Chapter 1462 Rammy Awards

   Bo Ye: "?"

   Xi Jiu looked at him, with a faint contempt for the single dog in his cold eyes, and said coldly, "I've been busy all day, and I haven't had time to contact Xiaoqi. If she doesn't report safety now, how much should she worry?"

After   , he shook his head, "Forget it, people who don't have a girlfriend won't understand."

   Bo Ye: "…"

   Brother Bo, who has been single for more than 20 years, felt the malice from the young couple for the first time.

   With a blank face, he turned his head to look at Gu Feiyang, another single dog, hoping to find comfort from others of the same kind.

  But Gu Feiyang didn't even give him a look, he just lowered his head and poked the phone casually.

  Bo also couldn't understand why mobile phones are so fun, he wiped his face expressionlessly, trying to bring the topic to business.

   "Ninth brother, are we going to the Arms Show tomorrow?"

   Xijiu shook his head: "The first two days before the Arms Show, Pan Feng and the others should not show up. Let old A stare over there, you two will come with me tomorrow."

   "Where to go?" Bo Ye asked.

"Go pick up someone." Xi Jiu wiped the blood-stained mobile phone screen clean, and said in a low voice, "The people who were caught today spat out a lot of things, you also heard that the backer behind Pan Feng has a great background. The few of us may not be able to detain him. I have contacted the country, and the people from the action team will arrive early tomorrow."

   Bo Ye: "That weapon..."

   "The Eagle Department will solve it." Xi Jiu replied, "I will pick up someone tomorrow morning to pick it up."

  As an underground intelligence organization all over Europe and Asia, Takabe's connections are unimaginable. It's just a few weapons, and for Xi Jiu and Yingbu, it's just a matter of moving their fingers.

  Bo also knew Xi Jiu's ability, so he stopped worrying too much. However, he thought of one more thing.

   "Ninth Brother, Solomon's Seven Kills appeared at the Armory Show, and now many people want to kill him. Sister-in-law and Simon Austin are friends, you might as well let her remind Austin."

   Gu Feiyang, who had been tinkering with his phone all the time, raised his head when he heard this.

   "No need for now." Xi Jiu shook her head slowly, "Tomorrow is the Lemy Awards, and the domestic media and fans are all staring at Xiao Qi. She can't be distracted now. I'll tell her when the awards ceremony is over."

  The sky and the earth are big, and the wife is the biggest.

   Nothing serious can compare to his baby.

  As a good boyfriend who graduated from Durban with full marks, it is absolutely impossible for Xi Da BOSS to cause trouble to his future daughter-in-law at this juncture.

  What Solomon, what Seven Killing Simon, all leaned back on the matter of his family's eldest treasure.


   was speechless all night.

   The next morning, Ruan Qi, who had slept for nearly ten hours, was dug out of bed by Shen Wenqian. Before she could open her eyes, the makeup artist took three masks on her face in a row.

   Then, after taking a bath, shampooing, whole body spa, and even his teeth were rinsed by Shen Wenqian with a toothbrush.

  Ruan Qi didn't quite understand why he had to wash his teeth when attending an awards ceremony, and he didn't even understand the significance of soaking his face with three masks.

   But she has no right to resist now, so she can only let this group of makeup artists and stylists toss and toss, and she has lost half of her life.

   This tossing is six or seven hours, and it was not finished until more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

   At this time, it was eight o'clock in the morning in China.

  # RuanqiLaimeiAward# This topic hung at the bottom of the hot search list for one night yesterday, and until today, the popularity suddenly rushed to the top.

  Everyone is paying attention to the Lemy Awards, and everyone is paying attention to Ruan Qi.

   (end of this chapter)

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