Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1485: Don't be afraid, I'm here

   Chapter 1485 Don't be afraid, I'm here

  The elevator of the hotel silently arrived at the floor where Ruan Qi was.

   The elevator door opened with a 'ding', and Xi Jiu walked out with Xi Xi.

"That's basically the situation. After seeing the man, Madam's mood was not right. Ho Ma and I got out of the car and arrested him, but took a step back and let him run away. But Ho Ma has already found the Rolls-Royce. The owner of the car is a member of the Hawke family."

  The Hawke family.

   Xi Jiu's face darkened.

   He knew the conflict between Aisha Hawke and Ruan Qi. The woman bullied his little girl, so Xi Jiu had no good impression of the entire Hawke family.

The child does not teach, the father too.

   To be able to educate such a thing as Aisha Hawke, presumably her father and her grandfather are not good things.

"Find someone to keep an eye on the Hawke family, especially the Aisha Hawkes and their daughters. Let's investigate who they've seen and where they've been these days. Also," Xi Jiu paused and asked coldly, " The man in the Rolls Royce, do you remember what he looked like?"

   Xixi thought for a moment, and shook his head hesitantly.

"At that time, I was in a hurry, and I couldn't see the man's appearance very clearly. But I remember that his face was very pale and he was very thin. The whole person looked sinister, like a ghost. Madam I don't know if he was attacked by him. His appearance was frightened, and his body kept shaking."

   Xi Jiujun frowned slightly.

  My little girl is very courageous, how could she be frightened by a terrifying-looking man.

  Unless, that man is…

Xi Jiu's eyes sank, and she instructed Xi Xi in a cold voice: "Contact the Eagle Department immediately, and ask a few more people to come to protect Xiao Qi. You must stay with her in Country Y these days. Xiao Qi will be there tomorrow. What's the itinerary? In time for the announcement?"

   Xixi shook his head, "Madam has no announcement tomorrow, but she's going to..."


  The door of Ruan Qi's room was suddenly opened.

   Mo Lan, who was dressed in black home clothes, walked out quickly.

   When she saw Xi Jiu, her anxious expression eased a little, and she whispered to Xi Jiu: "Xiao Qi has a nightmare, Mr. Xi, go take a look."

   When Xi Jiu heard the words, Jun's face immediately changed color.

   He pushed away Xixi who was in front of him, walked quickly into the suite, and went straight to Ruan Qi's bedroom.

   The bedroom door was ajar, and dim light and low sobbing came from the crack of the door.

   On the big white bed, the little girl curled herself into a ball and tucked herself into the quilt pitifully.

   Her face was buried in her long hair, and the pillow under her face seemed damp.

   A big hand reached out silently.

  's slender fingers gently removed the hair stuck on the little girl's face.

   The little girl's hair was wet, her face was wet, and her closed eyes were still shedding tears.

   Xi Jiu's eyes flashed with distress.

   He knelt on one knee on the carpet beside the bed, took out two tissues, and carefully wiped the tears from the little girl's face.

   The little girl who was in a nightmare seemed to feel that someone was touching her, her body shrank back subconsciously, and the eyeballs under her eyelids moved uneasily.

   Xi Jiu lightly patted her twice.

   "Don't be afraid, baby, I'm here."

   The man's voice was low and low, with a reassuring power.

   The little girl in the nightmare seemed to hear his comfort, the little hand holding the quilt slowly relaxed, and the pink lips let out a whimpering voice.

   "... nine nine."

   "Well, Jiu Jiu is here." Xi Jiu patted her back and answered her again and again, "Don't be afraid, baby, Jiu Jiu is here."

   The single dog author eats dog food while coding.

   Hiccup! ~



   (end of this chapter)

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