Chapter 1493 Check Check Brain

  BC Manufacturing is a family business that has been established for more than 100 years.

   The last chairman of BC had three sons, of which the eldest son was the best, the second son was a little mediocre, and the youngest son had a small heart and love to hold grudges.

   The chairman originally wanted to pass the position to the best eldest son. However, there were unforeseen circumstances. His eldest and second sons died in a car accident more than ten years ago.

   Helpless, he can only let the younger son, who is not optimistic, take the position.

   And this youngest son did not live up to his notorious reputation of being petty and holding grudges. Just a few years after he came to power, he formed a gang to completely overthrow his father, and then sent him to a sanatorium to 'care for a long time'.

   Since then, BC manufacturing has gone downhill. Established for more than 100 years, the reputation and status of an old military industrial enterprise are already in jeopardy.

   The initiator of all this is Mr. Thomson in front of Ruan Qi, the youngest son of the previous chairman of BC.

   Ruan Qi looked at him calmly.

  Thomson looked at Simon with a smile.

  Simon glanced at him blankly, and said lightly: "What does Mr. Thomson want? The judiciary is the one who convicted BC. If you are not satisfied with the verdict, you can appeal again. Solomon is waiting at any time."

  Thomson sneered when he heard this.

   "Mr. Austin said lightly. Don't you feel guilty for accepting billions in compensation?"

   "What's wrong." Simon said calmly, "It's not me who copied other people's works."

   "You—!" Thomson has a small heart, but a great temper. He looked at Simon's indifferent face with contempt for all living beings, and his heart was full of fire, and he was about to curse.

   However, soon, he didn't know what to think, and laughed again.

   "By the way, I heard that the famous Seven Kills will come this time, why didn't Mr. Austin introduce me? The genius designer, I have admired it for a long time!"

   Thomson said, his eyes swept across Solomon and his party.

   He looked over one by one, and when he saw Ruan Qi wearing a mask and cap, his eyes paused, "I don't know who this lady is?"

   "Friend." Simon's answer was like gold.

  Thomson raised his eyebrows and gave a meaningful 'oh', "Mr. Austin is really sentimental, and he doesn't forget to bring a female 'friend' on this occasion, which is really enviable."

   said, he glanced at Ruan Qi ambiguous, with a bit of ridicule and contempt in his eyes.

   A coldness appeared on Simon's face.

   He looked at Thomson coldly and said, "Mr. Thomson is worth hundreds of billions, don't you know how to check your brain?"

  Thomson's smile froze, "What did you say?"

   "I said, you should go and check your brain." Simon said every word, cold and sharp, "With the current medical level, although the brain damage can't be cured, at least you can take some medicine, don't let you be so shameful."

   When it comes to swearing, Simon Austin is the best in the world.

   Even Ruan Qi could be half-dead from his anger, let alone Thomson who had no energy.

   Thomson's face sank instantly.

   He looked at Simon coldly: "Mr. Austin is still so rude."

   "Overwhelmed." Simon looked cold and arrogant, "I don't have a brain, so I am articulate."

  Thomson stared at him coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

   But soon, he laughed again.

   "In a few hours, the latest gun designs made by BC will be in the showroom. Mr. Austin, I hope you can still laugh by then."

   (end of this chapter)

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