Chapter 1480 Crazy hot

   The black Lincoln car drove forward with difficulty at the back door of the crowded venue.

   Shen Wenqian took advantage of this gap to report to Ruan Qi the current public opinion situation in China.

   is simply one word - burst.

  Since Ruan Qi won the award, the Weibo system has collapsed twice. Other popular forums are also full of traffic, and topics related to the Ruan Qi Lemmy Awards have become popular all the way.

   And the major domestic media also dispatched together. In less than half an hour, Shen Wenqian's two mobile phones received hundreds of calls.

   All invited Ruan Qi to do interviews.

   "I picked a few of these invitations, all of which are serious official media. Although you have won the award now, your fame cannot be exhausted. Excessive exposure will cause aesthetic fatigue to the public."

   Ruan Qi did not follow the traffic route, and Shen Wenqian didn't want her to always hang in front of the camera and on Weibo.

  With the trophy of the Lemy Award, Ruan Qi can maintain his popularity even if he does not show up for the next six months. Therefore, for Ruan Qi now, popularity is no longer the most important thing. Instead of frantically receiving announcements to consume fame, it is better to sink down and create new works to make this trophy more worthy of its name.

   Shen Wenqian briefly planned the path Ruan Qi would take next.

   Ruan Qi listened obediently, nodding his head from time to time, and had ten thousand trust in the professionalism of his agent.

  Shen Wenqian: "By the way, the official Weibo and Jane director of the "Blade" TV series have sent Weibo to congratulate you. Remember to reply and forward it later."

   TV series "Blade" will be broadcast on China Television the day after tomorrow. Ruan Qi winning the award at this time is undoubtedly an excellent promotion opportunity for "Blade".

  Director Jian Guoqiang called Shen Wenqian right away. In addition to saying goodbye, he also bluntly expressed his idea of ​​catching Ruan Qi's popularity.

   Shen Wenqian certainly would not refuse.

   He readily agreed to Jian Guoqiang's request, and generously expressed his enthusiasm. Ruan Qi lacked everything now, but he did not lack enthusiasm.

   "The official Weibo account of "Blade" seems to have held a lottery. You can participate in it later, just to create a topic."

  Shen Wenqian returned Ruan Qi's cell phone to her as he spoke.

   Ruan Qi opened WeChat as soon as she got her phone back.

   Hundreds of unread messages, all congratulations to her.

   Ruan Qi glanced briefly, and then clicked into the Ruan family's family group.

   The red envelopes rained all over the group, Grandpa Ruan and Grandma Ruan were crazy to spread their money, and Fancy congratulated her.

   Ruan Qi immediately dipped his hands a little and started to grab the red envelopes.

   After finishing the grab, she sent a message to everyone, then exited the Ruan family group and clicked on Xi Jiu's chat window.

   is still a red envelope.

  The sky is full of red envelopes, Xi Jiu is like a boy who scattered money, sending all kinds of red envelopes to Ruan Qi as if they don't need money.

   Ruan Qi collected the money skillfully, and then opened the dialog box, ready to send a message to Xi Jiu.

   Who knew that at this moment, a harsh brake sound suddenly sounded outside the car window.

   Then, the car stopped suddenly.

  Inertia, Ruan Qi, who was playing with his mobile phone with his head down, almost collided with the window.

   Mo Lan quickly grabbed her.

   "What happened outside? Why did you brake suddenly?" Shen Wenqian asked with a frown.

The driver sitting in front opened the window and glanced out, "It seems that a fan stopped the car and blocked the road. A Rolls-Royce did not stop and ran after a Bentley. Good guy, this is Are the stars in the two cars?"

   (end of this chapter)

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