Chapter 1509 Kiss me (two more)

   Seeing that Xi Xi couldn't ask anything, Xi Jiu didn't want to talk to him anymore.

   "Since Xiaoqi asked you to stay in the hotel, then you should stay honest. Don't tell her about my phone call. If she has anything, you remember to tell me as soon as possible."

   Xixi was completely confused by the young couple. But before he could understand, Xi Jiu hung up the phone.

   Xixi looked at the hung up phone with a question mark on her head.

   At this time, in the suite next to him, Ruan Qi, who had just taken a shower, was lying on the soft big bed with a puff puff on her face.

   The phone beside him suddenly rang.

   Ruan Qi glanced at it, and immediately a sweet smile appeared on his face.

   She pressed the switch button, and Xi Jiu's handsome face appeared in the video.

   The little girl smiled wide-eyed: "Jiujiu!~"

   Xi Jiu's thin lips evoked a gentle arc.

   He looked at the little girl in the video and said in a doting tone: "Baby just finished taking a bath?"

   "Yes, I'm going to bed in a while. Jiujiu, why didn't you tell me when you came to the hotel last night? I woke up this morning and thought it was a dream."

"You didn't sleep well last night and didn't want to disturb you." Xi Jiu paused and asked unintentionally, "Xi Xi said that after the awards ceremony last night, you met a man. Baby, who did you meet? Why are you so scared?"

  The smile on Ruan Qi's face suddenly froze.

   She already knew that she couldn't hide what happened to Jiang Chunian last night, otherwise Xi Jiu wouldn't drive over in the middle of the night to accompany her to sleep all night.

   She had thought that Xi Jiu would ask her, but she didn't know how to answer.

   Ruan Qi was stiff for a long time, and then he said dryly: "Just, just a person I don't like very much. I had a festival with him before."

   Ruan Qi didn't want to lie to Xi Jiu, but she really had no choice.

   She didn't want Xi Jiu to know what happened ten years ago, let alone Jiang Chunian.

   Those past events are too heavy, she can bear it alone. Those hatreds, those fears, those bloodshed, she didn't want Xi Jiu to be contaminated.

   Ruan Qi lied to Xi Jiu with good intentions.

   But she didn't know that this lie was so lied that even a three-year-old wouldn't believe it.

   Xi Jiu knew that the little girl was lying.

   He stared at her for two seconds and nodded calmly.

   "If it's someone you don't like, just ignore him. If he bullies you, the baby must tell me. Okay?"

   The man's voice was light, but with infinite indulgence.

   Ruan Qi's nose suddenly became a little sour.

   The fear and grievance that had been accumulating in my heart after seeing Jiang Chunian last night was suddenly comforted at this moment.

  Her Jiujiu is always like this. Even if she doesn't know anything, she is unconditionally tolerant of her.

   Such a good Jiujiu, how could she let him worry?

  Ruan Qi turned his face, avoided the camera and rubbed his eyes, then turned around and nodded to Xi Jiu with a smile.

   "I know Jiujiu. Don't worry, no one dares to bully me. Anyone who bullies me has been beaten into a pig's head by me!"

   Xi Jiu laughed, her eyes swept across the corners of her reddish eyes, and her heart ached.

   "What is the baby going to do tomorrow?" He asked off topic.

Ruan Qi: "There will be an interview tomorrow morning, and then I will go to my friend's studio to take a photo. Jiu Jiu, do you know? I met a young lady at the awards ceremony, and she turned out to be the chief photographer of the fashion industry! Brother Shen said , Miss Annie only takes pictures of top celebrities, I'm a pie in the sky! Brother Shen said that I am Ou Huangjia!"

   She made a crown-wearing gesture.

   Xi Jiu thinks her little girl is too cute.

   He hooked his lips, and smiled coldly: "The baby is not the emperor of Europe, the baby is the emperor of Europe. Xiaoouhuang, when can you kiss me, so that I can also feel European?"

   The career line is tired, so here is a sweet chapter.

   For the pre-sale of No. 27, Mr. Xi frantically sprinkled dog food!



   (end of this chapter)

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