Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 1514: Participating in "The Lord of the Rings" (one more)

   Chapter 1514 Participating in "The Lord of the Rings" (one more)

  Ruan Qi's movement that violated gravity with his hand shocked the three people present.

  Not only Edward, but also the ever-steady Annie Dylan exclaimed in amazement that she had never seen before.

   "My God! My God! How did you do it, Xiao Qi? You flew?!"

   "Oh my God! Newton will cry when he sees you! Are you really flying? Is there really no Wia on your waist?!"

   "Magic Chinese people! Magical Chinese Kung Fu! As expected in the TV series, it's true!"

  Three foreigners who had never seen the world yelled at Ruan Qi, looking at her as if they were looking at a giant panda.

   Ruan Qi said to them funny: "Huaguo martial arts can do this trick to a certain level. It's not flying, it's just a little lighter."

   "That's amazing too! Miss Ruan, I didn't even feel your weight when your toes stepped on my shoulders!" Edward's eyes glowed, "You're amazing!"

   Edward said, as if he suddenly thought of something, he grabbed Ruan Qi's arm.

   Ruan Qi was taken aback by him, "Mr. Edward..."

   "Dear Miss Ruan," Edward looked at her with bright eyes, "Can I invite you to star in my new movie?"

   Ruan Qi didn't react for a while: "...Ah?"

   "My new fantasy movie, "The Lord of the Rings". There is a character of an oriental fairy in it, Miss Ruan, I think you are very suitable!"

  According to the original character setting, the oriental fairy in The Lord of the Rings should be a male character.

   But after seeing Ruan Qi's skills, Edward's mind changed instantly.

   He wants to create a female oriental fairy, an oriental goddess who has a beautiful appearance and is admired by countless people, but is powerful, cruel, and aloof!

   This setting is simply too emotional!

   There must be many people who love to watch it!

  Edward became more excited the more he thought about it, he held Ruan Qi's arm tightly, wishing he could drag her into the crew now.

   "Miss Ruan, I sincerely invite you to join the movie "The Lord of the Rings". The role of the Oriental Immortal has a lot of roles, and also has a lot of fight scenes, it is very suitable for you!"

   "Uh..." Ruan Qi didn't expect to run out to take a photo, and he would be able to do so many things. Her head was a little stunned, and after a while, she said, "Mr. Edward, thank you very much for your favor. But you haven't seen me act, so it's a bit..."

Edward understood what she meant, waved his hand, and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter! This role doesn't need too much acting. The Oriental Immortal has a stunning ice cube face, you don't need to make too many expressions, you only need to be responsible for Meihe. Just fight."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Why do you think this movie is unreliable the more you listen to it?

   Is this really a well-known European and American director?

   Ruan Qi looked at Annie Dylan tremblingly and sent her a signal for help.

Annie Dylan smiled and nodded: "Although Uncle Edward is a little unreliable, he attaches great importance to his works. He said that you are suitable, and you are really suitable. Xiao Qi, you can think about it, this is an opportunity ."

   Ruan Qi has opened up the western market in music, but she has not made any achievements in film and television.

   Although the several movies and TV series she has acted in before have a good reputation, she is not the protagonist in the end, and if she wants to win the award, she is at most the best supporting role.

   And her first time as the female lead "Blade" was released tonight, and it is unknown how the broadcast effect will be.

   Ruan Qi still has a long way to go in film and television. Domestically and abroad.

  Edward's film "The Lord of the Rings" is indeed a good opportunity. Although Dongfang Xianren is only a supporting role, there are many dramas and the role setting is also interesting. As long as it is played well, it will definitely be very popular.

"Seven girls, take it." Ruan Qi was thinking about it when Bai Li in the system suddenly said, "Every film directed by Edward will be released worldwide. This is a good opportunity to collect beliefs. Besides, this film is really good. , both the production team and the script are top-notch in the industry.”

   Ruan Qi wanted to collect Faith Points, but he couldn't accept every bad script. Bai Li evaluated "The Lord of the Rings" as a masterpiece indeed.

   Ruan Qi pondered for a moment and made a decision in his heart.

   "Mr. Edward, I need to call my agent to discuss."

"Yes, yes, of course, no problem!" Edward said quickly, "The Lord of the Rings is still in the preparatory stage, and it is estimated that the official filming will wait until the end of December at the end of the year. There are not many scenes in the Oriental Immortal, and it can be filmed in half a month. Finished. Miss Ruan, you can coordinate the itinerary with your agent."

  Ruan Qi took over the youth school drama of Fang Tong and his wife Xu Mu after filming "Blade". However, the script of that drama is still being written and run-in, and the filming time will not be able to join the group until early next year.

   In addition, in early December she will have a cameo role in a big-budget movie. There are not many scenes, but there are enough eyes, and the filming can be finished in a week.

   "The Lord of the Rings" will start filming at the end of December, just in time for seamless transition.

   Ruan Qi calculated the time for several plays and called Shen Wenqian.

   When Shen Wenqian answered the phone, he thought that Ruan Qi had finished taking pictures and wanted him to pick her up. But before he could speak, the girl smashed a message over and blinded him directly.

   Director Edward, the large-scale fantasy movie "The Lord of the Rings", invited her to participate.

   Shen Wenqian knew every word, but he couldn't understand them together.

  Edward invited Ruan Qi to act in his movie?


  Edward who is a very famous top film director abroad, even the best actor and the best actor have to play a supporting role in his movies?

   Shen Wenqian felt that he really should go to the hospital.

  Hang up the ENT number and check why he keeps having auditory hallucinations.

   The agent of Shen Da, who felt that he had a problem with his ears, held the phone for a long time and said nothing.

   Ruan Qi didn't hear him speak for a long time, and couldn't help but wonder: "Brother Shen, are you still there? Shall I accept Mr. Edward's invitation? Is the schedule open?"

  Shen Wenqian: "... Ruan Xiaoqi, today is not April 1st."

"What is April 1st? It's October now, and April 1st is early." Ruan Qi didn't know why, "Brother Shen, what nonsense are you talking about? Just think about the business, Mr. Edward will be waiting for you by my side. the answer!"

   Shen Wenqian: ? ? ?

  Shen Wenqian: ...! ! !

   "Director Edward is by your side?!" The sleepwalking agent surnamed Shen finally woke up.

   He asked in disbelief: "Did you really meet Edward?! He invited you to play in his movie?!"

"That's right. Mr. Edward is sister Anne's uncle. I took pictures in sister Anne's studio and happened to meet him. He likes Chinese martial arts very much, so he wants me to play the role of the Oriental Immortal. Brother Shen, what do I want? Don't take it?"

   (end of this chapter)

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