Chapter 1474 Ruan Qi did not win

   In Annie Dillane's worries, the first Rammy Awards are over.

   After a while of singing and dancing, the second and third awards began to be awarded in an orderly manner.

  The two awards that Ruan Qi was nominated for are relatively heavy and should be announced in the middle and late stages. Although she wanted to win the award, she was in a good mood and didn't seem nervous at all.

   But domestic netizens couldn't bear it.

   This is the first opportunity for the Huaguo music scene to go abroad in ten years. If Ruan Qi can win the award, it will be a milestone breakthrough for the Huaguo music scene.

   Netizens are nervous, and Marshmallow and Xiaolong are even more nervous.

  The mentality is better, and I pray silently in my heart that Ruan Qi wins the award. Those with a bad attitude have already begun to pray to God and worship Buddha.

   For example, Qin Qingdi.

  Since Ruan Qi went to Country Y, Qin Qingdi entered a state of demonic disease. By the time the Ramys started, she was completely insane.

Miss Qin began to frantically swipe the screen in the WeChat group of Xijiu Bai Yuchen, [Guanyin Bodhisattva bless.jpg], [Tai Shang Laojun protect me. , all kinds of superstition expression packs are flying in groups, crazy propaganda of feudal superstition.

   Moreover, not only was she crazy, she was also crazy with Bai Yuchen. The young couple seemed to have fallen for evil, and they just swiped thousands of messages from the group.

  If Qin Qingdi and Bai Yuchen were acting like this, Xi Jiu would definitely kick them out without saying a word.

   But now at this juncture... The big boss Xi decided to change his beliefs for a while, and hugged his feet before the battle.

   He silently took away the superstitious pictures in the group, and followed Qin Qingdi and his wife to brush them up.

  The award ceremony was going on in a frenzy on Xi Da BOSS's crazy drawing.

   Soon, the first half of the ceremony ended, and ten minutes later, the second half began.

   The host in a suit walked onto the stage with a process card. He glanced at the audience and said slowly: "The next thing to be awarded is the Most Popular Song Award! Please invite the presenters to the stage!"

The    Most Popular Song Award is one of the two nominations for Ruan Qi!

   Domestic netizens and fans instantly lifted their hearts.

   In the gorgeous music, the two presenters stepped onto the stage. They simply said a few words, and then turned their eyes to the big screen.

   "The nominees for the most popular song award are—"

   The screen flashed on the big screen, and the video clips of the five nominees appeared.

  When each MV segment is broadcast, the live footage will fall on the singer in the guest seat.

  When the climax of "One Thought" sounded in the huge venue, the beautiful and pathetic picture in the MV appeared on the big screen.

   At the same time, Ruan Qi's figure also appeared in the small shot of the live channel.

  The girl was wearing a purple dress, her peach blossom eyes were as bright as stars, and she was not nervous or flustered at all.

   She sat there calmly and listened carefully to the final award result.

   "The final winner of the most popular song award is - the singer of "loveme", Mona Mayer! Congratulations on your award!"

   With the enthusiastic voice of the presenter, the figure of M country singer Mona Mayer appeared on the big screen.

   There was thunderous applause in the venue.

  But in the domestic live broadcast room, there was no sound.

   Ruan Qi did not win.

   Countless hearts full of expectations were all shattered at this moment.

  Some people with a bad attitude started crying directly in the live broadcast room.

  Although it has long been known that it is difficult for Orientals to win favor at the Ramy Awards, everyone still hopes for a miracle to happen.

   But it turns out that reality is reality, and miracles only exist in fairy tales.

   (end of this chapter)

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