Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1508: His daughter-in-law is seven kills (one more)

   Chapter 1508 His wife is seven kills (one more)

   "Tattooed with a flame totem?"

   Bo Ye and Gu Feiyang looked at each other, and both saw surprise on each other's faces.

   There are a lot of people getting tattoos these days, but a group of people get tattoos together and get the same pattern, which is a bit strange.

   "Could it be that the other party is from the black/// gang?" Bo also frowned, "But I haven't heard of any black bang pattern flame pattern in country Y."

Gu Feiyang: "It doesn't have to be black//Tao, some mysterious organizations abroad will also have unified tattoos. It's just that the Eagle Department's intelligence network is so large that it took us half a month to find clues. It seems that this is some kind of flame tattoo. The group ability is not small.”

   Everyone else nodded in agreement.

   Xi Jiu's face became even more solemn.

  Gu Feiyang and Bo didn't know anything about Ruan Qi's family, and naturally they didn't know the inside story of Ruan Qi's parents being chased and killed.

   But Ruan Qi once told him personally that the mysterious organization that had hunted down Ruan Fengmian and Yang Liu for twenty years was characterized by flame tattoos and an X symbol.

  The group behind Pan Feng has flame tattoos, and the mysterious organization that hunted down Ruan Qi's parents also has flame tattoos.

   How can it be so coincidental?

   Are these two groups of people the same force?

   Xijiu pondered for a moment, then raised his head and instructed: "Tell the person who helped Pan Feng to sneak into the Y country, as long as he faithfully draws the flame pattern on the arm of the group, we will let him go."


   The rest of the interrogation work was handed over to the members of the Eagle Division under his command.

  Xi Jiu left the basement floor with Gu Feiyang and Bo Ye after finishing the assignment.

  The elevator door closed with a 'ding', Xi Jiu pressed the floor button, lowered her head, turned on her phone, and sent Ruan Qi a message.

   "By the way, Brother Jiu, have you watched the R7 commentary video I sent you?" Gu Feiyang asked him.

   Xijiu shook his head while editing the information, "I've been busy all night, so I don't have time to look at it. How are the performance data of the R7?"

"Very perverted!" Mentioning the R7, Bo Ye, who is a fanatic of ordnance, immediately opened the conversation, "Seven Kills is indeed a genius designer, she has developed a new technology. Nine brothers, do you know? The lethality limit of R7 It broke through to 5,500 meters! The high-altitude range has also increased by 300 meters! When I came back, I watched the commentary video of the Seven Kills, and it was just two words - awesome!"

  Boye's family are all soldiers. He has been in the army since he was a child, and he knows all kinds of ordnance weapons like the back of his hand.

   can make him so excited, it seems that R7 is really powerful.

   Xijiu's expectations for R7 are a little more.

   The elevator door opened with a 'ding', and the third floor arrived.

   "I'll go back to the bedroom to watch the commentary video first, you all have a good rest." After Xi Jiu finished speaking, she walked out of the elevator with her mobile phone.

   As he walked towards the bedroom, he clicked into Gu Feiyang's chat window and opened the R7 commentary video he sent him.

In the    video, the exhibition hall of the ordnance exhibition was crowded with people.

   There was no one on the commentary stage.

   At this moment, a slender figure turned his back to the camera and walked up slowly.

   Xi Jiu looked at the back in the video, his eyebrows moved slightly.

   He remembered this woman.

   He was in the monitoring room of the exhibition hall this morning and saw her.

  Xi Jiu thought this figure was familiar at that time, and now seeing her in the video again, the familiarity surfaced again.

   He frowned slightly.

   The woman in the video had already stepped onto the podium at this time. She picked up the microphone and fed it twice, then slowly turned around to face the camera.

   Xi Jiu's footsteps suddenly stopped.

   His eyes were tightly locked on the woman in the video, his eyes seemed shocked.

  Why does this woman look so much like…

   "I'm Seven Kills, from Solomon." The person in the video opened his mouth, and the voice modified by the voice changer was full of unfamiliar metal.

   Xi Jiu no longer has the intention to study R7.

   He paused the video, put his index finger and **** on the screen to enlarge the picture, and stared straight at the seven kills in the video.

   He looked at the seven kills from head to toe several times, and the suspicion in his heart grew bigger and bigger.

so similar.

   looks too much like Ruan Qi.

   Xijiu is familiar with every inch of Ruan Qi's body, her waist, her legs, her hands, every part he has been familiar with countless times.

   He will not admit the wrong person.

   Even though Qi Sha on the stage was wearing a fat sweater and covering his face tightly, Xi Jiu was still very sure—she was Ruan Qi!

   Xi Jiu was shocked and suspicious.

   To his surprise, he did not expect Ruan Qi to be the legendary Seven Kills.

   But thinking about it carefully, Ruan Qi and Simon Austin have such a good relationship, which is a doubt in itself. And she does often design ordnance drawings, and Ruan Qi has never concealed these skills from Xi Jiu.

   Therefore, the fact that Ruan Qi was the Seven Kills didn't have much impact on Xi Jiu.

   He didn't feel cheated either.

   Ruan Qi has many identities, but she never takes the initiative to show off. Including the identity of Seven Kills, Xi Jiu believed that it was not that she did not want to tell him, but that she really felt that this identity was not important.

   It's like he is the big boss of the Eagle Department, but he didn't specifically tell Ruan Qi about his identity, not because he didn't want to tell her, but Xi Jiu felt that this identity was not important.

  No matter what he is outside, he will always be Xi Jiu in front of Ruan Qi.

   Ruan Qi's thoughts should be the same as his.

   Xi Jiu is more confused now.

   He wondered why Ruan Qi didn't tell him about his participation in the Armory Show?

   Even Mo Lanxixi and the others don't seem to know that she has this itinerary.

   She ran to the Armory Show with Simon without telling everyone the truth, just to explain R7?

   Xi Jiu always felt that something was wrong.

   He thought about it and sent a WeChat message to Xixi.

   [Xi Jiu: Where did Xiao Qi go today? 】

   Xixi did not reply to his message, but directly called back.

   Xijiu picked up the phone: "Where's Xiao Qi?"

   "I just came back from the interview and I'm having a late night snack." Xi Xi's voice came from the receiver.

   Xi Jiu hummed and asked, "It's inconvenient for you to speak now?"

   "It's convenient, I'm in my room." Xixi replied, "Madam went out with the Arfate and his son this morning. I heard that there is something to do."

   Xi Jiu frowned, "You didn't follow her?"

   "No. Madam said that there are many bodyguards in the Arfate family, so she gave us a day off."

   Xi Jiu's brow furrowed even tighter.

   Ruan Qi didn't even bring Mo Lan and the others, obviously trying to hide it from everyone.

  Why would she do this?

  Xi Jiu was a little lost in thought, and Xi Xi called several times on the other end of the phone before he heard it.

   "Homeowner, what's the matter with you?"

   "It's okay." Xi Jiu paused, then asked again, "Where is Xiao Qi going tomorrow?"

  Cissy: "There's an interview at seven tomorrow morning, and then she's going to Annie Dylan's studio for a photo shoot."

   "Take a day?"

"I don't know this very well." Xixi also felt that Ruan Qi was a little elusive these days, so she wondered, "Mrs. Annie Dylan is her good friend, and it is inconvenient for her best friend to take others with her. So she will return it to us tomorrow. On vacation and with pay."

   Xijiu: "…"

   His little girl has a lot of tricks.

   (end of this chapter)

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