Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1492: Ruan Qi, recognize your identity

   Chapter 1492 Ruan Qi, recognize your identity

   Bai Li's words made Ruan Qi's brows furrowed tightly.

  The aura on Simon's body is blood red, which means that he must have a **** disaster. But she couldn't see the foreshadowing picture, that is to say, Simon's blood light disaster was 100% related to her.

   Maybe, this **** disaster is not only for Simon, maybe her.

  ... It seems that this arms show is going to be extremely dangerous.

   Just don't know if the other party is coming for her, or for Simon, or for the whole Solomon.

   Ruan Qi narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. Simon Austin, who had his back turned to her, seemed to sense something, suddenly turned his head, and saw the little girl who was standing in a daze.

   He frowned coldly: "What are you doing standing there? Putting up a statue?"

   "..." Ruan Qi's heavy heart was instantly speechless.

   worthy of being a capital/capital/home with dazzling golden light, his words are as mean as ever.

   The little girl rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction, put her hands in the pockets of her sweater, and walked over with her feet raised.

  Simon Austin glanced at her, "When did you arrive?"

   "Just arrived." Ruan Qi glanced at the bodyguards following him and asked, "Where's the mercenary group you hired?"

  Simon Austin: "Outside the Convention and Exhibition Center. The number of exhibitors in the exhibition hall is limited. You can only bring five bodyguards. I let them guard outside. What? Is there anything?"

   Ruan Qi shook his head, "It's all right for now, but I think it will happen soon. This arms show is not peaceful, and the advent of R7 will bring a lot of danger to both of us."

   said, she hesitated for a while, and said politely, "Simon, I am an ancient warrior, ordinary people can't hurt me. But you are ordinary people, do you want to..."

   "You want me to leave and leave you here alone?" Simon interrupted her.

   Ruan Qi paused and said slowly: "It's not that I'm leaving me. That is, rather than both of us being in danger, it's better to protect one first. You are the helm of Solomon, if you have an accident, Solomon will be finished..."

   "You are really well-intentioned." Simon Austin sneered, and suddenly, the conversation changed, "But I don't agree!"

   Ruan Qi: "...don't be impatient."

"I just like to play with my spirits." Simon Austin said that he wanted to persuade her when he saw her, his eyebrows were sharp, and he said ruthlessly, "I am the helm of Solomon, and I can decide all matters big and small. You are just an employee, Seven Kills, Identify yourself!"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

The face of    capital/ben/jia is really ugly.

   I really want to slap him.

   Ruan Qi's liver hurts because of the vexatious boss. She gritted her teeth and was about to reveal something about the X organization to him when a voice suddenly interjected.

   "Mr. Austin, we meet again."

   Ruan Qi felt that the voice was a bit familiar.

   She raised her head subconsciously, just in time to meet a pair of twinkling triangular eyes.

   Ruan Qi was stunned for a few seconds before recognizing who he was.

  Ron Smith, the fat man who was slapped into a pig's trotter by her on the first day of the exhibition.

   is also the arms dealer who cooperated with BC Manufacturing to copy her Thor fighter, and finally lost billions of dollars.

   What is he doing here again?

   Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows, but saw Ron Smith glance at her with hatred flashing in his triangular eyes.

   But this hatred was fleeting, and he quickly laughed again, revealing the person behind him on the side of his body.

"Mr. Simon Austin," the man picked the corner of his mouth and looked at Simon strangely, "We haven't seen each other for a long time since we parted in court last time. Solomon took my BC to make so much compensation, Can't you give us an explanation?"

   Ruan Qi heard the words and finally recognized who this person was.

  The boss of BC Manufacturing, the bad pen that copied her work, Thomson.

   (end of this chapter)

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