Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1510: Protect someone for me (one more)

   Chapter 1510 Protect a person for me (one more)

   The man's sudden love words made the little girl blush.

   She shyly pulled off the quilt, raised her hand to cover her eyes, "Jiujiu, you've learned badly!"

  The skin of the little girl is very white, and she will faint pink when she is shy, which looks attractive and delicious.

   Xi Jiu's eyes darkened, he pulled the collar of his shirt, and said in a hoarse voice, "Baby go to bed early, don't you have to get up early tomorrow?"

   Ruan Qi, who blushed, nodded quickly.

   "Then I'll hang up first, Jiujiu, you also go to bed earlier, good night." She raised her hand to hang up the video.

   Xijiu suddenly called her again, "Baby."

   "Huh?" Ruan Qi paused and blinked, "What's the matter?"

   Xi Jiu looked at her intently, and after a while, she said, "It's more chaotic abroad, so please pay attention to safety when you go out." He paused, "Don't get hurt."

With these three words   , Ruan Qi's heart trembled slightly.

  Her hands clung to the quilt, trying to smile, "Jiujiu, don't worry, I'm so good, no one can hurt me."

  Xi Jiu let out a 'um' and looked at her fixedly.

   Ruan Qi was panicked when he saw it, and quickly said: "Jiujiu, I'm going to bed, good night!"

After   , she hurriedly hung up the video, pulled the quilt and buried herself under the quilt.

   On the other end of the video that was hung up, Xi Jiu looked at the screen that had been blacked out, motionless and silent for a long time.

   After a long while, he picked up the phone and made a call.

   "Inform Team E of the Eagle Department to go to the Armory Show from tomorrow and protect someone for me."


   Ruan Qi didn't sleep well that night.

   Xi Jiu's last words kept looping in her mind, sourness and guilt kept tormenting her, even in her dreams, she was uneasy.

   At six o'clock the next morning, when Mo Lan dug her out of the bed, she saw a little girl with blue eyes.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, did you stay up late last night to cultivate immortals?!" Shen Wenqian asked angrily.

   Ruan Qi shook his head listlessly, "I slept a long time ago, but I didn't sleep well. Brother Shen, I'm so sleepy." After speaking, she couldn't help yawning.

   Shen Wenqian quickly pulled out two eye masks from the suitcase and stuffed them into her.

   "Your dark circles are too heavy, put on an eye mask to relieve it. Don't lie on the bed, go wash up quickly, and leave for an interview at 6:30!"

  The manager surnamed Shen showed no pity for the delicate artist, dragged her off the bed, took out her phone and played "Uneasy".

  Ruan Qi's scalp was numb from the howl of the lyrics of this song, his whole body was jolted, and he was no longer sleepy.

   She rushed into the bathroom as fast as she could, and 20 minutes later, she was on her way to catch up with the announcement.

   Today's interview is very simple, it took half an hour to complete. After leaving the studio, she got into the car again and went to Anne Dylan's studio.

   "You really don't need me to accompany you?" Shen Wenqian looked at her worriedly.

Ruan Qi sent Annie Dylan a message, shook her head and said, "Sister Annie and I are good friends, and she took pictures of me out of our friendship. It's not work, what are you doing, Brother Shen? Be me and Sister Anne's lightbulb?"

   Shen Wenqian thought about it carefully and felt that what Ruan Qi said was reasonable. Taking pictures and playing with friends is called friendship. If his agent is involved, this friendship will become a job.

   "Then I'll pick you up when you finish taking pictures," he said.

   Ruan Qi shook his head again: "No need. After taking the photo, I have other things to do."

   Shen Wenqian frowned: "What else do you do?"

   "Go to a place." Ruan Qi replied, "I guess I have to go back at night."

   Shen Wenqian's frown deepened when he heard the words.

   After coming from country Y, he discovered that Ruan Qi was mysterious. Except on the day of the Ramy Awards, she was alone wherever she went, not even Mo Lan.

   This is so weird.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, you are always running out these days, what are you doing? I can tell you, don't think that there are no paparazzi because you are abroad. Just after you won the prize, the paparazzi abroad are staring at you."

   Shen Wenqian's heart trembled when he thought of his cub's ability to do things.

   He issued a serious warning with a stern face, for fear that if he was not careful, Ruan Qi would put himself on the foreign hot search list.

Ruan Qi listened obediently, nodded obediently, and assuredly assured: "Brother Shen, don't worry, I really didn't do anything bad. I just went to an exhibition with Alfate and his son, which may take three or four days. "

   Shen Wenqian's heart dropped a little when he heard the Alphard and his son.

  Although that young master Abeid looks unreliable, old Arfate is still very reliable. If Ruan Qi followed him, there should be no accident.

   Shen Wenqian comforted himself in his heart, but ignored one thing—

   Old Alphard is reliable, but his identity is the patriarch of the Alphard family.

  How many people who can hold great power in places like the Middle East are real gentlemen?

  Old Arfate seems to be gentle and polite, but he can stand out from the intriguing Arfate family, and there will be no less blood in his hands.

   Therefore, Ruan Qi following him is the most unreliable.

   But Shen Wenqian didn't want to understand these truths. He sent Ruan Qi to Annie Dylan's studio, and went back to the hotel by car and Mo Lan.

   Ruan Qi, under the leadership of Assistant Anne Dylan, walked into Dylan Studio, which is well-known in the fashion and entertainment circles.


  As the chief photographer in the fashion circle, Anne Dylan has a super high reputation and a lot of resources and contacts.

  Her Dylan studio is like her fame, high-end atmosphere, full of low-key luxury.

   Dylan Studio has four floors in total. The decoration tone is black and white, and there is a cold wind.

When    Ruan Qi was brought into the studio by the assistant, Anne Dylan was taking a photo of a supermodel.

  The supermodel changed poses quickly, and Anne Dylan kept pressing the shutter. The two seldom spoke during the whole process, but they cooperated very well. Ruan Qi was amazed by their super high work efficiency.

   She covered her mouth and let out a small exclamation, and asked the assistant in a low voice, "Is this the style of Sister Anne taking pictures for people?"

   "Yes." There was a bit of pride in the assistant's tone, "Miss Dylan seldom speaks when taking pictures. Because with her photography skills, even if a wooden stake is standing there, she can take pictures of flowers."

   Ruan Qi widened his eyes in amazement, his eyes filled with deep admiration.

   At this time, the photo of the supermodel was finished. Annie Dylan flipped through the photo and made sure there was no problem, then turned her head and met the little girl's peach eyes full of admiration.

   Annie Dylan's bright face opened with a gentle smile.

   "Little Seven is here?"

   "Sister Anne!" Ruan Qi shouted softly, walked over, and handed the small paper bag in her hand to Anne Dylan, "I bought some small desserts on the way, I hope you like it."

  Annie Dylan happily accepted the little girl's gift.

   (end of this chapter)

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