Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1512: Ruan Xiaoqi, Ruan Xiaoqi (one more)

   Chapter 1512 Ruan Xiaoqi, Ruan Xiaoqi (one more)

  The kettle landed firmly in that hand, not a drop of water spilled out.

  Edward widened his eyes in shock and opened his mouth into an O.

  Annie Dylan realized at this moment what danger she almost encountered just now.

   She looked up at the shelf behind her, and then looked down at the water bottle in Ruan Qi's hand, fearful for a while.

   "Xiao Qibao, fortunately you are here, otherwise I might have to go to see God!"

   It hurts when a heavy glass jug hits the head. The most important thing is that the jug is likely to shatter.

   Her fragile head should not be able to withstand so much broken glass.

  Annie Dylan touched her still alive head with lingering fears, and looked at Ruan Qi with a little more gratitude.

  Ruan Qi released the hand around her waist and put the water bottle back on the lower shelf of the shelf, "Sister Annie, don't put things like water bottles in high places, it's not safe."

  Annie Dylan has just experienced a 'life and death', and she simply obeys the words of her savior.

   She nodded hastily, and then pushed the water bottle to the depths of the shelf without worry.

   After finishing all this, Annie Dylan's attention returned to Ruan Qi.

   She looked at the clothes on Ruan Qi's body and the makeup on her face, with deep surprise and admiration in her eyes.

   "I knew you must be very suitable for this look! Xiao Qi, your temperament is more varied than anyone I have ever seen!"

   Ruan Qi was embarrassed to be praised, and smiled shyly, the sharp feeling brought by the makeup to the facial features was instantly diluted a lot.

  Annie Dylan was even more amazed when she saw this scene.

   She was worried that Ruan Qi was too beautiful, which would affect the effect of makeup. But now she knew she was wrong.

   Ruan Qi is really good looking, better than any supermodel and star she has ever seen.

   But her delicate facial features did not frame her temperament. On the contrary, whether it is makeup or styling, Ruan Qi's appearance has great room for development.

  Annie Dylan was completely relieved.

  Ruan Qi's styling and makeup are completely fine.

   But there is still a point to worry about, which is the expressive ability of plane shooting.

   Ruan Qi is not a professional graphic model after all, Annie Dylan is a little worried that the contrast between her design and Ruan Qi's own temperament is too great, and Ruan Qi will not be able to control it.

   But these are not serious problems. Ruan Qi couldn't control it, so she used photography technology to make up for her.

  Anyway, she must make Ruan Qi beautiful today.

  Annie Dillane started pre-shooting with her assistant.

  Ruan Qi stood in front of the background cloth, quietly finding a feeling for himself.

  Annie Dylan wants to create a bloodthirsty, glamorous, and a little morbid female killer today. Ruan Qi has never been a killer, but she has been hunted down quite a few times.

   In addition, Ruan Qi has been destroyed by the system countless times, and he has a super high simulation performance experience. So, she quickly entered the role.

   Ruan Qi's eyes became cold a little bit, and when he looked carefully, there was a faint morbid madness in his eyes.

   She stood silently in front of the background cloth. Suddenly, faint footsteps sounded behind him.

  A hand stretched out to her silently.

   Ruan Qi, who was immersed in the role, stared sharply, and his body subconsciously responded, grabbed the hand, and twisted it back neatly and ruthlessly.


   That was the sound of a dislocated shoulder shaft.

   Immediately after—

"Ah ah ah ah ah!" The owner of the hand screamed.

  But Ruan Qi didn't let him go at all, grabbed his hand and turned his back, and kicked his knee hard with his booted foot, pushing him directly to the ground.

   That man screamed even worse.

   At the same time as weeping, tears flowed from his eyes.

   This sudden change shocked both Anne Dylan and the little assistant. The two quickly raised their heads, and then saw Edward lying on the ground in embarrassment. Ruan Qi twisted one of his arms behind his back and pressed his knees firmly against his back.

   Ruthless, glamorous, ruthless, the little girl revealed the words 'I am a lunatic' all over her body.

  Annie Dylan's eyes suddenly lit up.

   "Just this expression, this posture, don't move!" She held up the camera and snapped at Ruan Qi.

   "Very good, very good! The expression is a little more bloodthirsty and a little more contemptuous. The prey in your hand is just an ant."

   Ruan Qi's eyes immediately changed according to Anne Dylan's instructions.

  Annie Dylan did not expect her to be so expressive, her hands shaking while holding the camera.

   "Xiao Qi, look at the camera! Raise your eyes a little bit, be a little more sinister!"

  Ruan Qi immediately raised his eyes, and a dull and sickly light flowed in the black eyes that were lifted upwards.

   She looked at the camera lens, her red lips hooked, and the tip of her pink tongue suddenly licked the corner of her upper lip bloodthirsty.

  Annie Dylan's scalp was going to explode at her morbid and **** look.

   She suppressed her inner excitement, completely disregarding her image, knelt not far in front of Ruan Qi, and shot her wildly.

   The little assistant who was standing by the side looked at her hesitantly.

  Miss Dylan, do you still remember Edward by Daming Lake?

  Annie Dylan can't remember, she only sees Ruan Qi now.

  What is Edward?

   That was just a photo prop.

  Annie Dylan took the filming for nearly ten minutes. Edward, who was pressed by Ruan Qi, only felt that his life was over.

   The tears that were so painful to cry before have stopped, and the screaming has no strength, and can only have a silent hum.

   "Annie... woo woo... I hurt so much, you got me up first..."

  Annie Dylan fell on deaf ears, still immersed in her work.

  Edward wanted to cry again.

  He propped up his head miserably and made a humble request to Ruan Qi: "This beautiful lady, can you lighten your strength? I think my arm is going to be useless."

   Ruan Qi didn't move, just lowered his eyelids and looked at him blankly.

  Annie Dylan immediately shouted: "Very good! This look is perfect! Xiao Qi, you are the goddess bestowed on the world by God!"

  Edward: "..."

   This niece can't be had.

He groaned in pain and said miserably to Ruan Qi: "Goddess, I didn't mean it just now. I just wanted to come and pat your shoulder and say hello to you. I don't know if you have heard of me. , my name is Edward, and I'm a director. I have a wife, I love her, and I never **** around outside. I really have no intention of being mean to you."

   Edward's heart is bitter.

   He really just wanted to pat Ruan Qi on the shoulder and say hello to her.

   Of course, as two strangers meeting for the first time, it is also a bit rude to pat on the shoulders. But Edward did it for a reason.

   "I see that you have Huaguo Kungfu, so I'm a little excited."

   Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows and didn't seem to believe him.

   (end of this chapter)

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