Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1502: Subvert the entire field! (one more fat

   Chapter 1502 Subverts the entire field! (One more fat chapter)

   With the current level of ordnance manufacturing technology in this world, it is difficult to break through the performance of heavy machine guns.

   But R7 not only broke through, but also broke through a full kilometer!

   This is no longer a breakthrough, but a subversion!

  R7's lethal range subverts everyone's cognition and subverts the world!

  The atmosphere in the exhibition hall is like cooking oil in a fire, and it burns instantly.

   Countless ordnance enthusiasts rushed to the commentary stand and excitedly asked Ruan Qi how she did it.

   "This involves a new technology." Ruan Qi pressed the remote control, and part of the technical principles of the R7 appeared on the big screen.

   She explained these principles one by one. The fields of knowledge involved included physical chemistry and mathematics. The complexity and depth made most of the guests seem to be listening to heavenly books.

   Only those related professionals could barely keep up with Ruan Qi's ideas.

   When Ruan Qi finished explaining the technical principle of this paragraph, everyone was shocked to the point of losing their voices.

   "My God... this, this is incredible! How can there be such an amazing technology in the world?!"

   "It's horrible! It's horrible! R7 will turn the world upside down!"

   Everyone was taken aback by the performance breakthrough of the R7.

   However, the fright was far from over.

  The interface on the big screen returned to the performance template page, Ruan Qi pressed the remote control, and the third and fourth performance data of the R7 appeared stunningly——

   Combat fire rate: 10000-15000 rounds/minute.

   Anti-aircraft effective range: 800 meters.

   Everyone present: ! ! ! ! !

   At this moment, it was like a bomb in the fire cooking oil in the exhibition hall. With a bang, everyone was blown into the sky.

   Countless pairs of eyes stared like copper bells, looking at the data on the big screen in disbelief.

   Several senior ordnance experts shook their heads frantically, muttering "Impossible, this is impossible" in their mouths like they lost their minds.

How could   R7 have such a terrifying performance?

   The combat rate of fire of heavy machine guns in this world is less than 10,000 rounds, and the effective range of anti-aircraft is only 500 meters!

How can   R7 reach 15,000 rounds and 800 meters? !

  Everyone can't accept it for a while, and the most unacceptable is the Thomson made by BC.

   He felt bad when he saw the lethality range of R7 before, but now, his heart has completely sunk to the bottom.

   He stared blankly at the big screen, the performance data on it was like a knife, it hurt his eyes.

   Thomson's face was pale, but his eyes were as red as blood.

   He stared at the big screen for a while, and suddenly shouted: "Fake! This must be fake! How can the limit of heavy machine guns be broken so easily?! Solomon's data must be fake!"

  Thomson's words also have some truth. The technical level and limits are indeed not so easy to break through.

   However, this is the Armory Show, a grand event that is highly anticipated all over the world, who would cheat at such a time?

   Unless Solomon loses his reputation.

   However, although everyone knows that the R7 cannot be faked, its performance is too far-fetched, and everyone feels that seeing is believing.

   Ruan Qi also understands everyone's psychology.

   She pressed the remote control directly, and several performance test videos appeared on the big screen.

  The videos were played one by one, and Ruan Qi also explained its technical principles.

   She tried her best to make those high-level and obscure professional language easy to understand. The more everyone listened, the more fascinated they became, and the more they listened, the more they listened, and every now and then they exclaimed and praised.

  When the last video ended, everyone was completely overwhelmed by the might of R7.

   They finally understood what R7 was and what it meant to the world.


  R7's technology will change the world!

   As soon as the data of R7 is exposed, the entire ordnance field will tremble wildly for the birth of R7!

   And the designer of R7, Seven Kills, will be completely on the altar, and no one can surpass it!

  The eyes of everyone looking at Ruan Qi changed at this moment.

   Their eyes were warm, as if Ruan Qi was a rare treasure, and they could not wait to take her as their own.

   As expected of the Seven Kills of Ghosts!

  Only she can design such a terrifying weapon, and only she can subvert the whole world!

   At this moment, no one thinks of BC manufacturing, and no one thinks of M16. In everyone's eyes, there is only R7, only Solomon!

  Ruan Qi felt everyone's enthusiasm, and the red lips under the mask evoked an arc.

   She took the microphone and set off a bomb again.

   "After Solomon developed the new technology of R7, it applied for a patent right to the relevant departments. This patented technology will only be owned by Solomon in the future."

   As soon as this bomb was released, the expressions of some people in the exhibition hall changed.

   Solomon applied for a patent for the R7 technology, which means that even if other colleagues dismantle this technology, they have no right to use it in ordnance manufacturing, otherwise they will bear legal responsibility.

   This is equivalent to blocking the way for those who want to make a copy of the R7 and profit from it.

   The expressions of some of the guests present became extremely ugly.

   And Ruan Qi released a second bomb at this time.

"Everyone knows that there is a rare metal in the manufacturing material of R7. The amount of this rare metal is very limited. Solomon's professional team surveyed for a month and only found four mines. In addition, the manufacturing cost of R7 is too high, so R7 has no The way to mass production. If you want to know the specific situation, you can ask my colleagues.”

   This news is even more explosive than the last one.

  R7 is so powerful, but it cannot be mass-produced.

what does this mean?

   means what is rare is more expensive!

   The greater the demand for a commodity and the smaller the supply, the price will increase accordingly.

  Like the magic weapon in martial arts novels, there is often only one weapon, but the entire river and lake will spare no expense to obtain it.

  Many fast-thinking guests immediately approached Simon Austin and began to approach him and discuss cooperation.

   All the privileges that BC Manufacturing got an hour ago have now gone to Solomon. Moreover, everyone's attitude towards Solomon is more enthusiastic than towards BC.

   Thomson's face turned blue.

   He stared fiercely at Simon Austin, wishing he could stare out two holes in his head.

   But Simon didn't have the energy to talk to Thomson at this time.

   There are too many people to talk to him, even if he has several bodyguards, he can't separate so many people.

  Simon was squeezed out of sweat. He struggled to deal with the two chatters and quickly looked for Ruan Qi's figure in the exhibition hall.

   At this time, Ruan Qi had already left the commentary and hid in the corner silently.

   "Miss Ruan, why are you being lazy here?" A voice suddenly sounded in my ear.

   Ruan Qi raised his head.

  The old Arfate in a gentleman's dress was holding a cane and was standing not far from her and smiling at her.

   Fatty chapter one, two more later



   (end of this chapter)

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