Chapter 1490

   Ruan Qi was stunned for a moment.

   After a while, his expression became solemn.

  Solomon, as a leading company in the field of ordnance manufacturing, is like a huge machine that requires the cooperation of countless parts to operate successfully.

   And Simon Austin is the manipulator of these parts.

  Simon Austin is Solomon's central pillar, and if he dies, Solomon will be in a mess.

  It may not be impossible for someone with a heart to take advantage of this opportunity to enter and seize Solomon’s control.

The meaning of   Old Alphaat is very clear - the X organization is very likely to kill Simon Austin and control Solomon by himself.

   After all, they should prefer Solomon to be their affiliation than a disobedient partner.

  Only in this way can they unbridly manufacture weapons and do whatever they want.

   Wanting to understand this, Ruan Qi's face was covered in frost.

   She narrowed her eyes coldly, pondered for a moment, then raised her head and smiled at Old Alphard.

   "Old Mr. Arfate, thank you for your reminder. Solomon and Simon will remember your favor in their hearts."

  Old Alphard shook his head with a smile: "I'm just guessing. If the X organization didn't target Solomon, then it would be the best. If it does, Solomon and Mr. Simon should be more careful."

   Ruan Qi nodded and thanked him again.

Old Arfate put down the water glass and said: "I brought a lot of people this time, all of them are elite bodyguards of the Arfate family. In addition, I also hired two top mercenary teams. I hope this time, We can scoop up all the crumbs."

The   X organization is too mysterious, and the Alphard family is very powerful, and they haven't touched their nest.

   This Armory Show is a great opportunity.

   As long as he can catch the people of the X organization at the Armory Show, Ruan Qi has a way to dig out clues from their mouths, and then follow the clues to find the X organization's nest.

   These people have been arrogant for too long, Ruan Qi even dreamed of killing them.

  As long as they die, Ruan Fengmian and Yang Liu will have no worries.

   Thinking of the hardships his parents suffered twenty years ago, Ruan Qi's always smiling peach blossom eyes flashed a stern look.

She took a sip of water, suppressed the anger in her heart, and said to the old Alphard with a smile: "If you provide the manpower, I will provide the weapons. I have an armory in the city of L. What weapons do your men need, even though Say, I have it all. Enough!"

   Old Arfate's eyes lit up immediately.

   As early as the last time she was in YL, Ruan Qi revealed that she had three armouries in her hand.

  Old Alphard did not know why a little girl who was only twenty years old had such a terrifying thing in her hand. But if you want to take over the old nest of the X organization, you can't do it without enough weapons.

  The three armouries in Ruan Qi's hand are of great use.

  Old Arfate was not polite to her either. He directly asked her for the contact information of the person in charge of the armory, and asked his assistant to contact him.

   "The soldiers and horses are all full of ammunition, Miss Ruan, let's go."


  Today is the third day of the Global Ordnance Exhibition, and it is also the exhibition day of high-end boutique ordnance.

  The number of people who came to see the exhibition was obviously much more than the previous two days.

   Rolls-Royce with the Alfate family crest slowly stopped outside the exhibition center.

   Ruan Qi put on a cap and a mask, and got out of the car with Arfate and his son.

   "Miss Ruan, do you want to act with us?" Old Arfate asked.

   Ruan Qi shook his head: "My identity will cause you trouble. Simon is waiting for me in the exhibition hall, and I will find him. We will call if anything happens."

   (end of this chapter)

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