Chapter 1486 Two Heartbroken Eggs

  This night, the man hugged the little girl in his heart and slept on the big bed.

  Xi Jiu's breath made Ruan Qi feel at ease. In the second half of the night, she didn't have any more nightmares and woke up at dawn.

   At seven o'clock in the morning, Ruan Qi woke up naturally from her sleep.

   She opened her eyes in a daze, and subconsciously touched the bed beside her.

  The bed was empty, and the cold temperature never seemed to lay down.

   Ruan Qi opened his eyes suspiciously.

  How could she remember that Jiujiu seemed to be here last night?

   Are you dreaming?

   Ruan Qi hesitantly sat up from the bed, his eyes swept across the bedroom, and finally settled on the bedside table.

   On the black bedside table, there is a glass of water. There is a note under the water glass.

   Ruan Qi thought, and reached out to take the note.

  【The Eagle Department is in a hurry, I'll go first. The breakfast has been bought, and the baby can eat it hot after getting up. 】

The sign    is a strong and powerful '鎖' character.

   Ruan Qi's eyes widened suddenly.

   She took the note, lifted the quilt, jumped out of bed, and rushed out of the bedroom.

   In the living room outside the bedroom, the three of Mo Lan and Ma Xixi were eating breakfast around the dining table.

   "Where's Jiujiu?!" Ruan Qi hurriedly ran over.

   Xixi hurriedly swallowed the soy milk in his mouth and replied, "The owner left after six in the morning. It was said that the Eagle Department was in a hurry and he had to deal with it."

   Ruan Qi's only expectation in his heart suddenly shattered into ashes.

   She lowered her eyes in disappointment and gave a pitiful 'oh'.

  Mo Lan couldn't bear the little girl to be lethargic, got up and got into the kitchen and brought out a plate, "Master Xi bought you a lot of breakfast, and fried two soft-hearted eggs by hand. Come and try it?"

   Xijiu didn’t know how to cook before. After having a little girl, he began to learn cooking with Chef Chen at home.

   However, because of the busy work, there is not much time to squeeze out, so Xi Jiu's cooking skills are a little slow to light up.

   So far, he has studied for more than a month, and only learned some simple dishes such as egg fried rice, fried steak, and tomato scrambled eggs.

  Xi Jiu is actually not very good at dishes such as boiled eggs that require control of the heat and time.

   For example, these two eggs with soft hearts that are now on the dinner plate, the edges are covered in a circle, and the hearts are not particularly successful, and the appearance is a bit tragic.

   But Ruan Qi's eyes suddenly lit up.

   She ran to the dining table with bare feet, staring at the two soft-hearted eggs with bright peach blossom eyes, "Is this made by Jiujiu?!"

  Mo Lan nodded.

   A big smile appeared on the little girl's face.

  She pulled over the dining chair and sat down, ignoring all the delicate food, picked up the dinner fork and went straight to the heartless egg.

  The charred egg was picked up by a gold fork. Ruan Qi's 'Ouch' was just a mouthful. After chewing it, her eyes narrowed instantly.

"very delicious!"

   The little girl ate happily, as if she was enjoying some top imperial meal. The loss caused by Xi Jiu's departure before has all vanished.

  Mo Lan and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts when they saw that she had regained her energy.

   "That's right, Xiao Qi," Xi Xi put down the cup of soy milk and said to Ruan Qi, "Before he left, the owner said that he is busy these days, and he will take you out to play when he is done."

   Ruan Qi nodded while eating the hearty egg.

   "What is Jiujiu busy with recently, hee hee uncle, do you know?"

   "I don't know." Xixi shook his head, "I only heard that the Eagle Department seems to be arresting people. I don't know the specific situation very well. Xiaoqi wants to know? I can call and ask."

   (end of this chapter)

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