Chapter 1483 Overcoming Fear

   The group quickly returned to the hotel.

   In order to celebrate Ruan Qi winning the award, Wan Teng prepared a celebratory banquet on the 88th floor of the hotel. However, because of Jiang Chunian's incident, Ruan Qi was not feeling well. She only sat in the dining room for a while before returning to her room early.

   It was dark in the suite.

   Ruan Qi inserted the room card into the card slot and returned to his bedroom with a weak pace.

   She didn't turn on the light, and fell into the big bed in the dark.

   It was a happy thing to win the trophy of the Ramy Award, but Jiang Chunian's sudden appearance broke all joy.

  As soon as Ruan Qi closed his eyes, all he could think of was Jiang Chunian's skeleton-thin profile.

  The images in the nightmare came one after another, accompanied by the darkness in the room, which weighed heavily on Ruan Qi's heart.

   Ruan Qi took a hard breath, her eyes a little blank.

   "...Girl, are you alright?" Bai Li in the system looked at her worriedly.

   Ruan Qi shook his head, "It's okay, just a little headache."

  Bai Li pursed her lips, looking at her pale face, she couldn't help but cursed Jiang Chunian in her heart.

  What a beast!

When    is bad, it happened today.

   You have done so many bad things, how come no thunder strikes you to death!

  Bai Li scolded, wishing to condense into an entity and get out of the system to avenge Ruan Qi in person.

   "Girl, your condition is not very good, why don't you let the Xi family come over? Isn't he also in L City?"

   Ruan Qi shook his head and rejected Bai Li's proposal.

   Xijiu has been arresting people for the past few days, and she is very busy. It often takes several hours to reply to the WeChat messages she sends. Ruan Qi didn't want to cause trouble for Xi Jiu at this time, and make him more difficult.

   What's more, she has a psychological problem.

   She was afraid of Jiang Chunian.

   And she must overcome this fear.

   Whether it is Xi Jiu or Ruan's family, all they can give her is company and encouragement. If she wants to truly come out of the shadows, she also needs to rely on herself.

   She doesn't want to be a burden to her family and loved ones.

  How Jiang Chunian tortured her back then, she would return it with her own hands sooner or later.

  Although this step is difficult to walk, she has to crawl out of this step.

   Ruan Qi sat up from the bed.

   "Seven girls, what are you going to do?"

   "Turn on the computer."

   Ruan Qi walked to the closet, dragged out the suitcase, and took out the laptop.

   As she turned on the phone, she said to Bai Li, "Uncle Bai Li, do you remember the J who hired someone to assassinate Qiu Weiren?"

   "Of course I do. You suspected that J was Jiang Chunian?"

   "Yes." The laptop screen lights up in the dark room. Ruan Qi quickly tapped the keyboard, and rows of codes appeared on the screen, "At that time, I hacked into J's computer and found that this person was very concerned about ordnance weapons and this year's ordnance exhibition. If J was Jiang Chunian, then he appeared in City L, will it be for the Armory Show?"

   "emm..." Bai Li rubbed her chin thoughtfully, "Your speculation makes sense. What do you want to do now?"

   Ruan Qi: "Hack into J's computer again to see if there are any new clues."

   When the words are finished, press the Enter key, and J's computer interface appears on the screen of the laptop.

   Ruan Qi proficiently browsed the hard drive of J's computer system. After finding nothing, she opened the browser again.

  J is very cautious in doing things, even if it is his own computer, he will be careful not to leave any traces of the Internet.

  The history in the browser is cleared.

   But it didn't stop Ruan Qi.

   She quickly tapped on the keyboard a few times, and the emptied browsing history was instantly restored.

   Ruan Qi read these browsing records from top to bottom.

   "Ordnance weapons, ordnance manufacturing and production, ordnance bases, ordnance dealers, ordnance exhibitions..." Bai Li couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "Why is it all related to ordnance? What does he want to do?"

   Ruan Qi did not speak.

   She quickly scrolled down the browsing history, and finally stopped on a certain record.

   "Huh?" Bai Li also noticed the browsing record that had nothing to do with ordnance, "The Hawke family in Country Y? What does this J Chahawke family do?"

   As soon as he finished speaking, Ruan Qi's phone suddenly rang.

   She glanced at the caller ID and pressed the connect button, "Uncle Hema."

"Xiao Qi, the owner of that Rolls-Royce has been checked." Ho Ma's voice came from the receiver, "The car is from the Hawke family, and the owner is Demon Hawke. This person ranks No. 1 in the Hawke family. Three, is Elsa Hawk's biological father."

   (end of this chapter)

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