Chapter 1463 Flaming Red Lips

  Hill Hotel.

   In the huge suite, everyone gasped, and their astonishing eyes fell on the girl in front of them.

   The heavy light purple skirt fell to the ground, overflowing with bright streamers under the light. On the raised skirt, the veil was mixed with the brilliance of diamonds, shining brightly. The girl's small waist is not full of a grip, the proud and seductive curve is hidden in the satin tube top, and the champagne diamond necklace is like the brilliance of the sun and the moon, but it cannot suppress the beauty of the girl's face.

   Even if you are used to seeing this face, everyone still feels astonished and suffocated.

   "It's so beautiful..." The female makeup artist looked at Ruan Qi obsessively, "If I can make up this face in my lifetime, I will die without regrets."

   Another makeup artist nodded dumbly, "This is the most perfect makeup I've ever put on in my ten-year career."

  The hot eyes of the two makeup artists fell on Ruan Qi's face.

   The small face with the size of the palm became more three-dimensional after the facelift, and the slightly picked peach blossom eyes became more charming and attractive with the modification of eyeliner and eyeshadow.

  Because of the large number of European and American stars at the Lemy Awards, the make-up artist did not engage in a restrained and reserved set, but directly chose a bright red lipstick to apply on Ruan Qi's lips.

   flaming red lips and eye-catching eyes.

  Tonight's Ruan Qi has lost the sweetness of a girl, completely transformed into a charming and domineering queen, and is about to step into the battlefield that belongs to her.


   Half an hour later, the extended Bentley sent by Wan Teng took Ruan Qi to the Lemmy Awards ceremony.

  In the car, Shen Wenqian confirmed the process of the award ceremony again.

   After he had finished explaining what he had to explain, he paused and said worriedly: "If you meet that Aisha Hawke in the venue later, please bear with it and don't conflict with her."

   Ruan Qi nodded obediently.

   Shen Wenqian saw that she was so obedient, not only did not feel relieved, but even more worried.

   He always felt that Ruan Xiaoqi would do things.

Shen Wenqian touched his shaky hairline and couldn't help but said, "The Lemy Awards are broadcast live around the world, and there are scenes everywhere, you must not quarrel with her. If you have any conflicts, bear with them and wait until the awards ceremony is over. general ledger."

After he finished speaking, he thought of Ruan Qi's force value again, and quickly warned: "Remember, don't do it! If you punch down, the Lemy Awards will become a memorial service! That Aisha Hawke can't stand you. ."


   Ruan Qi felt that her manager seemed to have misunderstood her.

   Is she the kind of person who advocates violence?

   When you meet a little spicy chicken, just stick a silver needle in it. Why do you want to do it?

   Ruan Qi's heart was broken, but he still pretended to be "I'm very good", but he had secretly taken out his mobile phone and opened WeChat.

She had already seen the message    Xijiu sent her in the early morning, but she was too busy today, so she never had time to reply.

   At this time, listening to Shen Wenqian's babbling voice, Ruan Qi nodded and raised her phone to take a selfie for herself.

  The photo was sent to WeChat at once.

   This time, Xi Jiu responded quickly.

  【玖玖: Looks good. 】

  【玖玖: I miss your baby. 】

   Ruan Qi immediately smiled sweetly.

  The little girl is good-looking, and the little girl with makeup is even more beautiful.

   Shen Wenqian, who was still babbling, was shaken by her smile, and his mind went down.

   Ruan Qi didn't notice that her agent was disconnected, she sent Xi Jiu a kiss, and then asked him softly what he was doing.

  【玖玖: In the Eagle Department. 】

  【Jiujiu: Waiting to see the baby walk the red carpet. 】

   Then, he sent a photo.

   In the photo is the rest room of the Eagle Department, Gu Feiyang Bo also and others are sitting around the coffee table, there is a pile of snacks on the table. In front of them, on the 75-inch TV, was the live broadcast room of the Lemmy Awards ceremony.

   (end of this chapter)

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