Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1503: Seven kills on the altar (two more)

   Chapter 1503 Seven kills on the altar (two more)

   Ruan Qi hurriedly put away the phone, "Old Mr. Arfate."

   "Miss Ruan," Old Arfate looked at her and sighed in astonishment, "I didn't expect you to be Seven Kills."

   When Ruan Qi introduced his identity on the commentary an hour ago, the Alfate father and son were stunned.

   Especially the old Alphard.

   He is the patriarch of the Alpha family. He is well-informed and naturally knows what the Seven Kills mean to the entire ordnance field.

   It is no exaggeration to say that without the Seven Kills, there would be no current giant Solomon.

   It was the Seven Kills that made Solomon, Simon Austin, and the myth of this field.

  Old Arfate has long wanted to get to know this genius designer. It's just that he was not familiar with Solomon's people, and he was embarrassed to make such a request.

   But he didn't think about it, he actually knew Seven Kills a long time ago!

  The Seven Kills turned out to be Ruan Qi! A little girl who is only twenty years old!

  Old Arfate was like a dream. During that hour of commentary, he listened in a daze.

   Until Ruan Qi finished explaining everything, he finally believed that the genius designer was really Ruan Qi.

   This cognition made old Alphard's mood very complicated.

   On the one hand, he sighed at Ruan Qi's achievements, on the other hand, he was surprised that he knew Seven Kills, and on the other hand, he was hit.

   This blow came from his own son, Abeid.

   They are both raised by their mothers and fathers, how come there is such a big gap between the children raised?

  Ruan Qi founded Solomon with Simon Austin when he was a teenager, and became the Seven Kills that everyone admired.

   But what about his son?

   will soon be seventeen years old. Like a donkey, he will not walk but lead him. Every day, the family and the company make troubles, and he is so angry that he, the father, often wants to cut off the relationship between father and son.

   Oh yes, I heard that this kid even started chasing stars recently, and it was Ruan Qi!

   Old Arfate really began to wonder if the feng shui of the Arfate family was not good.

   Otherwise, how could he raise such a prodigal?

  Old Arfate sighed in a very complicated mood, and said to Ruan Qi with a smile, "After this arms show, the name Seven Kills will be on the altar. Congratulations to Miss Ruan."

   "Old Mr. Arfate is very polite." Ruan Qi waved his hand with a smile and glanced behind him, "Where's Abeid?"

   "Going to the bathroom."

As old Arfate said, he looked around cautiously, and after making sure that there were no idlers, he whispered to Ruan Qi, "Miss Ruan, I have a ruthless request. You should know that the situation in the Middle East is rather chaotic, the Arfate family. Although I have some power, I have to plan ahead. Miss Ruan, I want to cooperate with Solomon, I wonder if you can help me build a line?"

   Ruan Qi immediately understood what he meant, "Do you want to buy an R7?"

"Yes." Old Arfate nodded candidly, "R7 is too amazing, I can't help but be moved. But I know that rareness is precious, as long as Solomon Ken cooperates, I am willing to buy it at a high price. Moreover, I am very happy Reached a long-term cooperative relationship with Solomon, and Solomon will become the only partner of the Alpha family's ordnance weapons in the future."

  The most important thing the Arfate family lacks is money and oil.

   You can exchange money for top weapons like R7, and a god-level designer like Ruan Qi, this transaction is only profitable but not lost.

  Old Arfate was very willing to befriend Ruan Qi before. And now, he is more than willing.

  No one wants to get R7, and no one wants to be friends with Seven Kills.

   He was willing to offer an olive branch as the patriarch of the Arfat family in exchange for Ruan Qi, a powerful ally.

   There are eight days left until the physical book goes on sale, good night everyone~



   (end of this chapter)

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