what are you doing?"

   Xi Jiu said without looking up, "Send a message to Xiao Qi."

  "?" Bo also glanced at the clock on the wall, "'s after one o'clock in the morning, you send a message to the little sister-in-law? Is there anything you can't tell tomorrow? Do you have to be in such a hurry?"

   Xi Jiu didn't speak.

   He quickly edited seven or eight messages and sent them to Ruan Qi in one go.

   After doing all this, he raised his head and gave Bo Ye a cold look.

   "No wonder you don't have a girlfriend."

   Old Alphard and Fire Totem are mentioned after Chapter 888 of Volume 1. Forgotten baby can review it.



   (end of this chapter)

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