Chapter 1491 Predicting danger

   Ruan Qi was going to appear as the Seven Kills at the Armory Show.

   And Seven Kills has many admirers in this circle, and there are more people who want to kill her.

  If Ruan Qi and old Arfate enter the arena together, everyone may guess that she has a close relationship with the Arfate family, and old Arfate may get into unnecessary trouble because of her.

   Ruan Qi walked into the exhibition hall in a low-key manner, not wanting to implicate Alfate and his son.

   There were many more exhibitors in the exhibition hall than the previous two days.

   Ruan Qi pressed the brim of the peaked cap, looked around the exhibition hall, and found Simon and his group who were talking to someone not far away.

   She raised her foot and walked over there. At the same time, she remembered the reminder that Old Arfate had reminded her before.

The   X organization wants to make ordnance, and Solomon is likely to be their target of cooperation.

  If Simon Austin doesn't agree to cooperate with them, then the people of the X organization are very likely to play a trick and kill him.

   For the sake of his good friend's life, Ruan Qi pondered for a moment and decided to use the Koi skill that he had not activated for a long time.

   She stood not far behind Simon Austin, and stared at him with her eyes hidden under the cap.

   After a moment, everything in front of her began to change.

   Simon Austin in a suit slowly fainted with a strong golden aura all over his body.

  Bai Li once said that when a person is about to die, the aura is gray, when there is a **** disaster, the aura is blood red, and the golden aura shows that this person has a very good career line and is very rich.

  Ruan Qi looked at Simon Austin's dazzling golden aura and fell silent.

   How much money does her little friend have?

   The golden light was so dazzling that it almost turned into the sun.

   I really want a lemon.

   The little girl complained bitterly in her heart, and then stared at the figure full of money.

  Simon Austin has the strongest golden aura around him, in addition to that, there is a faint blood color that is not easily detectable.

   Ruan Qi's face sank.

   Simon Austin actually had a bloodbath.

   It's just that the blood is very pale, and the person who wants to attack him doesn't seem to have made up his mind whether or not to really kill him.

   Ruan Qi narrowed his eyes and continued to stare at the back of Simon Austin.

   After more than a year of hard work, the koi skills given by the system have been upgraded again and again. The current koi skills can not only see the aura of people, but also see the dangerous events that may occur in the next month.

   However, this ability cannot see the entire development of the event, only key segments and pictures.

  Ruan Qi stared at Simon Austin, patiently waiting for the foreshadowing to arrive.

   What she didn't expect was that she didn't see a single picture after waiting for half a minute.

   Ruan Qi couldn't help frowning.

   "Uncle Bai Li, the koi skill has failed?"

   Bai Li, who was immersed in the king's pesticides, did not lift his head, and decisively denied: "How is it possible? As long as I am alive, the koi skill cannot fail."

   Ruan Qi: "But I didn't see the foreshadowing picture on Simon."

"That means that he is not in danger for the next month." Bai Li controlled Cai Wenji to play wildly against the frenzy of several teammates, "The koi skill can only see dangerous events, and you didn't see the prediction clip, which means this The kid is safe for the next month. Of course, there is another possibility."

   Ruan Qi: "What?"

Ignoring the greetings from his teammates to his ancestors, Bai Li quit the game, raised his head and said to Ruan Qi: "The user of the Koi skill cannot predict the future related to him. That is to say, if the danger that Simon Austin is about to encounter is related to you So closely related, you can't see what's going to happen to him."

   A post appeared on the forum that night - "818 Shabi Teammates I Met in the Game"



   (end of this chapter)

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