Chapter 1481 Seeing Jiang Chunian

   The crowd at the awards ceremony has not yet finished, and this road is currently very difficult to pass. The luxury cars carrying celebrities were all stuck on the road, and the horns were blaring loudly, but they couldn't get out.

   Out of curiosity, Ruan Qi pulled the curtain of the car and looked out.

   There were indeed several luxury cars parked not far away, two of which had rear-end collisions and their bumpers were deformed. And the surroundings of these cars were full of fans wearing support uniforms. Fans blocked the road, and they didn't know which star they were blocking.

   Ruan Qi couldn't help but want to watch the fun.

   She pressed down the car window and tried her best to stick out her little head, but was pulled by Shen Wenqian by her pigtails.

   "The media and the paparazzi haven't gone clean yet, you shrink back for me!"

   The little girl with her braids pulled her head back reluctantly.

  The car window slowly closed, and she reluctantly looked out again. At this moment, the rear-end Rolls-Royce dropped the window, and a man's profile was exposed from the car.

   Thin, pale, lips red as blood.

   He sat quietly in the car with no lights on, like a ghost in the dark, exuding dead silence and gloom.

   Ruan Qi's face suddenly changed color.

   She stared at the profile face in disbelief, her breathing became short.

   That person...that person...

  Even though she had never seen that profile face in reality, even if her memory was blank, that person's facial features were deeply engraved in Ruan Qi's mind, and it was a nightmare she could never get rid of.

  The early years of Jiang!

   That profile is Jiang Chunian!

  The blood on Ruan Qi's face disappeared instantly, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

   She grabbed the handle on the door tightly and wanted to open the door. But the trembling fingers seemed to be disobedient, cold and stiff.

  Mo Lan was the first to notice Ruan Qi's abnormality.

   "Xiao Qi? What's wrong with you?" She put her hand on Ruan Qi's shoulder, but found that Ruan Qi's body was trembling.

  Mo Lan's expression changed, "Little Seven?"

   Ruan Qi did not speak.

   She seemed to be caught in a nightmare, and her pale face was dripping with cold sweat. She stared at the Rolls-Royce not far away, the two cars were only a dozen meters apart, but she didn't even have the strength to open the door and walk over.

   Xixioma and the others also discovered that the little girl was in a wrong state at this time.

   "Xiao Qi? What happened? What are you looking at?" Shen Wenqian asked quickly.

   Ruan Qi firmly grabbed the door and slammed it, trying to control his trembling body, and said with difficulty, "...get out of the car...catch someone...the guy in the Rolls-Royce, hurry up!"

  The Homas didn't know the existence of Jiang Chunian.

   But Ruan Qi has an order, and even if they don't know anything, they will unconditionally execute it.

  Homer and Xixi quickly opened the door and got out of the car, raised their feet and rushed towards the Rolls-Royce parked on the side of the road.

   Ruan Qi stared at the movements of the two.

  Ten meters...nine meters...eight meters...

  Homa and Sissy are getting closer and closer to the Rolls-Royce, and also to the person sitting in the Rolls-Royce.

   Ruan Qi stared intently at the side face of the Rolls-Royce, his hand clutching the door was dripping with sweat.

  Seven meters...six meters...


   A harsh whistle sounded suddenly on the road.

  The fans who were stuck at the intersection have been evacuated at some point, and the traffic has resumed smooth.

  Rolls-Royce's engine sounded and the wheels rolled quickly.

   Homer and Sisi immediately accelerated and rushed over.

  However, the speed of people can’t compare with motor vehicles. Rolls-Royce’s speed is getting faster and faster, and finally disappears into the rolling traffic.

   (end of this chapter)

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