Chapter 1482 The storm is rising

   "Fuck!" Sisi couldn't help but scolded as she looked at the taillights of the Rolls-Royce gradually receding.

   Ho Ma squinted and stared into the distance for a while, then turned and walked back.

   "I didn't catch up." He opened the car door and sat in, raised his head and said to Ruan Qi, "But I wrote down the license plate number of that car."

   Ruan Qi did not speak.

   She fixedly stared at the place where Rolls-Royce stayed before, her eyes were empty, and her heart was numb.

   In Ruan Qi's current memory, she had never seen Jiang Chunian.

   However, today was just a profile, but she recognized the man at a glance.

   That was the source of all her nightmares.

   Ruan Qi originally thought that everything in the nightmare was scary enough. But she didn't know what fear was until she saw Jiang Chunian with her own eyes.

   Facing Jiang Chunian, her body would tremble uncontrollably, and she could not even make a sound.

  Jiang Chunian's name and his face are like a demon that haunts her, pulling her into the abyss and unable to turn over.

   Ruan Qi closed his eyes, and the sequelae of excessive mental stress began to gradually appear.

   Her head began to hurt violently, her temples jumped, and the nerves throbbed.

   "Sister Lan, I have a headache." The little girl's face was pale, and she spoke with a strong cry.

   Mo Lan's eyes flashed with distress.

   She hugged the little girl, let her lie on her lap, and then stretched out her hands and pressed lightly on her temples.

   Shen Wenqian looked at the pale girl's pale face and asked unbearably, "Xiao Qi, who was that person just now? Do you need to call the police?"

   Ruan Qi closed his eyes and shook his head.

   "Don't call the police, it's useless to report it."

  Jiang had been able to hide abroad for ten years in early years without being caught, so he must have some means.

   For someone like him who walks the other way, even if they call the police, it is estimated that the police will not catch any evidence.

   "Uncle He Ma, do you remember the license plate number of that Rolls-Royce?" Ruan Qi asked suddenly.

  He Ma nodded slightly: "Yes. Do you want to check?"

   "Check it out." Ruan Qi opened his eyes and stared at the roof of the car thoughtfully, "The awards ceremony venue is closed to traffic, which artist's car should be that Rolls-Royce. But..."

   But how did Jiang Chunian get involved with the artist?

   What does he want to do?

   The fear of meeting Jiang Chunian gradually dissipated, and Ruan Qi's mind regained clarity.

   She sorted out the things she had found these days, and suddenly remembered a person——


  Jiang Chunian's assistant ten years ago is now Qiu Weiren.

   When Ruan Qi went to the Shanghai Stock Exchange to block Qiu Weiren, he happened to encounter Qiu Weiren who was assassinated by a killer. At that time, the killer said that the client who hired him to assassinate Qiu Weiren was code-named J.

   Qiu Weiren has been in prison for ten years, and he has long been out of touch with society and has no enemies. The only one who wants him to die is Jiang Chunian.

  Because Qiu Weiren had evidence of Jiang Chunian's crimes in his hands, Jiang Chunian wanted those evidences and wanted Qiu Weiren to die.

  J is likely to be Jiang Chunian.

   Later, Ruan Qi followed the killer website and hacked into J's computer system, and found that J seemed to be very concerned about this year's Global Arms Show.

  The Global Ordnance Exhibition is held in L city, Y country.

   And Jiang Chunian also appeared in L city of Y country.

   Assuming that J is really Jiang Chunian, then the purpose of his appearance in L he going to the Armory Show?

   But to go to the Armory Show, you must have an invitation letter. Jiang Chunian is a wanted criminal. With his ability alone, he cannot get an invitation letter at all.


  Ruan Qi suddenly thought of the Rolls-Royce that Jiang Chunian was sitting in. It should belong to a certain star.


   "Uncle He Ma, check all the invited guests at the Armory Show to see if there is any artist."

   (end of this chapter)

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