Chapter 1484 Chaos, chaos

   "Also, this Rolls-Royce was called away by Aisha Hawke today and sent her to the awards ceremony."

   Ruan Qi had a surprised look on his face when he heard the words.

   Why is this still related to the Hawke family?

  Why did Jiang Chu Nian sit in Aisha Hawke's car?

   Ruan Qi was full of doubts and asked, "What else did you find?"

   "The invitation list for this Armory Show." He Ma's voice was deep, "Little Seven, Aisha Hawke and her father are on the invitation list."

   Ruan Qi was stunned for a while, and then suddenly realized.

I see!

   No wonder Jiang Chunian will appear on Aisha Hawke's Rolls-Royce.

   He was trying to use Aisha Hawke to enter the Armory Show!

   And that J is 100% Jiang Chunian. That's why he searched for information about the Hawke family on the browser.

   Because Jiang Chunian wanted to use the Hawke family to achieve his goals.

   However, there is one thing Ruan Qi doesn’t quite understand.

  Why did Jiang go to the Armory Show in the early years?

"Arms Exhibition, ordnance manufacturing, ordnance dealer..." Bai Li stared at the browsing records on Jiang Chunian's computer, and suddenly a terrifying guess appeared, "Seven girls, this Jiang Chunian... doesn't want to make weapons, right? "

   Ruan Qi frowned immediately.

  Jiang was a wanted criminal in early years, his identity was not visible, and it was inconvenient to do many things. If he wants to create his own power, he can only walk in the gray area.

   In the gray area, there are two quickest ways to obtain power and money - poison puppets, and ordnance.

  Jiang tried every possible way to go to the Arms Show in the early years of his life. Nine times out of ten, it was for the manufacture of ordnance weapons.

   He wants to go to the Armory Show to find resources, people, and partners.

   "If Jiang Chunian really goes to the Arms Show, Seven Girls, would you like to avoid it?" Bai Li was very worried about Ruan Qi's state and didn't want her to be stimulated by Jiang Chunian again.

   But Ruan Qi rejected his kindness.

"Uncle Bai Li, I have to go to the Arms Show. Not only for Jiang Chunian, but also for the Flame Totem organization. Old Arfate said that people from that organization are very likely to participate in this Arms Show. Such a good opportunity, I don't want to. Let go."

   Ruan Fengmian and Yang Liu were hunted down by that organization for 20 years, and Ruan Qi hated them to the bone.

   If it wasn't for these people to take the bait, she wouldn't take the initiative to show herself in the ordnance as the Seven Kills this time.

   Whether it was the Flame Totem Organization or Jiang Chunian, she didn't want to let it go.

  Since they are all coming to the Arms Show, let’s make a mess together.

What    owes her, and what she owes her parents, has to be paid back to her this time.

  No one wants to run!


After    turned off the laptop, Ruan Qi made a few more calls.

  No one except Bai Li knew what she said on the phone.

  Wait to hang up the last call, the time has come in the second half of the night. Ruan Qi charged the phone, washed quickly, and then got into the bed and fell asleep.

  , who had already fallen asleep, did not know that a black Hummer was galloping towards her hotel from the northernmost part of L City in the dark.

   Xixi, dressed in black, was already waiting outside the hotel door.

   More than an hour later, the black Hummer stopped in front of the hotel.

   The man in black boots got out of the car, and Xixi immediately greeted him.


   Xi Jiu threw the car key to the parking attendant, strode into the hotel, and asked Xi Xi, "How is Xiao Qi?"

   "I've already slept. Mo Lan said that Madam didn't sleep well, as if she was having a nightmare."

  Xi Jiu heard the words, her eyes darkened, and said to Xi Xi in a cold voice, "What happened at night, tell me in 1510."

   (end of this chapter)

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