Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1475: Most Popular Singer Award

   Chapter 1475 Most Popular Singer Award

   There was crying on the live broadcast platform.

  # Ruan Qi did not win the award#——This sad topic rushed to the hot search in the blink of an eye.

   Netizens talked a lot, most of them expressed sadness, but some people were gloating at the result, and even full of malice.

  【Ruan Qi fans continue to blow? The first person in the Chinese music scene in ten years, is it slapped in the face now? 】

【Hahaha! I am so satisfied with this result! Ruan Qi has been jumping up and down in the Huaguo entertainment circle for more than a year, and she is praised like a flower. As a result, I went abroad, not to accompany you? 】

  【The hype was so high-profile before, but you can't even get a trophy back, which is a shame for Huaguo! 】

  【Weared a golden mountain to walk the red carpet at the Ramys, but came back empty-handed. If I were Ruan Qi, I would kneel down and apologize to Chinese netizens, and then quit the entertainment industry! 】

   With the fermenting of the topic of #見柒不winning#, the black fans who were just around the corner finally broke out the greatest malice.

   They frantically abused Ruan Qi online, and even nailed her to the pillar of shame, calling her the shame of China.

   The passers-by and netizens who were watching couldn't bear it any longer when they saw these words.

  【Are some people sick? Black people also need to pay attention to the Basic Law, right? Why did Ruan Qi feel the shame of China? 】

  【If you don’t win an award once, you will lose face to Huaguo. Wouldn’t the singers in the entire Chinese music scene commit suicide to apologize? 】

  【Isn’t it well-known that Orientals have difficulty winning awards in Europe and America? Ruan Qi's nomination has already won glory for the country. What happened to the escort? I don't have the qualifications to accompany you to run! 】

  【Go away with Kuroko and Sailor, no one likes to hear your farts. 】

  【Don’t forget, Ruan Qi won two nominations. There is still one most popular singer award yet to be announced! 】

   Ruan Qi received a total of two nominations, of which the most popular singer award has not yet been announced.

   But everyone did not have much hope for this award.

  Because the weight of the Most Popular Singer Award is too heavy, the people who can get this nomination are the popular bigwigs in the music scene in recent years. Ruan Qi, a newcomer from the East, is as difficult as getting this award.

   Everyone is not very optimistic, so they don't say much on the Internet.

  The awards ceremony continued.

   Missed the Most Popular Song Award. Although Ruan Qi was a little disappointed, he quickly adjusted himself.

   It was Anne Dylan, who looked at her worriedly several times.

   "Ruan, I didn't win the award this time, and there will be another time. You are very good, and you will definitely get the trophy back."

   Ruan Qi felt Anne Dylan's concern, and a warm feeling surged in her heart.

   She hooked her lips and said with a smile, "Sister Annie, I'm not sad. I'm only twenty years old, I'm still young."

  Although I really want to get a trophy and get more faith points. But she doesn't feel particularly sad when the results aren't what she wanted.

   She is still young.

   She was only twenty years old.

   She has enough time to earn life.

   It's just that Jiujiu may have to suffer for two more years.

   But sooner or later she will hold his hand and tell everyone that he is her boyfriend.

   Ruan Qi's mentality was very good. Anne Dylan was really not sad to see her, and her frown slowly loosened.

   She patted the back of the little girl's hand lightly, and their eyes fell on the stage together.

   One award after another continues to be announced in an orderly manner.

   The lights are bright at night, and the awards ceremony has already passed two-thirds.

   At this moment, the hall-level music diva wearing a long golden dress walked onto the stage with a microphone.

   She looked at everyone with a smile, and said slowly: "The award to be announced next, I also won it the year I debuted. Can anyone guess what it is?"

  The name of an award is immediately displayed in the barrage of major live broadcast platforms.

   In the audience at the venue, someone shouted loudly.

   "Dear, you guessed it right!" The music diva gave a thumbs up to the audience, "It's the Most Popular Singer Award! Let us invite the presenters to come on stage and announce the most popular singer of the year!"

   (end of this chapter)

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