Chapter 1476 Someone bribed the jury

  The passionate background music sounded in the venue.

   With the sound of music, it is the hearts of countless Chinese people.

  Most Popular Singer Award, Ruan Qi's second nomination.

   Can she get this award?

   In the anticipation and nervousness of many people, two award-winning guests in costumes took to the stage.

   At the same time, Shen Wenqian, who was in the background, received a call.

   "Bribery of the jury? The Hawke family?"

"Not bad." Wan Teng said on the phone in a calm voice with a hint of coldness, "Old Hawke's third son went to meet the leader of the Lemy Awards jury in person yesterday, and gave him 50 million. "

  Old Hawke's third son?

   Isn't that Aisha Hawke's father? !

   Shen Wenqian's heart lifted instantly, and he quickly asked, "What does he want to do? Do you want to secretly engage Xiaoqi?"

Wan Teng on the other end of the phone gave an 'um', "he hoped that the head of the jury team would reveal the final winners of the two awards for the most popular song and the most popular singer. He also implicitly said to the head of the group that Europe and the United States The award is best left to one's own hands, and the Orientals are just outsiders."

   Shen Wenqian almost broke out the classic national scolding.

   As expected of Aisha Hawke's biological father, he is as disgusting as his daughter!

  Shen Wenqian trembled with anger, gritted his teeth and asked, "Did the head of the jury team agree?"

   "I didn't agree." Wanteng paused, his tone a bit weird, "Before you were worried that Aisha Hawke would make small moves, and let me keep an eye on the judges. It just so happened that I have a good friend in the judges."

   Shen Wenqian's heart moved, "Mr. Wan, your friend won't be..."

"It's the leader of the jury team." Wan Teng seemed to be holding back his laughter, "My wife and I are friends in the shopping mall, and even have a good relationship with him. After you finished talking to me that day, I'll give it to him. Called. The intention was to make him stare at the other judges, who knew that the Hawke family would bribe him directly."

Speaking of this, Wan Teng couldn't help it. He laughed twice before continuing, "You don't know, the wife of this jury leader's wife is very good in the business world. He's not bad at all, the one bribed by the Hawke family. Fifty million is not enough for him to buy a violin. This dude slaps the check directly on Elsa Hawk's father's face, points his nose and tells him to **** off."

  Shen Wenqian imagined the scene and felt that he was refreshed.

   lets you bribe the jury.


  Shen Wenqian made no secret of his schadenfreude, the corners of his mouth rose wildly with laughter, but he politely said: "Thank you Mr. Wan for this, I thank you for Xiaoqi."

"No need to thank me, I'm Xiao Qi's uncle, these are all things I should do. What's more," Wan Teng paused, his voice cold, "Xiao Qi finally got to this point, even if he didn't win the prize in the end, It must not be because of such disgusting people."


   Ruan Qi didn't know what happened in the background.

   At this time, she was sitting on the seat and looked at the presenters who came to the stage with a smile.

   The two guests who are responsible for awarding the Most Popular Singer Award are very famous, one is a popular queen, and the other is a famous composer in the circle.

   The two of them picked up the envelope sealed with fire clay, stood in front of the microphone and spoke slowly.

   "The most popular singer nominated for this year is—"

  The music in the venue changed, and the MV works of the five nominees appeared on the big screen one after another.

   At the same time, the two presenters opened the envelope with the final answer.

   (end of this chapter)

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