Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1504: Ruan Qi is a piece of fat (fat

   Chapter 1504 Ruan Qi is a piece of fat (fat chapter one more)

  Old Arfate’s proposal for cooperation, Ruan Qi is naturally willing.

   Aside from her friendship with Abed, she is also willing to let Solomon and the Arfate family cooperate in terms of interests.

   What's more, she and the old Alphard have a common enemy - the X organization.

  The stronger the old Arfate's armament and equipment, the better their odds of winning against the X organization in the future.

   Ruan Qi happily agreed to the cooperation of the old Arfate.

   "Solomon is very willing to cooperate with the Arfate family. I am friends with Abeid, and I will not ask my friend's father for a price. Don't worry, Solomon will give the Arfate family a preferential friendship price."

  Old Alfate was naturally overjoyed.

   He warmly thanked Ruan Qi again, but soon his face became solemn again.

   "Miss Ruan, R7 is so amazing. As its designer, you may have become the target of public criticism. You must be careful these days, especially that organization. They are likely to kill you and Mr. Austin."

  R7 is now the sweetest cake, everyone wants to take a bite.

   But Solomon's power was so powerful that most people dared not attack Ruan Qi's idea.

   But X organization is different.

  R7 cannot be mass-produced, and it is up to Solomon to sell it to whom. This is very disadvantageous for the X organization that needs a large number of ordnance weapons.

  The best way to get R7 is to control Solomon.

   In order to control Solomon, the first thing to do is to kill Simon Austin and the Seven Kills.

   Ruan Qi is in a very dangerous situation now.

  She has become a piece of fat, surrounded by wolves, ready to pounce on her at any time.

   Old Arfate couldn't help but worry about her.

   But Ruan Qi was just the opposite. Not only was she not worried, she was also a little excited.

  R7 The more tempting this bait is, the more anxious those who want to bite the hook will be. Whether it is the X organization or Jiang Chunian, as long as they have a demand for ordnance weapons, it is impossible not to be moved.

   She just waited for these people to take the bait.

   "Old Mr. Arfate rest assured, no matter how many people want my life, I will not let them succeed. Solomon and R7, it can only be me and Simon."


   Simon Austin was entangled by the guests for more than 40 minutes, and finally escaped with the help of bodyguards.

   The closing time has already passed, but the exhibition hall is still very lively, and everyone is talking about R7.

  Simon had no choice but to leave a few assistants behind to deal with everyone, while he ran out of the exhibition hall as if he were running away.

  The usually cold and delicate Solomon boss was in a mess at this time, and even his tie was crooked. He walked with a cold face while arranging the instrument, but as soon as he walked out the door, he saw Ruan Qi and old Arfate holding a cup of coffee and sitting leisurely on the sofa in the lounge area.

  Simon's face suddenly turned colder.

   He looked at Ruan Qi blankly, but Ruan Qi waved at him with a smile.

   "Boss Simon, you've worked hard!"

  Simon didn't speak, the whole body kept blowing cold air, and there seemed to be a bit of resentment in the cold eyes.

   Ruan Qi felt a little guilty by him, she coughed and pushed another cup of coffee on the coffee table, "I bought it for you, take a sip and take a rest."

   Simon's icy face eased slightly.

   He adjusted his tie, walked over and gave old Alpha a nod, then sat on the sofa and took a swig of coffee.

   Too thirsty. Those people are too chatty, and the big boss Austin, who has always been taciturn, expressed his despair.

  Simon drank all the coffee in a few sips. He put down the cup and heard Ruan Qi say: "Simon, old Mr. Arfate wants to cooperate with us Solomon for a long time."

  Simon immediately looked at Old Alphard.

Old Arfate nodded lightly and said with a smile: "Yes. Your company's R7 is very exciting to me. I trust Miss Ruan's strength and character, and I also trust her partners. The Arfate family is happy to be an ally with Solomon. ."

   Such a good deal Simon certainly wouldn't refuse.

   He nodded and said in a low voice, "It's an honor for you to choose Solomon. If Mr. Arfate is free tonight, we can discuss cooperation matters in detail."

   Old Alpha readily agreed.

  Simon looked at Ruan Qi again, "Are you with us for a while?"

   "No," Ruan Qi shook his head, "I have an interview to do tonight, and I have to go back to the hotel right away. I don't like to mix things up when it comes to cooperation, you can talk about it yourself."

   "Okay, I'll take you back to the hotel first."

   Simon finished speaking, and all three stood up from the sofa.

   Ruan Qi pulled his mask on, and escorted by a group of bodyguards, he quickly left the exhibition center.

   At this time, on the side of the road opposite the Convention and Exhibition Center, a black Hummer parked there quietly.

   Inside the car, Gu Feiyang was wearing a Bluetooth headset, leaning lazily on the co-pilot, his long eyes casually looking out the window.

   "Attention, Group B, Group C, there is a group of people coming out of the convention center." The voice of the companion sounded in the earphones.

   Hearing this, Gu Feiyang immediately swept his eyes to the gate of the convention and exhibition center, just in time to see a group of more than 20 people walking out.

   He quickly swept the faces of those people, and when he saw the man at the head, he raised his handsome eyebrows lightly.

   "Simon Austin of Solomon?"

   "Yes." Bo Ye's voice sounded in the earphones, "The patriarch of the Arfat family and his youngest son Abed came out with him."

  Bo also said this, paused for a while, and his tone was slightly puzzled, "How did these two people know each other? The little sister-in-law introduced it?"

  Gu Feiyang did not speak. He stared at Simon Austin and his group for a while, and his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

   The woman wearing a mask walking beside Simon, why is her figure familiar?

   He stared suspiciously at the figure, and said, "Who is that woman next to Simon Austin?"

   "It's Seven Kills." The Eagle Department member in charge of monitoring in the exhibition hall replied through headphones, "Solomon's R7 was moved to today's exhibition, and its designer, Seven Kills, came on stage to explain. That woman is Seven Kills."

  Gu Feiyang raised his eyebrows high.

   Seven Kills is actually a woman?

  Gu Feiyang was a little surprised. He stared at that Qianying for two seconds, and then asked: "R7 was exhibited today? How is the performance?"

"Extremely perverted!" The eagle member's tone was a little excited, "The performance of the R7 has broken through the existing technical level, and it is impossible for the world to find a heavy machine gun that is stronger than it! Brother Gu, please contact the BOSS quickly and let me He asked Solomon to cooperate! R7 can't be mass-produced, let's start first!"

   Gu Feiyang didn't expect his companions to give R7 such a high rating, so he couldn't help laughing: "R7 is really that powerful?"

   "The universe is invincible! All the guests at the exhibition are crazy about it! By the way, there are good multimedia reporters present, you should be able to search the relevant data of R7 on the Internet now!"

   There are two more



   (end of this chapter)

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