Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1511: Leng Yan female killer (two more)

   Chapter 1511 Leng Yan Female Killer (two more)

   She opened the paper bag, took out a small cake and took a bite, and quickly scanned Ruan Qi from head to toe.

   "Xiao Qi's dress today is very beautiful, like a little fairy."

   At the awards ceremony the day before yesterday, Ruan Qi looked like a queen in a long purple streamer dress.

   And today, she was dressed in white veil and transformed into a little fairy who doesn't eat fireworks.

   I have to say that Ruan Qi's temperament is more varied than Anne Dylan expected. This kind of sweet and salty, but not half-violent temperament, is the most commendable when shooting planes.

  Annie Dylan took two steps back and looked at Ruan Qi carefully.

   "Xiao Qi, what style of photos do you like?"

   Ruan Qi thought for a while, "It's fine. Whatever style Sister Annie needs, I'll try to show whatever style I want."

  Annie Dylan looked at her, thought for a moment, and made up her mind.

   "I have a plan, and it will definitely blow up. But the shooting style is quite different from your usual temperament. I don't know if you can control it. So, let's set a makeup first and try it?"

  Ruan Qi is of course no problem.

   She took a sip and followed Annie Dylan to the dressing room.

  The makeup artist is the royal makeup artist of Dylan Studio. Anne Dylan told her about the effect she wanted, and the makeup artist began to move on Ruan Qi's face.

   Ruan Qi sat for more than two hours.

   Waiting for the makeup artist to finish the last stroke, a cold and sharp woman appeared in the mirror of the dressing table.

  The woman blinked her long eyes, and let out a sound that didn't quite match her temperament, 'Wow—! ', "Sister Qiao, you put on too much makeup! I almost didn't recognize myself!"

   Ruan Qi looked at himself in the mirror.

  The long black hair is **** in a high ponytail, and the gentle eyebrows are decorated to be heroic. The eye shadow is smoky, which deepens the three-dimensional effect of the eye socket. The crimson eyeliner is raised high back, and against the background of the smoky eye shadow, it is **** and glamorous.

   This is a killer who walks in the dark, cool and beautiful, ruthless and bloody.

   Ruan Qi was the first time I saw myself like this, and I really liked it.

   She took out her phone, took a selfie with the front camera, opened Xi Jiu's chat window and sent it.

   Makeup artist Joe brought a suit at this time.

   "Baby, put on your clothes. Let's go to the studio."


   Ten minutes later, Ruan Qi, who had changed her clothes, came to the studio.

   As soon as she opened the door, she heard an unfamiliar voice.

   "Dear Annie, you can't do this to me. I've invited you twenty times, and you should accept my invitation because I hugged you when you were young!"

   "Edward, did you mean that on my first birthday, you hugged me and threw me into the sky, and then missed the catch and almost fell me to death?"

   "Oh Annie, it was just an accident, I didn't mean it. Annie, just promise me. My new movie is about to start shooting, I need you!"

   "I refuse. Edward, I can only make planes, not movies."

   "Only idiots believe that you can't make movies! You won the micro-film gold award in college! I don't care, I'm your uncle, Annie, you have to help me!"

   Ruan Qi stood at the door a little embarrassed, watching the middle-aged man named Edward pester Annie Dylan like a spoiled child.

  Annie Dylan was so annoyed by him that she threw her arm to the side and just landed on the high table.

  The chassis of the high bar table is relatively light. Under the strong impact, it fell directly backwards, and then just hit the shelf standing by the wall.

The   shelf shook a few times, and a glass jug half filled with water fell from it.

  Annie Dylan is standing under the shelf.

  If the glass jug falls, it will hit her head immediately.

  The middle-aged man named Edward saw this scene, his face turned white with fright, "Annie, get out of the way—!"

  Annie Dylan still didn't know what happened, and stood there with a look of doubt.

  Edward screamed in horror.

   At this moment, a black figure flew past him at a very fast speed, hugged Anne Dylan's waist, and brought her to the side.

   Immediately afterwards, a hand stretched out and grabbed it in the air.

   firmly grasped the kettle.

   (end of this chapter)

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